Todd Nief


9 min AMRAP—
3 rounds:
12 power cleans
9 front squats
6 lateral barbell burpees
AMRAP bike/row calories in remaining time
(Rest 3 min)
6 min AMRAP—
2 rounds:
12 power cleans
9 front squats
6 lateral barbell burpees
AMRAP bike/row calories in remaining time
(Rest 3 min)
3 min AMRAP—
12 power cleans
9 front squats
6 lateral barbell burpees
AMRAP bike/row calories in remaining time

Training notes:
•You should have at least a few minutes to work in the AMRAP remaining time on each piece. Adjust reps or degree of difficulty of each piece based upon that.

Record reps completed for each AMRAP

9 min AMRAP—
3 rounds:
12 power snatches (75/55)
9 overhead squats (75/55)
6 lateral barbell burpees
AMRAP bike/row calories in remaining time
(Rest 3 min)
6 min AMRAP—
2 rounds:
12 power snatches (75/55)
9 overhead squats (75/55)
6 lateral barbell burpees
AMRAP bike/row calories in remaining time
(Rest 3 min)
3 min AMRAP—
12 power snatches (75/55)
9 overhead squats (75/55)
6 lateral barbell burpees
AMRAP bike/row calories in remaining time

Training notes:
•You should have at least a few minutes to work in the AMRAP remaining time on each piece. Adjust reps or degree of difficulty of each piece based upon that.

Record reps completed for each AMRAP


A. Power clean + Hang power clean
4x(2+2); Building; Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Prioritize positions and speed over weight lifted.
•Do two power cleans then two hang power cleans

B. 3 rounds:
1 min AMRAP box jumps, step down
1 min AMRAP ball slams
1 min AMRAP DB thrusters
-Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Heaviest barbell weight should be “moderately tough” – adjust weights accordingly
Record total reps completed.

A. Muscle clean + Hang muscle clean + Power clean + Hang power clean
4x(1+1+1+1); Building; Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Prioritize positions and speed over weight lifted.
•Make sure these are actual muscle cleans – not power cleans.
•By switching back and forth between muscle and power cleans we can work on truly owning the turnover.

B. E5min for 3 sets:
20 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
15 toes-to-bar
*1st set: 12 @ 135/95
*2nd set: 9 @ 155/105
*3rd set: 6 @ 175/115
Training notes:
•Heaviest barbell weight should be “moderately tough” – adjust weights accordingly
Record time.


A. Plank w/ alternating shoulder taps
4xAMSAP (-5); Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•Leave about 5 seconds in the tank on each set.
Record time to complete.

B. 15 min AMRAP:
20 lateral hurdle hops
20 row/bike calories
10 DB snatches, alternating
20 lateral hurdle hops
20 row/bike calories
10 DB goblet squats
Record total reps

A. Wall-facing handstand hold
Accumulate 3 minutes in as few sets as possible
Training notes:
•Goal is to do this in as few sets as possible – not necessarily consistent sets.
Record time to complete.

B. 15 min AMRAP:
20 lateral hurdle hops
20 row/bike calories
10 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
20 lateral hurdle hops
20 row/bike calories
10 DB goblet squats (50/35)



Beginning on an 8-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  15 squat cleans, (135/85 lb.)
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  13 squat cleans, (185/115 lb.)
If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  11 squat cleans, (225/145 lb.)
If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  9 squat cleans, (275/175 lb.)
If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
  25 toes-to-bars
  50 double-unders
  7 squat cleans, (315/205 lb.)

Stop at 20 minutes.

Movement Standards


A. EMOM 12:
1st: 12s row/assault bike @ near all out pace
2nd: 10 front squats @ fast pace/moderately tough weight
3rd: 12s row/assault bike @ near all out pace
4th: Rest
Training notes:
•Each piece of this should be difficult – but you shouldn’t be accumulating too much fatigue throughout. You should feel close to recovered after each round when you’re starting the bike/row again.
•Front squats come from the ground.
Additional rest in the fourth minute is added in based upon having an additional sprint on the bike/row for each round.

B. 2 rounds @ 85%—
2 min AMRAP:
8 toes-to-bar
10 single-arm DB hang clean & jerks (50/35) – 5/hand
-Rest 2 min
2 min AMRAP:
8 toes-to-bar
6 double DB front squats (50/hand – 35/hand)
-Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Sub hanging leg raises for toes-to-bar. Pick a challenging height for feet to rise to and stick with it.
•16 total minutes of work.
Record time.


A1. Push press
3×4; Building; Rest 30s
A2. Double KB front rack hold
3×30-60s; Tough; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Goal is to add muscle endurance work in the double KB front rack hold.
Record weights for each set.

B. E3min for 6 sets—
1st:  20-40s hollow hold + 5-8 push-ups + 20 jumping switch lunges
2nd: 10 DB push presses (tough) + 5-8 push-ups + 10 jumping squats
Training notes:
•18 total minutes of work.
•Movements should remain unbroken throughout.
Record splits for each round.

A1. Push press
5,4,3; Building; Rest 30s
A2. Strict press
6,8,10; Decrease in weight throughout; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Quickly change weights between push press and press. These are a variation of “drop sets” in that the push press should be difficult and the strict press should just be some volume accumulation on top of that.
•Weights for push press go up as reps decrease. Weights for strict press go down as reps increase.
Record weights for each set.

B. E3min for 6 sets—
1st: 4 strict chest-to-bar pull-ups + 5 push-ups, hand-release + 4 kipping chest-to-bar pull-ups + 5 push-ups, hand-release + 20 jumping switch lunges
2nd: 4 strict handstand push-ups + 4 burpees, no push-up + 4 strict handstand push-ups + 4 burpees, no push-up + 10 jumping squats
Training notes:
•18 total minutes of work.
•Movements should remain unbroken throughout. Adjust reps or degree of difficulty of the movement as necessary.
Record splits for each round.


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