Todd Nief


A1. Ring rows w/ feet elevated on box
3xAMRAP (-2); 21×1 tempo; Rest 1 min
A2. Supinated bent over barbell rows
3×6; 21×1 tempo; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•Be honest on tempo – pause in finished pulling position.
•AMRAP(-2) means leave two reps in the tank.

B. For time:
600m run
30 (hu)manmakers
600m run

Training notes:
•(hu)manmakers should be tough

Record reps completed.

A1. Strict chest-to-bar pull-ups
3xAMRAP (-2); 21×0 tempo; Rest 1 min
A2. Supinated bent over barbell rows
3×6; 21×1 tempo; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•Be honest on tempo – pause in bottom but no pause at the top this week.
•AMRAP(-2) means leave two reps in the tank.

B. For time:
600m run
30 (hu)manmakers (50/hand – 35/hand)
600m run

Training notes:
•DB weight should be challenging.

Record time.


E5 min for 6 sets:
10 assault bike/row calories
10 KB sumo deadlift high pulls (tough)
10 assault bike/row calories
10 Russian KB swings (tough)

Training notes:
•KB weight should be challenging for high pulls and swings.
•Don’t go too fast on the first set!

Record split times per round.

E5 min for 6 sets:
10 assault bike/row calories
3-5 bar muscle-ups
10 assault bike/row calories
5 power cleans (145/100)

Training notes:
•Start with a set of bar muscle-ups that you can do unbroken
•Barbell weight should be moderate.
•Don’t go too fast on the first set!

Record split times per round.


A. E90s for 6 sets:
1st: 2 back squats @ 21×1 tempo
2nd: 1 back squats @ 21×1 tempo

Training notes:
•Honest on the pause!
•Change load per set based upon reps.

Record weight lifted.

B. 10 min AMRAP:
3-6-9…DB hang squat cleans (50/hand – 35/hand)
2-4-6…strict ring dips/hand-release push-ups
•200m run b/w sets

Training notes:
•DB weight should be moderately tough.
•Pace accordingly as escalating sets can suddenly get surprisingly difficult.

Record reps completed.


“Partner Kelly”
In teams of two, with partners alternating movements—
5 rounds:
400m run
30 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 10’)
30 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)

Training notes:
•P1 runs, P2 does wall balls, P1 does box jumps, P2 runs…

Record time.


A. E2min for 10 min:
Front squat + Push jerk x2

Training notes:
•Start moderate and build as able. No misses.

Record weight.

B. 4 sets:
1 min assault bike/row @ high effort
1 min wall climbs
-Rest 2 min

Training notes:
•Pace intelligently.

Record time.

A. E2min for 10 min:
Front squat + Split jerk x2

Training notes:
•Start moderate and build as able. No misses.
•Take from the rack.

Record weight.

B. 4 sets:
1 min assault bike/row @ high effort
1 min bar/ring muscle-ups in unbroken sets of 2
-Rest 2 min

Training notes:
•Pace intelligently – avoid a large drop off in bike pace or muscle-ups completed.
•Must come off the bar or rings after each set of 2.

Record average pace and muscle-ups completed per round.


A. Sumo deadlift
4×3; Building; Rest 2 min

Training notes:
•Reset each rep. Not touch-and-go.

Record weights lifted.

B. For time:
250 double-unders or 100 lateral hurdle hops
75 KB swings (53/35)
30 toes-to-bar or hanging leg raises

Training notes:
•12 minute cap.
•Cap double-unders at 5 minutes.

Record time.


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