Todd Nief


10 min AMRAP—
4 rounds:
15 power snatches (75/55)
50 double-unders
AMRAP bike/row calories in remaining time
(Rest 5 min)
10 min AMRAP—
75/50 bike/row calories
AMRAP in remaining time:
15 power snatches (75/55)
50 double-unders

Training notes:
•Adjust reps and weights such that you have a some time left on each AMRAP in remaining time piece.
Record reps completed for each AMRAP


Power snatch
4×1.1.1; Building; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•Prioritize positions and speed over weight lifted.

B. 3 rounds:
1 min AMRAP KB sumo deadlift high pull
1 min AMRAP renegade rows
1 min AMRAP KB sumo deadlift high pull
1 min AMRAP burpees, no push-up
-Rest 2 min

Training notes:
•Choose a KB weight that allows you to move steadily for each 1 min AMRAP
Record reps completed for each piece.

Muscle snatch + Overhead squat + Power snatch + Overhead squat
4x(1+1+1+1); Building; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•Prioritize positions and speed over weight lifted.
•Make sure these are actual muscle snatches – not power snatches.

B. E6min for 2 sets—
Power cleans (115/75)

Training notes:
•Adjust reps or movements so that you are able to have at least one minute rest on each round.
•Pace on this should be slightly unsustainable – push it a bit.
Record split times for each piece.


A. Plank w/ alternating shoulder taps
5×10-20, alternating; Rest 60-90s

Training notes:
•Avoid torso rotation as much as possible during plank.

B. 18-15-12:
Double DB shoulder-to-overhead
Assault bike/row calories
Double DB front squats
Assault bike/row calories

Training notes:
•15 minute cap.
•Choose a moderate load on the DBs.
Record time.

Wall-facing shoulder taps
5×10-20, alternating; Rest 60-90s

Training notes:
•Only do the shoulder taps if you’re capable of getting into a good wall-facing handstand position.

B. 18-15-12:
Double DB shoulder-to-overhead (50/hand – 35/hand)
Assault bike/row calories
Double DB front squats (50/hand – 35/hand)
Assault bike/row calories

Training notes:
•15 minute cap.
Record time.



For total time:
3 rounds of:
10 snatches (95/65), scaled (65/45)
12 bar-facing burpees
Then, rest 3 minutes before continuing with:
3 rounds of:
10 bar muscle-ups (Scaled: 10 chin-over-bar pull-ups)
12 bar-facing burpees
Time cap: 12 minutes

Movement Standards


EMOM 12:
1st: 20s row/assault bike @ gradually escalating pace – last 5s at near all out pace
2nd: 30s burpees, no push-up
3rd: 20s single-arm DB thrusters, right (move fast)
4th: 20s single-arm DB thrusters, left (move fast)

Training notes:
•The no push-up burpees should be an opportunity to recover a bit between the row/bike and the single-arm DB thrusters.
•DB thrusters should be at moderately tough/unbroken weight – but still safe.

B. E2min for 8 sets:
1st: 5 handstand push-ups + 15 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
2nd: 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups + 20 jumping switch lunges

Training notes:
•16 minutes total
•Scale handstand push-ups and chest-to-bar pull-ups to a challenging upper body pushing and pulling movement.
Record time.


Push press
3×2; Building; Rest 30s
A2. Double KB front rack wall sit at parallel
3×30-45s; Rest 2 min

Training notes:
•Goal is to add muscle endurance work after push presses.
•KBs should be challenging to hold.
Record weights for each set.

B. 12 min AMRAP:
3 wall climbs
5 vertical ring rows
7 DB presses
9 DB bent over rows

Training notes:
•DBs should be moderately challenging for strict presses.
Record time.

Push press
3,2,1; Building; Rest 30s
A2. Strict press
4,6,8; Decrease in weight throughout; Rest 2 min

Training notes:
•Quickly change weights between push press and press. These are a variation of “drop sets” in that the push press should be difficult and the strict press should just be some volume accumulation on top of that.
•Weights for push press go up as reps decrease. Weights for strict press go down as reps increase.
Record weights for each set.

B. 12 min AMRAP:
3 wall climbs
5 bar muscle-ups
7 strict presses
9 Pendlay rows

Training notes:
•Use same barbell weight for strict presses and Pendlay rows – Pendlays will be the limiter.
Record rounds completed.


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