Todd Nief


Power clean & push jerk
4×3; Building; Rest 90-120s

Training notes:
•Reset each rep – not touch-and-go.
•We’ve been working on a lot of positional stuff for weightlifting – don’t let that work go out the window now that we are doing the lifts without pausing.
Record weight lifted.

B. EMOM 15:
1st: 3 position power clean (above-the-knee, below-the-knee, floor)
2nd: 30s burpees
3rd: 30s lateral barbell hops

Training notes:
•Prioritize positions over load lifted on power cleans

Squat clean & split jerk
3,2,3,2; Waveload; Rest 90-120s

Training notes:
•Reset each rep – not touch-and-go.
•Waveload looks something like this: 225 x3/255 x2/245 x3/275 x2
•We’ve been working on a lot of positional stuff for weightlifting – don’t let that work go out the window now that we are doing the lifts without pausing.
Record weight lifted.

B. EMOM 15:
1st: 3 touch-and-go squat cleans
2nd: 10 lateral barbell burpees
3rd: 50 double-unders

Training notes:
•Squat clean weight should be tough but no misses.
•Scale double-unders reps so that they take no longer than 40 seconds.
Record weight used on squat cleans.


Strict pull-ups
5×3; Rest 1 min
A2. DB Z press
5×10; Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•Use assistance as necessary on pull-ups to keep them unbroken.
•Z press weight should be challenging. Build as able throughout.

Record reps completed and weight used.

B. 4 min AMRAP:
10 push-ups, hand-release
10 assault bike/row calories
-Rest 1 min
4 min AMRAP:
10 DB push presses
10 assault bike/row calories
-Rest 1 min
4 min AMRAP:
10 renegade rows with push-up
10 assault bike/row calories

Training notes:
•If necessary scale total reps of bodyweight movements so you can keep moving. Fractioning is ok, but you should be able to get through a few rounds on each AMRAP.
•Elevate hands as necessary to achieve full range of motion on push-ups. Don’t do hand-release if hands are elevated…

Record reps completed on each AMRAP.

Bar muscle-ups
5×40-60% of AMRAP set; Rest 30s
A2. Strict weighted pull-ups5x3; Rest 2-3 min

Training notes:
•Shoot for at least 3 unbroken muscle-ups per set. If less than that, modify the movement.

Record reps completed and weight used.

B. 4 min AMRAP:
10 strict handstand push-ups
10 assault bike/row calories
-Rest 1 min
4 min AMRAP:
10 strict ring dips
10 assault bike/row calories
-Rest 1 min
4 min AMRAP:
10 renegade rows with push-up (35/hand – 20/hand)
10 assault bike/row calories

Training notes:
•If necessary scale total reps of bodyweight movements so you can keep moving. Fractioning is ok, but you should be able to get through a few rounds on each AMRAP.

Record reps completed on each AMRAP.


In teams of two with partners alternating movements—
30 min AMRAP:
25 mountain climbers
20 wall balls
15 KB swings
10 burpees
5 strict pull-ups

Training notes:
•Use assistance for strict pull-ups
•P1 does 25 mountain climbers, P2 does 20 wall balls, P1 does 15 KB swings, etc.
•Compare to week of 18.11.26
Record reps completed.

In teams of two with partners alternating movements—
30 min AMRAP:
50 double-unders
40 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
30 KB swings (53/35)
20 burpees
10 pull-ups

Training notes:
•P1 does 50 double-unders, P2 does 40 wall balls, P1 does 30 KB swings, etc.
•Compare to week of 18.11.26
Record reps completed.


Segmented power clean
5×1; Building; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•Pause below-the-knee, above-the-knee and mid-thigh.
•Only build if segmented positions are solid.
Record weights used.

B. 5 min AMRAP:
10 push-ups
10 vertical ring rows
(Rest 5 min)
5 min AMRAP:

Training notes:
•Chest all the way to the ground on push-ups. Elevate hands as necessary.
•Manmaker weight should be challenging but doable.
Record reps for each AMRAP.

Segmented squat clean
Build to a max for today in 12 minutes.

Training notes:
•Pause below-the-knee, above-the-knee and mid-thigh.
•Only build if segmented positions are solid.
Record weights used.

B. @ 0:00
For time:
30 wall climbs
•7 minute cap
@ 10:00
5 min AMRAP:
(Hu)manmakers (50/hand – 35/hand)

Training notes:
•Nose touches wall on wall climbs & control eccentric.
•Manmaker weight should be challenging but doable.
Record time for wall climbs and score for 5 min AMRAP.


E2min for 6 sets:
2 deadlifts

Training notes:
•Build every 2 sets.
•Final weight should be tough.
Record weight lifted.

B. 10 min AMRAP:
20 Russian KB swings
15 air squats
10 push-ups

Training notes:
•Modify push-ups such that you’re able to do them in mostly one or two sets.
•KB swings weight should be light enough that you can go unbroken for several rounds.
•Compare to week fo 18.11.26
Record reps completed.

E2min for 6 sets:
Sets 1-3: 2 deadlifts
Sets 4-6: 1 deadlift

Training notes:
•Build as able throughout.
•Final weight should be tough.
Record weight lifted.

B. For time:
27 deadlifts (155/105)
21 handstand push-ups
21 deadlifts (155/105)
15 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts (155/105)
9 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts (155/105)

Training notes:
•10 minute cap.
•This is a variation of the named workout “Diane”
•Choose a weight that is at most “moderately tough.” This is a lot of reps on the deadlift.
•Compare to week of 18.11.26
Record time.


For time:
50 assault bike/row calories
50 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
50 assault bike/row calories
50 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
50 assault bike/row calories
50 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)

Training notes:
•35 minute cap
•All weights should be moderately challenging.
Record time


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