Todd Nief


A. E90s for 6 sets:
2 deadlifts

Training notes:
•Reset each rep – not touch-and-go.
•Build in weight every 2 sets.

Record weight used.

B. For time:
21 double KB deadlifts
21 ball slams
35 lateral hurdle hops
15 double KB deadlifts
15 ball slams
25 lateral hurdle hops
9 double KB deadlifts
9 ball slams
15 lateral hurdle hops

Training notes:
•Deadlift weight should be moderate.
•12 minute cap

Record time.

A. E90s for 6 sets:
4 bar-facing burpees + 2 deadlifts

Training notes:
•Reset each rep – not touch-and-go.
•Start moderate and build in weight every 2 sets.

Record top weight.

B. For time:
21 deadlifts (185/125)
21 toes-to-bar
100 double-unders
15 deadlifts (185/125)
15 toes-to-bar
75 double-unders
9 deadlifts (185/125)
9 toes-to-bar
50 double-unders

Training notes:
•Deadlift weight should be moderate.
•12 minute cap

Record time.


A1. Lateral plank walk
3×30-60s; Rest 1 min
A2. Turkish get-ups
3×4, alternating; Tough; Rest as needed

Training notes:
•This will be tough from a shoulder muscle endurance perspective.

Record reps completed on sets of push-ups.

B.In teams of two with partners alternating rounds—
20 min AMRAP:
4 vertical ring rows
6 push-ups, hand-release
10 DB snatches, alternating (tough)

Training notes:
•Partners alternate rounds.
•Don’t control the eccentric (lowering) phase of the jumping pull-ups.

Record rounds completed.

A1. Handstand walk
3x60s AMRAP; Rest 1 min
A2. Turkish get-ups
3×4, alternating; Tough; Rest as needed

Training notes:
•Alternate after each rep on Turkish get-ups.
•This will be challenging on shoulder muscle endurance.

B. In teams of two with partners alternating rounds—
20 min AMRAP:
2 strict ring muscle-ups
6 handstand push-ups, 2” deficit
10 DB snatches, alternating (70/50)

Training notes:
•Partners alternate rounds.
•Modify bodyweight movements as necessary to keep each round in the 2 min range.
•Can modify strict muscle-ups to kipping.
•Deficit should be challenging but reduce deficit or reps as necessary to keep moving.

Record rounds completed.


In teams of two—
30 min AMRAP:
One partner completes—
400m run/500m row
Other partner works on—
5 pull-ups/ring rows
10 thrusters (75/55)
30 double-unders/10 lateral hurdle hops

Training notes:
•Partners switch when one partner finishes running or rowing.
•Pick up where your partner left off on the triplet – score is based upon total reps completed.

Record reps completed.


Wall balls
Box jumps, step down
KB swings

Training notes:
•30 minute cap.

Record time.

Wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
Box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
KB swings (53/35)

Training notes:
•30 minute cap.

Record time.


A. EMOM 3:

3 high hang power cleans w/ 1s pause in receiving position
-Rest 1 min
2 high hang power cleans w/ 1s pause in receiving position-Rest 1 min
1 high hang power clean w/ 1s pause in receiving position

Training notes:
•Adjust weight throughout – tough but no misses.
•Hang onto the bar between reps.
•Weight will probably go down doing a high hang clean compared to a hang clean.

Record weights used.

B. EMOM 15:
1st: 30s DB devil presses (tough)
2nd: 30s lateral burpees over the DBs
3rd: Rest

Training notes:
•Devil press weight should be tough but should allow you to move consistently for the 30s.

Record weights used.

A. E20s for 3 min:
1 squat clean
-Rest 1 min
E15s for 3 min:
1 squat clean
-Rest 1 min
E10s for 3 min:
1 squat clean

Training notes:
•Adjust weight throughout – tough but no misses.
•Less rest than last week so weights will probably go down.

Record weights used.

B. EMOM 15:
1st: 10 deadlifts + 8 hang power cleans + 6 shoulder-to-overhead
2nd: 30s lateral barbell burpees
3rd: Rest

Training notes:
•DT complex should be unbroken and complete in under 1 minute

Record weights used.


A1. Rear-foot elevated split squats
3×8/leg; Short rest b/w legs; Rest 1 min
A2. Double DB single-leg RDLs
3×20, alternating; Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•Load RFESS w/ DBs in hands at sides. Heavier than last week.
•Adjust ROM as necessary on SLDBRDLs to keep spine neutral.

Record weights used.

B. 4 sets:
1 min rowing @ escalating pace throughout
30s double overhand deadlifts, no hook grip – drop each rep
1 min banded good mornings
-Rest 30s

Training notes:
•Start rowing @ moderate pace and increase pace so that the last 20s of each set are at a challenging pace.
•DOHDL should be moderately challenging.


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