Todd Nief


10 min AMRAP:
50 burpee box jump overs (24”/20”)
AMRAP in remaining time:
10 single-arm DB thrusters, right (50/35)
10 DB box step-ups (50 to 24” – 35 to 20”)
10 single-arm DB thrusters, left (50/35)
10 DB box step-ups (50 to 24” – 35 to 20”)
(Rest 5 min)
10 min AMRAP:
50 DB box step-ups (50 to 24” – 35 to 20”)
AMRAP in remaining time:
10 single-arm DB thrusters, right (50/35)
10 burpee box jump overs (24”/20”)
10 single-arm DB thrusters, left (50/35)
10 burpee box jump overs (24”/20”)

Training notes:
•Can do burpee box jump overs laterally.
•Complete the 50 reps to start each AMRAP, then do an AMRAP in the remaining time of 10 minutes of the other movements.

Record reps completed for each AMRAP


A. Supinated elevator chin-ups
5×3; Rest 60-90s

Training notes:
•Use assistance to maintain good positions on these.
•Palms facing your face this week.

B. E2min for 16 min:
1st: 10 DB Z press + 10 double DB bent over rows
2nd: 90s bike/row @ high effort

Training notes:
•Z press and bent over rows should be challenging. You don’t have to use the same weight for both movements.
•Shoot for consistency in pacing on bike/row.
•Note that we are doing both presses and rows in the same interval this week as opposed to on opposite intervals last week.

A. Slow eccentric bar muscle-ups
5×1; Rest 60-90s

Training notes:
•Jump to the top of a bar muscle-up, then lower as slowly as possible through the transition.

B. E2min for 16 min:
1st: 4-6 unbroken strict handstand push-ups to deficit if possible + 4-6 unbroken strict weighted chest-to-bar pull-ups
2nd: 45 double-unders + 10 bike/row calories @ high effort

Training notes:
•Prioritize completing sets unbroken. Adjust movement difficulty as needed to maintain unbroken sets.
•You should have some rest between sets as well. Adjust total number of calories as needed so that you have at least a bit of rest between rounds.
•Note that we are doing both bodyweight movements in one interval this week as opposed to last week when they were on opposite intervals.


In teams of four—
6 rounds:
1 min AMRAP row cals
1 min AMRAP DB (hu)manmakers (50/hand – 35/hand)
1 min AMRAP thrusters (75/55)
-Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•Teams rotate through four stations with three people working and one person resting at all times.
Record reps completed.


Segmented clean pull
4×2; Building; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•Pause below-the-knee, above-the-knee and mid-thigh – note that these are different positions than the last time we did segmented clean pulls
•Prioritize positions over load lifted. Do not go heavier than 1RM snatch.
Record weight lifted.

B. 5 min AMRAP:
5 Russian KB swings (tough)
5 push-ups, hand-release
5 vertical ring rows
(Rest 5 min)
5 min AMRAP:
10 Russian KB swings (tough)
10 push-ups, hand-release
10 vertical ring rows

Training notes:
•See how you react to the difference between smaller and larger sets of these movements.
Record reps on each AMRAP.

A. Segmented clean pull
4×2; Building; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•Pause below-the-knee, above-the-knee and mid-thigh – note that these are different positions than the last time we did segmented clean pulls
•Prioritize positions over load lifted. Do not go heavier than 1RM snatch.
Record weight lifted.

B. 5 min AMRAP:
1 power clean (205/125)
1 bar muscle-up
1 wall climb
(Rest 5 min)
5 min AMRAP:
5 power cleans (205/125)
5 bar muscle-ups
5 wall climbs

Training notes:
•See how you react to the difference between doing singles and larger sets of these challenging movements.
•Scale by selecting a movement that is moderately challenging for a single rep for upper body pulling for bar muscle-ups.
Record reps on each AMRAP.


Back squat
3×3; 21×1 tempo; Across; Rest 2 min

Training notes:
•Actually fully pause in the bottom of the squat.
•Build over a few sets to a moderately challenging weight for today, then hit three total sets at today’s working weight.
Record weight lifted.

B. EMOM 6:
1st: 10 air squats w/ 1s pause in bottom
2nd: 30-45s seated single-leg raises, alternating
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
10 DB goblet squats
10 single-arm DB push press, right
10 single-arm DB push press, left

Training notes:
•Maintain good spinal positions on seated single-leg raises – goal is to train hip flexion
•Choose a weight for double DB workout that lets you keep moving – this should not be terribly “heavy.”
Record reps in second AMRAP.

Back squat
Build to a tough 3 for today @ 21×1 tempo in 15 minutes

Training notes:
•Actually fully pause in the bottom of the squat.
•Shoot for a few warm-up sets then build over 4-5 sets to a challenging – but not necessarily maximal – set of 3 for today.
Record weight lifted.

B. EMOM 6:
1st: 10 jumping squats – jump high
2nd: 30-45s seated single-leg raises, alternating
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
1-2-3-4…double DB front squats (50/hand – 35/hand)
1-2-3-4…double DB push presses (50/hand – 35/hand)

Training notes:
•Shoot to actually jump high on each rep of jumping squats.
•Maintain good spinal positions on seated single-leg raises – goal is to train hip flexion
•Choose a weight for double DB workout that lets you keep moving – this should not be terribly “heavy.”
Record reps in second AMRAP.


Segmented power snatch
5×3; Buliding; Rest 60s

Training notes:
•Pause at mid-shin, below-the-knee and above-the-knee
•Prioritize positions over load lifted.
Record weights used.

B. EMOM 16:
1st: 30s DB snatches, alternating
2nd: 30s lateral hops over the DB
3rd: 30s DB goblet squats
4th: 30s burpees, no push-up

Training notes:
•Move at a steady pace throughout – shoot for minimal attrition between rounds.

Record weight used.

Segmented power snatch
5×3; Buliding; Rest 60s

Training notes:
•Pause at mid-shin, below-the-knee and above-the-knee
•Prioritize positions over load lifted.
Record weights used.

B. EMOM 16:
1st: 5 power snatches – drop each rep
2nd: 30s double-unders
3rd: 5 overhead squats
4th: 30s lateral hops over barbell

Training notes:
•Load on the barbell should be challenging but no misses
•Same load for power snatches and overhead squats
Record weight used.


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