Todd Nief


A1. Rear-foot elevated split squats
3×10/leg; Short rest b/w legs; Rest 1 min
A2. Double KB death march
3×30-60s; Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•Load RFESS w/ DBs in hands at sides.
•Death march should be sustainable – reduce ROM as necessary to keep spine neutral.

Record weights used.

B. 5 sets:
1 min assault bike @ escalating pace throughout
30s double DB front squats (50/hand – 35/hand)
30s wall sit at parallel
-Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•Start assault bike @ moderate pace and increase pace so that the last 20s of each set are at a challenging pace.
•DB front squats should be unbroken. Fitness can scale to goblet squats.


A1. Ring push-ups
3xAMRAP (-2); Rest 1 min
A2. Lateral plank walk
3×30-60s; Rest as needed

Training notes:
•Don’t go to failure on push-ups – leave 2 reps in the tank on each set.
•Elevate rings as necessary to facilitate full range of motion without significant compensation on push-ups. If rings are not realistic, do a more challenging push-up variation than you did last week.
•Lateral plank walk:

Record reps completed on sets of push-ups.

B. In teams of two—
20 min AMRAP:
3 burpees
6 Russian KB swings
9 air squats
•Non-working partner holds the bottom of a squat.

Training notes:
•Partners alternate rounds.

Record rounds completed.

A1. Weighted strict ring dips
3×5; Rest 1 min
A2. Stir-the-pot
3×30-60s; Rest as needed

Training notes:
•Choose a weight that is challenging but sustainable for weighted dips.
•Make sure that hips move on ring dips

Record weight used on sets of ring dips.

B. In teams of two—
20 min AMRAP:
3 burpees
6 hang power cleans (115/75)
9 air squats
•Non-working partner holds the bottom of a squat.

Training notes:
•Partners alternate rounds.

Record rounds completed.


Every 10 minutes for 40 minutes in teams of two—
400m run – both partners run
50’ single-arm DB overhead walking lunges, right (70/50) – each partner lunges separately
400m run – both partners run
50’ single-arm DB overhead walking lunges, left (70/50)

Training notes:
•Wait to start lunging until both partners are back from the run.
•Go a bit heavier than you normally would on the DB lunges.

Record time.


A1. Strict pull-ups w/ assistance as necessary
3×5; Rest 45s
A2. Strict bar dips w/ assistance as necessary
3×5; Rest 45s
A3. Devil presses
3×10; Tough; Rest 2-3 min

Training notes:
•Try to choose an amount of resistance that is difficult but sustainable across sets.
•Devil presses should be tough but not so heavy that you slow down significantly throughout.

Record AMRAP sets.

B. 10 min AMRAP:
10 single-arm DB thrusters, left
8 burpee box jump overs
10 single-arm DB thrusters, right
8 burpee box jump overs

Training notes:
•This should be a slower/grindy piece.
•Weights should be tough but manageable.

Record reps completed.

A1. Strict chest-to-bar pull-ups
3xAMRAP (-2); Rest 45s
A2. Strict handstand push-ups
3xAMRAP (-2); Rest 45s
A3. Devil presses
3×10; Tough; Rest 2-3 min

Training notes:
•Leave a few reps in the tank on the bodyweight movements.
•Devil presses should be tough but not so heavy that you slow down significantly throughout.

Record AMRAP sets.
B. 10 min AMRAP:
6 Turkish get-ups, alternating (53/35)
8 burpee box jump overs (24”/20”)
10 DB thrusters (50/hand – 35/hand)

Training notes:
•This should be a slower/grindy piece.
•Weights should be tough but manageable.

Record reps completed.


A. EMOM 9:
Mins 1-3: 4 deadlifts
Mins 4-6: 3 deadlifts
Mins 7-9: 2 deadlift

Training notes:
•Reset each rep – not touch-and-go.
•Build in weight every 3 minutes.
•Tough but no misses.

Record weight used.

B. 3 rounds @ escalating pace per round:
1 mile assault bike
21 Russian KB swings
12 ball slams

Training notes:
•Start at moderately tough effort and increase pace per round. Choose weights that enable you to do this.

Record split time per round.

A. EMOM 9:
Mins 1-3: 4 deadlifts
Mins 4-6: 3 deadlifts
Mins 7-9: 2 deadlifts

Training notes:
•Reset each rep – not touch-and-go.
•Build in weight every 3 minutes.
•Tough but no misses.

Record weight used.

B. For time:
1000m row
9 toes-to-bar
21 Russian KB swings (unbroken)
750m row
15 toes-to-bar
27 Russian KB swings (unbroken)
500m row
21 toes-to-bar
33 Russian KB swings (unbroken)

Training notes:
•Choose a weight that allows you to stay unbroken on the KB swings.

Record time.


For time:
800m run
5 min AMRAP:
20 lateral hurdle hops
10 DB snatches, alternating
800m run
5 min AMRAP:
19 wall balls
19 box jumps, step down
800m run

Training notes:
•25 minute cap.

Record time.

For time:
800m run
5 rounds:
30 double-unders
15 power snatches (55/75)
800m run
5 rounds:
19 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
19 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
800m run

Training notes:
•25 minute cap.

Record time.


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