Todd Nief


25 min AMRAP:
1500m row/2 miles assault bike
3 rounds:
20 lateral hurdle hops
10 DB snatches, alternating
1000m row/1.5 miles assault bike
3 rounds:
20 lateral hurdle hops
10 DB snatches, alternating
500m row/1 mile assault bike
AMRAP burpee DB box step-overs in remaining time

Training notes:
•Can go lateral to the box on burpees.
•Adjust distances as necessary on cyclical pieces to give yourself some time on DB box step-overs.

Record reps completed.

25 min AMRAP:
1500m row/2 miles assault bike
150 double-unders
40 DB snatches, alternating (50/35
1000m row/1.5 miles assault bike
100 double-unders
30 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
500m row/1 mile assault bike
AMRAP burpee DB box step-overs in remaining time (50/hand to 24” – 35/hand to 20″)

Training notes:
•Can go lateral to the box on burpees.
•Adjust distances as necessary on cyclical pieces to give yourself some time on DB box step-overs.

Record reps completed.


Strict pull-ups
6×1; Rest 1 min
A2. DB Z press
6×6; Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•Use assistance as necessary on pull-ups to keep them unbroken.
•Shoot for heavier than last week – fewer reps.
Record reps completed and weight used.

B. For time:
800m run
3 rounds:
15 ball slams
15 air squats
800m run
3 rounds:
15 ball slams
15 air squats
800m run

Training notes:
•Running and bodyweight exercises should start to prep folks who are planning on doing Murph.
Record reps completed on each AMRAP.

Kipping pull-ups
3xAMRAP (-3-5); Rest 30s
A2. Push-ups, hand-release
3x45s AMRAP; Rest 2 min

Training notes:
•Leave 3-5 reps in the tank on each set of kipping pull-ups. Should be tough and there will be attrition – but goal is not to completely fall apart.
•Protect your hands!
Record reps completed.

B. For time:
800m run
5 rounds:
5 toes-to-bar
7 push-ups
9 squats
800m run
5 rounds:
5 toes-to-bar
7 push-up
9 squats
800m run

Training notes:
•20 min cap.
•Running and bodyweight exercises should start to prep folks who are planning on doing Murph.
Record time.


In teams of two—Complete 100 reps of the complex for time:
3 KB swings
2 goblet squats
1 KB push press, right
1 KB push press, left
•The KB cannot touch the ground. When one partner hands the KB off, he or she must run 400m.

Training notes:
•You can rest holding the KB in any number of positions – just don’t put it on the ground.

Record time.

In teams of two—Complete 100 reps of the complex for time:
Deadlift + Squat clean + Front squat + Push press + Push jerk (95/65)
•The bar cannot touch the ground other than on the deadlift. When one partner hands the bar off, he or she must run 400m.

Training notes:
•You can rest in the hang, front rack, back rack, etc. Just don’t rest with the bar on the ground.

Record time.


Front squat
3×7; Building; Rest 2-3 min

Training notes:
•Build per set, but these should all be tough.
•Shoot for heavier than last week.

Record weight lifted.

B. 12 min AMRAP:
3-6-9…DB strict press
3-6-9…ball slams
3-6-9…wall balls

Training notes:
•Choose a moderately challenging weight for each movement. Should start to get tough after the set of 9.

Record reps completed.

Front squat
9,7,5; Building; Rest 2-3 min

Training notes:
•Build per set, but these should all be tough.
•Less reps than last week, so build a bit heavier.

Record weight lifted.

B. 12 min AMRAP:
1-2-3-4…wall climbs
5-10-15…wall balls (20 to 10’ – 14 to 9’)

Training notes:
•Nose touches the wall and control the eccentric on the wall climbs.
•Have a fractioning strategy going into this. Reps will start to add up on something like this.

Record time.


Turkish get-ups
4×3/arm; Rest 60-90s b/w arms

Training notes:
•Build as able. These should be tough but maintain good positions.

Record weight lifted.

B. 3 rounds @ escalating pace per round—4 min AMRAP:
10 DB box step-ups, alternating (35/hand to 24” – 20/hand to 20”)
12 double DB hang clean & jerks (35/hand – 20/hand)
14 assault bike/row calories
-Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•First round should be at 75% effort (moderate cycle time, smooth transitions, etc.) Last round should be at high effort. If the prescribed weights are too heavy to move through smoothly, reduce them.
•If you don’t have negative splits on this (meaning faster pace per round), you did this incorrectly.

Record reps completed per round.


. Power clean & push jerk
4×2; Building; Rest 90-120s

Training notes:
•Reset each rep – not touch-and-go.
•Build heavier than last week for 3.

Record weight lifted.

B. EMOM 15:
1st: 3 push jerks w/ 1s pause in dip and 1s pause in receiving position
2nd: 30s reverse lunges, alternating
3rd: 10 burpees, no push-up – move fast

Training notes:
•Prioritize positions over load lifted on push jerks

Squat clean & split jerk
3,3,2,2; Building; Rest 90-120s

Training notes:
•Reset each rep – not touch-and-go.
•Build based upon what you hit for waveloading last week.

Record weight lifted.

B. EMOM 15:
1st: 2 touch-and-go squat cleans + 2 touch-and-go split jerks
2nd: 20 jumping switch lunges
3rd: 10 burpees, no push-up – move fast

Training notes:
•Squat clean and split jerk weight will probably be lighter than squat clean weight from last week.
•Burpees with no push-up should be done as quickly as possible.

Record weight used on squat cleans.


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