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A. E90s for 6 sets:
1 clean pull w/ pause below-the-knee + 1 power clean w/ pause in receiving position
*Prioritize positions over load lifted.
**Reset between reps.
B. EMOTM 10:
1st: 30s DB manmakers
2nd: 30s DB hang clean & jerks
*Same weight for both. Should be able to keep moving the whole time. Err on the side of “moderate” over “heavy.”
1st: 20s/arm single-arm ring rows
2nd: 45s banded tricep push-downs


A. E90s for 6 sets:
Power clean w/ pause at mid-shin + Below-the-knee power clean
*Start moderate and build per set. No misses.
**Hang onto the bar between reps.
B. EMOTM 10:
1st: 1 ring muscle-up + 16 walking lunges + 1 ring muscle-up
2nd: 1 power snatch + 20s assault bike @ faster than 10 minute pace
1st: 1 bar muscle-up + 5 burpees, no push-up + 1 bar muscle-up
2nd: 1 clean & jerk* + 20s assault bike @ faster than 10 minute pace
*Touch-and-go between clean & jerk.



A. E2min for 3 sets:
1st: 6 deadlifts @ 31×1 tempo
2nd: 5 deadlifts @ 31×1 tempo
3rd: 4 deadlifts @ 31×1 tempo
*Build per set. Reset each rep.
B. 5 min AMRAP @ high effort/90%:
12 wall balls
10 step-ups, alternating
6 ball slams
*Should be unbroken sets.
(Rest 5 min)
12 min AMRAP @ 80%:
400m run
10 goblet squats (moderate)
10 step-ups, alternating
10 ball slams


A. Deadlift
Build to a tough set of 4 in 12 minutes @ 31×1 tempo
*No misses. Reset each rep.
B. 5 min AMRAP @ high effort/90%:
12 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 10’)
9 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
6 ball slams (tough)
(Rest 5 min)
12 min AMRAP @ 80%:
400m run
10 wall balls (14 to 10’/10 to 10’)
10 step-ups, alternating (24”/20”)
10 ball slams (20/15)



A. Accumulate 60-120s in a wall-supported handstand* and 60-120s hanging from rings**
*Wall climb as high as comfortable if kicking up is not an option.
**Can hang in ring row position as necessary.
B. E2min for 3 sets:
1st: 6 back squats @ 30×1 tempo
2nd: 5 back squats @ 30×1 tempo
3rd: 4 back squats @ 30×1 tempo
*Build per set.
C. 12 min:
1 min jump rope (singles or double-unders)
1 min DB waiter’s walk, right (moderate)
1 min rowing
1 min air squats
1 min DB waiter’s walk, left (moderate)
1 min rowing


A. EMOTM 10:
1st: 20-30s wall-facing shoulder taps
2nd: 30-45s hang from rings
B. Back squat
Build to a heavy set of 2 @ 30×1 tempo in 12 minutes
C. For time:
100 double-unders
6 Turkish get-ups, alternating (55/35)
10 double KB front rack squats (70/hand – 55/hand)
1 mile assault bike
10 double KB front rack squats (70/hand – 55/hand)
6 Turkish get-ups, alternating (55/35)
100 double-unders
*12 minute cap



1st: 30s DB floor press @ 21×0 tempo
2nd: 30-45s FLR on rings
B. Pendlay row
4×5; Across; 31×0 tempo; Rest 90s
C. 7 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12-15…row calories
3-6-9-12-15…goblet squats


A. E2min for 4 sets:
Strict ring muscle-up + 3 strict ring dips + Kipping ring muscle-up + 3 kipping ring dips
B. Pendlay row
5,2,3,2; 31×0 tempo; Waveload; Rest 90s
C. For time:
21 assault bike calories
9 thrusters (95/65)
15 assault bike calories
15 thrusters (95/65)
9 assault bike calories
21 thrusters (95/65)
*7 min cap.



A. EMOTM 12:
1st: 6-8 strict press @ 20×0 tempo
2nd: 6-8 double DB deadlifts @ 20×0 tempo
*Both heads of DBs touch the ground.
3rd: Rest
B. In teams of two – partners alternate rounds:
7 min AMRAP:
12 DB snatches
6 burpees
(Rest 3 min)
7 min AMRAP:
12 box jumps, step down
6 burpees


A. EMOTM 12:
1st: 8-10 DB Z press @ 30×0 tempo
2nd: 10 Russian KB swings (heavy)
3rd: 60s kneeling banded hip extensions
4th: Rest
B. In teams of two – partners alternate rounds:
7 min AMRAP:
12 DB snatches, unbroken* (50/35)
6 burpees
*Switch hands in mid-air
(Rest 3 min)
7 min AMRAP:
6 DB snatches, unbroken* (70/50)
6 burpee box jump overs (24”/20”)
*Switch hands in mid-air.


30 Assault Bike Calories
50 Box Jumps
30 Assault Bike Calories
40 Burpees
30 Assault Bike Calories
30 DB Thrusters
30 Assault Bike Calories
40 Wall Balls
30 Assault Bike Calories
50 Ring Rows, Tough

For time- (One person working at a time)
40 Assault Bike Calories
50 Box Jumps (24/20)
40 Assault Bike Calories
40 Burpees
40 Assault Bike Calories
30 KB Clean & Jerk (53/35/Hand)
40 Assault Bike Calories
40 Wall Balls (20/14)
40 Assault Bike Calories
50 Pull Ups


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