Todd Nief


A. Push press
Build to a tough 3 for today

Training notes:
•Take from the rack.
•Doesn’t have to be maximal but push this to a heavy weight.

Record weight.

B. 21-15-9:
Russian KB swings (tough)
Push-ups, hand-release

Training notes:
•Go heavier than you normally would on KB swings – these should be tough.
•Compare to week of 19.02.04

Record time.

A. Push press + Push jerk + Split jerk
Build to a tough complex for today

Training notes:
•Take from the rack.

Record weight.

B. 21-15-9:
Power cleans (155/105)
Ring dips

Training notes:
•10 minute cap
•Choose a weight that is moderately heavy for power cleans. This should have a “grindy” feel.
•Bar dips or push-ups can be subbed for ring dips.
•Compare to week of 19.02.04.

Record time.


A. Sumo deadlift
Build to a tough 1.1.1 for today

Training notes:
•Reset each rep.

Record weights lifted.

B. 5 rounds—
3 min AMRAP:
20/15 assault bike/row calories
10 burpee box jumps (24”/20”)
AMRAP wall balls in remaining time (20 to 10’ – 14 to 9′)
-Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•Pace this so that you don’t completely fall apart after two rounds. 1 minute of rest is not very long for something like this.

Record time.


A. Back squat
Build to a 3RM for today @ 21×1 tempo

Training notes:
•Honest on the pause!
•Goal today is to lift as heavy as you can while maintaining the tempo. Use your numbers from previous weeks to guide your lifting.

Record weight lifted.

B. 20 min AMRAP:
200m run
6/side single-arm DB hang clean & jerks (50/35)
10 toes-to-bar/hanging leg raises

Training notes:
•Variation of Open 18.1

Record reps completed.


In teams of two—
For time:
1600m run
•Partners alternate 400m runs.
20 rounds:
4 vertical ring rows
6 hanging leg raises
8 push-ups
10 air squats
•Partners alternate rounds.
1600m run
•Partners alternate 400m runs.

Training notes:
•P1 runs 400m, P2 runs 400m, etc. Then, partners alternate complete rounds of bodyweight movements until 20 rounds are completed. Then, partners run again.

Record time completed.

In teams of two—
For time:
1600m run
•Partners alternate 400m runs.
20 rounds:
4 strict supinated chin-ups
8 toes-to-bar
12 push-ups
16 air squats
•Partners alternate rounds.
1600m run
•Partners alternate 400m runs.

Training notes:
•P1 runs 400m, P2 runs 400m, etc. Then, partners alternate complete rounds of bodyweight movements until 20 rounds are completed. Then, partners run again.

Record time completed.


A1. Vertical ring rows
3xAMRAP (-2); 21×1 tempo; Rest 1 min
•Try to use less help from your legs this week.
A2. Supinated bent over barbell rows
3×3; 21×1 tempo; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•Be honest on tempo – pause in finished pulling position.
•AMRAP(-2) means leave two reps in the tank.

B. 12 min AMRAP:
8 Russian KB swings
12 lateral hurdle hops
16 reverse lunges, alternating

Training notes:
•KB weight should be moderately challenging.

Record reps completed.

A1. Strict pull-ups on rings
3xAMRAP (-2); 21×1 tempo; Rest 1 min
A3. Supinated bent over barbell rows
3×3; 21×1 tempo; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•AMRAP(-2) means leave two reps in the tank.
•Pause up top and in the bottom on ring pull-ups. Be honest on the pause.

B. 12 min AMRAP:
4-8-12…pistols, alternating
2-4-6-8…power cleans (135/95)
•25 unbroken double-unders b/w rounds.

Training notes:
•Double-unders must be unbroken. If you miss, start the set over.

Record reps completed.


E10min for 3 sets:
200m run
2 min AMRAP wall balls
2 min AMRAP DB snatches
200m run

Training notes:
•Shoot to do 1 min AMRAPs with minimal fractioning.
•Don’t go too fast on the first set!

Record split times per round.

E10min for 3 sets:
200m run
40 wall balls (20 to 10’)
40 DB snatches, alternating (20 to 10’ – 14 to 9’)
200m run

Training notes:
•You should be able to finish with at least 3 minutes of rest. Adjust reps accordingly.
•Don’t go too fast on the first set!

Record split times per round.


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