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A. FAST warm up- (:20/:10) (w/r)
1. DB snatches/ ring support hold
2. Banded good morning/ shoulders 45 degrees
3. Assault Bike/ seated DB bent over row
4. GHD back extensions/ straight leg sit ups w/ weight
5. Treadmill/ hollow hold
6. Ski/ hanging knee raises
7. Hurdle- lateral hop/ shoulders front & side
8. Burpees/ flutter kicks

B. “18.0”
DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
Lateral burpees over-the-dumbbell
*Fitness does not need to meet new 18.0 burpee standards
**7 min cap.

C. 10 min:
30s KB suitcase deadlifts, right
30s KB suitcase hold, right
30s KB suitcase deadlifts, left
30s KB suitcase holds, left
-Rest 30s

A. FAST warm up- (:20/:10) (w/r)
1. DB snatches/ ring support hold
2. Banded good morning/ shoulders 45 degrees
3. Assault Bike/ seated DB bent over row
4. GHD back extensions/ straight leg sit ups w/ weight
5. Treadmill/ hollow hold
6. Ski/ hanging knee raises
7. Hurdle- lateral hop/ shoulders front & side
8. Burpees/ flutter kicks

B. “18.0”
DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
Lateral burpees over-the-dumbbell
*DB snatch hand switch must occur below eye level.
**Burpee jump must be two feet up and two feet down. Do not have to reach full extension on burpee but can’t stay folded in half while jumping.
***7 min cap.

C. 10 min:
30s KB suitcase deadlifts, right
30s KB suitcase hold, right
30s KB suitcase deadlifts, left
30s KB suitcase holds, left
-Rest 30s


A. Power snatch
Build to a tough 1.1.1 for today with perfect technique

B. Snatch-grip RDL – no hook grip
3×8-10; 31×1 tempo; Rest 90-120s

C. 7 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…DB cleans
3-6-9-12…DB front squats
3-6-9-12…box jumps, step down

A. Squat snatch
3,1,2,1; Waveload; Rest 2 min
*Reset each rep.

B. Snatch-grip RDL – no hook grip
3×8-10; 31×1 tempo; Rest 90-120s

C. 7 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…squat snatches (95/65)
3-6-9-12…chest-to-bar pull-ups


In teams of two, partners alternate as necessary—
From 0:00-10:00—
40 DB lunges, alternating
50 Russian KB swings
40 DB lunges, alternating
50 Russian KB swings
40 DB lunges, alternating
*Rest the remainder of the time if completed.
From 10:00-20:00—
125 single-unders
750m row
125 single-unders
750m row
125 single-unders
*Rest the remainder of the time if completed.
@ 20:00 —
4 rounds:
1:15 row @ gradually escalating pace – sprint last 15s (Partner 1)
1:15 row @ gradually escalating pace – sprint last 15s (Partner 2)

In teams of two, partners alternate as necessary—
From 0:00-10:00—
50 single-arm DB overhead lunges, alternating (50/35)
50 deadlifts (185/125)
50 single-arm DB overhead lunges, alternating (50/35)
50 deadlifts (185/125)
50 single-arm DB overhead lunges, alternating (50/35)
*Rest the remainder of the time if completed.
From 10:00-20:00—
250 double-unders
3 miles assault bike
250 double-unders
*Rest the remainder of the time if completed.
@ 20:00—
1st: 12s assault bike @ 100% (Partner 1)
2nd: 12s assault bike @ 100% (Partner 2)


In teams of two – partners switch as necessary —
For time:
25 ball slams
20 box jumps, step down
30 D-ball over shoulder
25 ball slams
20 box jumps, step down
24 D-ball over shoulder
25 ball slams
20 box jumps, step down
18 D-ball over shoulder
25 ball slams
20 box jumps, step down
12 D-ball over shoulder
*30 minute cap

In teams of two – partners switch as necessary —
For time:
25 toes-to-bar
20 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
15 power snatches (135/95)
25 toes-to-bar
20 box jumps, step down
12 power snatches (155/105)
25 toes-to-bar
20 box jumps, step down
9 power snatches (175/115)
25 toes-to-bar
20 box jumps, step down
7 power snatches (195/120)
*30 minute cap


A. 10 min support on rings instruction

B. 3 sets:
AMSAP support on rings – either in dip position or in ring push-up position
30-60s plank
-Rest 2 min

C. 9 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…seated strict DB press
3-6-9-12…double DB bent over rows
3-6-9-12…double DB front squats

A. 10 min ring dip instruction

B. 3 sets:
5 strict ring dips + 10 kipping ring dips + AMSAP ring support hold (complex should remain unbroken)
-Rest 2 min
-Scale by reducing the number of reps or using bar dips.

C. 9 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…kipping handstand push-ups
3-6-9-12…chest-to-bar pull-ups
3-6-9-12…front squats (135/95)


1st: 20-30s supinated hang from pull-up bar
2nd: 30-45s single-leg squats off of box, alternating
*Foot doesn’t touch ground on single-leg squats.
(Rest 2 min)
20 min:
30s double DB RDLs to mid-shin
-Rest 30s
30s burpees
-Rest 30s
30s jumping squats
-Rest 30s
30s plank
-Rest 30s
(Rest 2 min)
1st: 30-45s lunges, alternating
2nd: 30-45s dead bugs, alternating

1st: 30-45s single-arm hang on rings – slowly alternate arms throughout
2nd: 30-45s pistols to medicine ball w/ full pause on top of ball
(Rest 2 min)
20 min:
30s deadlifts (185/135)
-Rest 30s
30s bar-facing burpees
-Rest 30s
30s jumping squats
-Rest 30s
30s hollow rocks
-Rest 30s
(Rest 2 min)
1st: 45s forward lunges off of 2” platform, alternating
2nd: 30-45s dead bugs, alternating


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