Todd Nief


5 min AMRAP:
20 bar-facing burpees
10 deadlifts (275/185)
AMRAP wall balls in remaining time (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
(Rest 5 min)
5 min AMRAP:
20 bar-facing burpees
15 deadlifts (225/155)
AMRAP wall balls in remaining time (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
(Rest 5 min)
5 min AMRAP:
20 bar-facing burpees
20 deadlifts (185/135)
AMRAP wall balls in remaining time (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)

Training notes:
Heaviest deadlift weight should be challenging but manageable. Adjust weights accordingly based upon that.
Record reps completed for each AMRAP


A. Hang power clean + Front squat + Hang squat clean
4x(1+1+1); Building; Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Prioritize positions and speed over weight lifted.

. 21-18-15:
Assault bike/row calories
DB thrusters (moderate)
Assault bike/row calories
DB hang power cleans
Assault bike/row calories
DB snatches, alternating
Training notes:
•18 minute cap.
•Same DB weight for all movements.
Record time.

A. Hang muscle clean + Front squat + Hang squat clean
4x(1+1+1); Building; Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Prioritize positions and speed over weight lifted.
•Make sure these are actual muscle cleans – not power cleans.
•Goal is to understand the dynamic of pulling under the bar then apply that to the squat clean.

B. 21-18-15:
Assault bike/row calories
Thrusters (95/65)
Assault bike/row caloriesPower cleans (95/65)
15-12-9:Assault bike/row calories
Power snatches (95/65)
Training notes:
•18 minute cap.
•Barbell weight should be “moderate.”
Record time.


A. EMOM 10:
1st: 10-30s hang from pull-up bar
2nd: 30-45s plank w/ alternating shoulder taps

B. 15 min AMRAP:
30 lateral plates hops
10 renegade rows
30 lateral plate hops
10 goblet squats (tough)
Training notes:
•Plate hops are preferable to single-unders. Scaling number of double-unders is preferable to plate hops.
•Renegade row weight should be tough.
Record reps completed.

A. EMOM 10:
1st: 5-10s flexed arm hang + 5-10s hang from pull-up bar
2nd: 10-30s shoulder taps, alternating – freestanding if possible
Training notes:
•Don’t come down off the bar b/w flexed arm hang and hang from pull-up bar.

B. 15 min AMRAP:
75 double-unders
10 bar muscle-ups
75 double-unders
10 overhead squats (115/75)
Training notes:
•Modify bar muscle-ups with a “difficult” gymnastics exercise of your choice – prioritize pushing or pulling based upon what you need to work on. Doesn’t have to be 10 reps…
•Reduce number of double-unders rather than scaling double-unders if possible.
Record reps completed.


In teams of two, with partners alternating rounds—
6 rounds each of:
3 min AMRAP—
50 double-unders
300m row
AMRAP American swings (53/35) in remaining time
-Rest 3 min
Training notes:
•Shoot to keep swings unbroken.
Record total reps completed


A. EMOM 15:
1st: 10s row/assault bike @ near all out pace
2nd: 4 box jumps @ tough height or 2 standing long jumps
3rd: 30-45s double KB front rack hold (tough)
Training notes:
•Each piece of this should be difficult – but you shouldn’t be accumulating too much fatigue throughout. You should feel close to recovered after each round when you’re starting the bike again.
•Choose a box height that is challenging but safe. Use the soft boxes if you’re concerned for your shins.

B. 3 rounds:
500m row
12 goblet squats
21 box jump overs, no rebound
Training notes:
•This is a variation of “Helen” – this should be fast and relatively uncomfortable.

A. EMOM 15:
1st: 10s row/assault bike @ near all out pace
2nd: 4 box jumps @ tough height
3rd: 30-45s double KB front rack hold (tough)
Training notes:
•Each piece of this should be difficult – but you shouldn’t be accumulating too much fatigue throughout. You should feel close to recovered after each round when you’re starting the bike again.
•Choose a box height that is challenging but safe. Use the soft boxes if you’re concerned for your shins.

B. 3 rounds:
500m row12 front squats (155/105)
21 box jump overs, no rebound (24”/20”)
Training notes:
•This is a variation of “Helen” – this should be fast and relatively uncomfortable.
Record time.


A. Press
5,3,1; Building; Rest 90-120s
Training notes:
•Each set should be heavy but not necessarily maximal.
Record weights for each set.

B. 13 min AMRAP:
4 strict hanging leg raises
8 strict DB presses
10 DB box step overs
Training notes:
•This should be a “grind”
Record reps completed.

A. Press
5,3,1; Building; Rest 90-120s
Training notes:
•Each set should be heavy but not necessarily maximal.
Record weights for each set.

B. 13 min AMRAP:
4 strict toes-to-bar
8 strict DB presses (40/hand – 25/hand)
10 DB box step overs (40/hand to 24” – 25/hand to 20”)
Training notes:
•This should be a “grind”
Record reps completed.


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