Todd Nief


A. 4 rounds:
10 single-arm DB/KB goblet squats, right
10 single-arm DB/KB Russian swings, right
10 single-arm DB/KB front rack reverse alternating lunges, right
-Rest 90s
10 single-arm DB/KB goblet squats, left
10 single-arm DB/KB Russian swings, left
10 single-arm DB/KB front rack reverse alternating lunges, left
-Rest 90s
B. 2 rounds:
45s unbroken plank
20 burpees
45s unbroken plank
-Rest 90s
45s unbroken glute bridge
30 unbroken DB/KB swings
45s unbroken glute bridge
-Rest 90s
•Rest and make sure you can do the second isometric hold unbroken.
A. 8 rounds:
10 odd object goblet squats
10 odd object Russian swings
10 odd object reverse lunges, alternating
-Rest 90s
B. 2 rounds:
45s unbroken plank
20 burpees
45s unbroken plank
-Rest 90s
45s unbroken glute bridge
30 unbroken odd object swings
45s unbroken glute bridge
-Rest 90s
•Rest and make sure you can do the second isometric hold unbroken.


4 rounds—
2 min row/bike/stairs @ escalating pace
3 min AMRAP: 30 double-unders + 8/side single-arm DB shoulder-to-overhead
-Rest 1 min
•Start each round of row/bike/stairs at moderate pace and escalate to tough pace by the end of the interval.
EMOM 10:
1st: 30-45s plank DB pull-throughs
2nd: 30-45s single-leg hip thrusts, alternating
4 rounds—
1 min stairs/mountain climbers/burpees no push-up @ moderate effort
1 min stairs/mountain climbers/burpees no push-up @ higher effort
3 min AMRAP: 20 skaters, alternating + 10 odd object shoulder-to-overhead
-Rest 1 min
EMOM 10:
1st: 30-45s anti-rotational front plank
2nd: 30-45s single-leg hip thrusts, alternating


A. For time:
40 air squats
30 1 1/14 air squats
20 goblet squats
10 heavier goblet squats
•Use an odd object or your heaviest DB/KB for the last set of squats.
B. 4 rounds:
10 staggered stance back rack good mornings, right
30-45s side plank, right
10 staggered stance back rack good mornings, left
30-45s side plank, left
C. For time:
Accumulate 2:30 wall sit
•Every time you break, do 12 jumping switch lunges
•7 min cap.
A. For time:
40 air squats
30 1 1/14 air squats
20 odd object squats
10 heavier odd object squats
•Use an odd object or your heaviest DB/KB for the last set of squats.
B. 4 rounds:
10 staggered stance back rack good mornings, right
30-45s side plank, right
10 staggered stance back rack good mornings, left
30-45s side plank, left
C. For time:
Accumulate 2:30 wall sit
•Every time you break, do 12 jumping switch lunges


In teams of two—
8 min AMRAP:
P1: 30/20 row/bike calories
P2: 30/20 row/bike calories
AMRAP single-arm devil press in remaining time
•Partners alternate every 4 reps. Switch arms every time you do devil press.
(Rest 2 min)
In teams of two—
8 min AMRAP:
P1: 30/20 row/bike calories
P2: 30/20 row/bike calories
AMRAP alternating DB snatches in remaining time
•Partners alternate every 8 reps.
(Rest 2 min)
In teams of two—
8 min AMRAP:
P1: 30/20 row/bike calories
P2: 30/20 row/bike calories
AMRAP single-arm devil press in remaining time
•Partners alternate every 4 reps. Switch arms every time you do devil press.
In teams of two—
8 min AMRAP:
P1: 30 mountain climbers
P2: 30 mountain climbers
•1 mountain climber = right foot + left foot
AMRAP odd object devil press in remaining time
•Partners alternate every 4 reps.
(Rest 2 min)
In teams of two—
8 min AMRAP:
P1: 30 mountain climbers
P2: 30 mountain climbers
AMRAP odd object ground-to-overhead in remaining time
•Partners alternate every 8 reps.
(Rest 2 min)
In teams of two—
8 min AMRAP:
P1: 30 mountain climbers
P2: 30 mountain climbers
•1 mountain climber = right foot + left foot
AMRAP odd object devil press in remaining time
•Partners alternate every 4 reps.


A. 2-4-6-8:
DB hang power cleans, left
DB shoulder-to-overhead, left
(Rest 2 min)
DB hang power cleans, right
DB hang power cleans, right
•Adjust reps as necessary based upon the weight that you have so that this is challenging and the last set is difficult to do unbroken.
B. 3 min AMRAP:
3 unbroken strict pull-ups
3 min AMRAP:
6 unbroken push-ups
3 min AMRAP:
9 unbroken goblet squats
3 min AMRAP:
6 unbroken push-ups
3 min AMRAP:
3 unbroken strict pull-ups
A. 2 rounds—
Odd object hang power cleans
Odd object shoulder-to-overhead
-Rest 2 min
•Adjust reps as necessary based upon the weight that you have so that this is challenging and the last set is difficult to do unbroken.
B. 3 min AMRAP:
6 unbroken odd object bent over rows
3 min AMRAP:
6 unbroken push-ups
3 min AMRAP:
9 unbroken odd object goblet squats
3 min AMRAP:
6 unbroken push-ups
3 min AMRAP:
6 unbroken odd object bent over rows

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