Todd Nief


Segmented clean pull
5X1; Building; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•Pause below-the-knee, above-the-knee and mid-thigh.
•Same positions as last time for the pauses.
•Prioritize positions over load lifted. Build to heavier than 1RM clean.
Record weight lifted.

B. “Macho Man”
EMOM until failure:
3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 push jerks

Training notes:
•Cap at 20 minutes.
•Choose a weight that you can get at least 8 rounds with.
Record rounds completed.

Segmented clean pull
5×1; Building; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•Pause below-the-knee, above-the-knee and mid-thigh.
•Same positions as last time for the pauses.
•Prioritize positions over load lifted. Build to heavier than 1RM clean.
Record weight lifted.

B. “Macho Man”
EMOM until failure:
3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 push jerks (185/125)

Training notes:
•Cap at 20 minutes.
•Choose a weight that you can get at least 8 rounds with.
•If you do not make it to 8 rounds, take 2-3 minutes off and start again until you complete 8 rounds. Adjust the weight as necessary.
•Compare to week of 18.11.26
Record rounds completed.


Strict supinated chin-ups
Build to a 5RM

Training notes:
•Use band assistance as necessary. Build to 5RM with as little assistance as possible.
Record band resistance used.

B. 20 min AMRAP:
8 ring rows
10 DB snatches, alternating
14/12 row/bike cals

Training notes:
•Compare to week of 19.02.04
Record reps completed.

AMRAP set of bar muscle-ups

Training notes:
•Do one AMRAP set of bar muscle-ups. Only one real attempt.
Record reps completed.

B. 20 min AMRAP:
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
14/12 row/bike cals

Training notes:
•Compare to week of 19.02.04
Record reps completed.


In teams of two, with one person working at a time—
For time:
1000’ farmer’s walk (70/hand – 53/hand)
200 wall balls (20 to 10’ – 14 to 10’)
1000’ farmer’s walk (70/hand – 53/hand)
200 push-ups, hand-release
1000’ farmer’s walk (70/hand – 53/hand)
•Both partners perform 3 burpees every time you switch on the farmer’s walk.

Training notes:
•Partners can only switch on the farmer’s walk after completing a 50’ increment of work.
Record reps completed.


Back squat
3×2; 21×1 tempo; Across; Rest 2 min

Training notes:
•Actually fully pause in the bottom of the squat.
•Build over a few sets to a moderately challenging weight for today, then hit three total sets at today’s working weight.
Record weight lifted.

B. EMOM 6:
1st: 30s reverse lunges, alternating
2nd: 30-45s flutter kicks
•Keep low back flat on the ground during flutter kicks.
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
10 DB goblet reverse lunges, alternating
10 DB snatches, alternating
10 DB goblet reverse lunges, alternating
10 ring rows

Training notes:
•DB lunges are in place.

Back squat
Build to a tough 2 for today @ 21×1 tempo in 15 minutes

Training notes:
•Actually fully pause in the bottom of the squat.
•Shoot for a few warm-up sets then build over 4-5 sets to a challenging – but not necessarily maximal – set of 2 for today.
Record weight lifted.

B. EMOM 6:
1st: 20s jumping switch lunges – push the pace on these
2nd: 30-45s flutter kicks
•Keep low back flat on the ground during flutter kicks.
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
10 overhead DB reverse lunges, alternating (50/35)
10 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
10 overhead DB reverse lunges, alternating (50/35)
10 pull-ups

Training notes:
•Achieve full hip extension on jumping switch lunges but push the pace on cycle time as much as possible.
•DB lunges are in place.
Record reps in second AMRAP.


Segmented squat clean
5×2; Buliding; Rest 60s

Training notes:
•Pause below-the-knee, above-the-knee and mid-thigh – note that these are different pauses than last week.
•Prioritize positions over load lifted.
Record weights used.

B. EMOM 16:
1st: 30s DB hang squat cleans
2nd: 30s box jumps, step down
3rd: 30s DB push presses
4th: 30s burpees, no push-up

Training notes:
•Move at a steady pace throughout – shoot for minimal attrition between rounds.
•Same load on DBs throughout
•Burpees w/ no push-up should allow some recovery between rounds.
Record weight used.

Segmented squat clean
5×2; Buliding; Rest 60s

Training notes:
•Pause below-the-knee, above-the-knee and mid-thigh – note that these are different pauses than last week.
•Prioritize positions over load lifted.
Record weights used.

B. EMOM 16:
1st: 5 squat clean thrusters – drop each rep
2nd: 30s box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
3rd: 5 touch-and-go hang power cleans + 4 touch-and-go shoulder-to-overhead
4th: 30s burpees, no push-up

Training notes:
•Load on the barbell should be challenging but no misses
•Same load for thrusters and hang power cleans & shoulder-to-overhead.
•Burpees w/ no push-up should allow some recovery between rounds.
Record weight used.


E2min for 6 sets:
1st: 4 deadlifts
2nd: 3 deadlifts
3rd: 2 deadlifts

Training notes:
•NOT touch-and-go.
Record weights lifted.

B. EMOM 6:
1st: 30-45s circular box handstand walk
2nd: 30-45s tall-kneeling DB push press
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
9 double KB deadlifts
12 ball slams
15 wall balls

Training notes:
•Choose challenging but sustainable weights for the first EMOM.
•Second AMRAP should be challenging but sustainable throughout.
Record reps completed in second AMRAP.

E2min for 6 sets:
1st: 4 deadlifts
2nd: 3 deadlifts
3rd: 2 deadlifts

Training notes:
•NOT touch-and-go.
Record weights lifted.

B. EMOM 6:
1st: 30-45s circular box handstand walk
2nd: 30-45s tall-kneeling DB push press
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
9 deadlifts (185/125) – drop each rep
12 toes-to-bar
15 wall balls (20 to 10’ – 14 to 9’)

Training notes:
•Choose challenging but sustainable weights for the first EMOM.
•By dropping each rep we change the dynamic of deadlifting in a conditioning piece – you have to recreate the concentric force each time which is challenging in a different way than doing touch-and-go reps.
Record reps completed in second AMRAP.


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