Todd Nief


A. 5 sets:
10-30s support in bottom of ring push-up
-Rest as needed

Training notes:
•Goal is to accumulate time under tension with great positions. Reduce the time or the number of sets if this is very challenging.

B. 7 min handstand practice

Training notes:
•Wall climbs, kicking up against the wall, wall-facing handstand holds, shoulder taps, etc.

C. 2 rounds:
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
1 min AMRAP push-ups, hand-release
-Rest 1 min
1 min burpees, no push-up
1 min AMRAP vertical ring rows
-Rest 1 min
1 min air squats
1 min AMRAP DB hang power cleans
-Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•Modify movements so that you are able to get at least a handful of reps on each AMRAP. It’s ok for this to be tough, but shouldn’t be impossible.

Record reps completed in each AMRAP.

A. 5 sets:
10-30s support in bottom of ring dip
-Rest as needed

Training notes:
•Goal is to accumulate time under tension with great positions. Reduce the time or the number of sets if this is very challenging.

B. 7 min ring muscle-up practice

Training notes:
•Transition drills, false grip, non-false grip, stringing reps together, dip kip variations, strict ring muscle-ups…

C. 2 rounds:
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
1 min AMRAP strict handstand push-ups
-Rest 1 min
1 min double-unders
1 min AMRAP ring muscle-ups
-Rest 1 min
1 min air squats
1 min AMRAP strict pull-ups
-Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•Modify movements so that you are able to get at least a handful of reps on each AMRAP. It’s ok for this to be tough, but shouldn’t be impossible.

Record reps completed in each AMRAP.


A. E90s for 8 sets:
Power snatch + Below-the-knee power snatch + Above-the-knee power snatch w/ 1s pause in receiving position.

Training notes:
•Hang onto the bar between reps.
•Nail pause – priority is positions.
•Start moderate and build in weight every 2 sets.

Record weights lifted.

B. EMOM 12:
1st: 30s assault bike/row
2nd: 30s DB snatches, alternating
3rd: 30s DB goblet squats

Training notes:
•Consistent efforts per round.

Record reps completed per interval.

A. E90s for 8 sets:
Squat snatch + Below-the-knee squat snatch + Above-the-knee squat snatch w/ 1s pause in receiving position.

Training notes:
•Hang onto the bar between reps.
•Nail pause – priority is positions.
•Start moderate and build in weight every 2 sets.

Record weights lifted.

B. EMOM 12:
1st: 30s assault bike/row @ gradually escalating pace
2nd: 8 power snatches (115/75)
3rd: 8 overhead squats (115/75)

Training notes:
•Escalate pace on bike/row such that the last 10s are at near all out effort.
•Move quickly on barbell cycling.

Record reps completed per interval.


8 min AMRAP—
3 rounds:
19 row calories
19 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
•Run 200m after 3 rounds are completed.
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP—
3 rounds:
19 row calories
8 burpees over-the-erg
•Run 200m after 3 rounds are completed.
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
3 rounds:
19 row calories
19 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
•Run 200m after 3 rounds are completed.

Training notes:
•Goal is to similar output on the 1st and third AMRAPs.
•Note the variation on Open workout 19.1.

Record reps on each AMRAP.


In teams of two, with partners alternating rounds—
30 min AMRAP:
12 DB hang power cleans (50/hand – 35/hand)
12 DB front rack reverse lunges (50/hand – 35/hand)
250m row

Training notes:
•DB weight should be moderate.
•Compare to week of 19.05.27

Record total reps completed.


A. 5 min AMRAP:
Strict hanging leg raises
•Must be done in unbroken sets of 2.

Training notes:
•Standards on strict toes-to-bar are difficult to enforce. Try to make these actually strict (ie reset in the bottom)

B. 5 rounds—
3 min AMRAP:
6 push-ups
9 squats
12 double KB deadlifts (moderate)
-Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•Variation of “The Chief”

Record reps completed.

A. 5 min AMRAP:
Strict toes-to-bar
•Must be done in unbroken sets of 2.

Training notes:
•Standards on strict toes-to-bar are difficult to enforce. Try to make these actually strict (ie reset in the bottom)

B. 5 rounds—
3 min AMRAP:
6 push-ups
9 squats
12 deadlifts (185/125)
-Rest 1 min

Training notes:
•Variation of “The Chief”

Record reps completed.


2 rounds:
1000m row
25 double DB front squats
25 double DB push presses
25 double DB hang power cleans

Training notes:
•Use the same weight for all DB movements.
•DB weight should be moderate not heavy. This should be more of a conditioning piece than anything else.
•Compare to week of 18.10.29

Record time.

“Double Jackie”
2 rounds:
1000m row
50 thrusters (45/35)
30 pull-ups

Training notes:
•Two rounds will require a totally different pacing strategy than one round. Be prepared for that.
•Compare to week of 18.10.29

Record time.


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