Todd Nief


A. Power clean + Push jerk
4×2; Across; Rest 90-120s
Training notes:
•Reset each rep.
•Pick a moderately challenging weight at which you can maintain excellent technique.
Record weight lifted.
B. 3 rounds:
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
1 min AMRAP DB thrusters
-Rest 1 min
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
1 min AMRAP DB snatches, alternating
-Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•DB weight should be moderately challenging but not heavy enough that you have to fraction AMRAPs repeatedly.
Record reps completed in each AMRAP.
A. Squat clean + Split jerk
Build to a tough 2 for today in 12 minutes
Training notes:
•Reset each rep.
•No misses.
Record weight lifted.
B. 3 rounds:
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
1 min AMRAP squat clean thrusters (165/110)
-Rest 1 min
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
1 min AMRAP power snatches (165/110)
-Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•Same weight for squat clean thrusters and power snatches.
•Weight should be “moderately heavy.”
Record reps completed in each AMRAP.


A. Back squat
4×2; Across; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Pick a challenging weight and stick with it for all 4 sets.
Record weight used.
B. EMOM 8:
1st: 30s double KB front rack step-ups, right
2nd: 30s double KB front rack step-ups, left
•Thumbs between collar bones, elbows on ribcage.
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
10 Russian KB swings
10 step-ups, alternating
10 goblet squats
Training notes:
•KB weight should be “moderately tough.”
Record reps completed in AMRAP.
A. Back squat
4×2; Across; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Pick a challenging weight and stick with it for all 4 sets.
Record weight used.
B. EMOM 8:
1st: 30s double KB front rack step-ups, right
2nd: 30s double KB front rack step-ups, left
•Thumbs between collar bones, elbows on ribcage.
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
10 double KB Russian swings
8 KB box step-overs
6 double KB front squats
Training notes:
•KBs should be “moderately tough.”
Record reps completed in AMRAP.


8 min AMRAP—
600m run
AMRAP in remaining time:
5 DB hang clean & jerks, right (50/35)
5 DB hang clean & jerks, left (50/35)
10 burpee box jumps (24”/20”)
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP—
800m row
AMRAP in remaining time:
5 DB hang clean & jerks, right (50/35)
5 DB hang clean & jerks, left (50/35)
10 burpee box jumps (24”/20”)
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
40 assault bike calories
AMRAP in remaining time:
5 DB hang clean & jerks, right (50/35)
5 DB hang clean & jerks, left (50/35)
10 burpee box jumps (24”/20”)
Training notes:
•Pace this so that there is not huge drop-off throughout.
•Note the variation on Open workout 17.1.
Record reps completed on each AMRAP.


In teams of 2, with partners alternating movements—
6 rounds:
1 min AMRAP bike/row calories
1 min AMRAP wall balls
1 min AMRAP DB snatches
1 min AMRAP lateral hurdle hops
1 min AMRAP ball slams
Training notes:
•P1 bikes/rows, P2 does wall balls, P1 does DB snatches, etc. throughout.
Record reps completed.
In teams of 2, with partners alternating movements—
6 rounds:
20 assault bike/row calories
30 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 10’)
20 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
75 double-unders
10 D-ball over shoulder (100/60)
Training notes:
•P1 bikes/rows, P2 does wall balls, P1 does DB snatches, etc. throughout.
Record reps completed.


3 rounds:
30 KB swings
20 burpee box jumps
800m run
Training notes:
•KB swings are overhead. Weight should be moderate.
Record time.
3 rounds:
30 squat cleans (95/65)
20 burpee box jumps (24”/20”)
800m run
Training notes:
•Barbell weight should be moderate.
•Don’t do a bunch of touch-and-go reps at the beginning and completely fall apart.
Record time.


A. 3 sets:
10-30s support in bottom of ring push-up + 10-30s ring push-up lockout
-Rest as needed
Training notes:
•Goal is to accumulate time under tension with great positions. Reduce the time or the number of sets if this is very challenging.
B. 7 min kipping leg raise practice
Training notes:
•Find the rhythm, knees-to-elbows, toes-to-bar, etc.
C. 2 rounds:
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
2 min AMRAP:
1-2-3-4…unbroken ring rows
(Rest 2 min)
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
2 min AMRAP:
1-2-3-4…unbroken push-ups
-Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•Adjust movements or reps as necessary so that you can get a chunk of reps in on each AMRAP. Each set must be done unbroken to move onto the next set.
Record reps completed in each AMRAP.
A. 3 sets:
10-30s support in bottom of ring dip + 10-30s support in top of ring dip
-Rest as needed
Training notes:
•Goal is to accumulate time under tension with great positions. Reduce the time or the number of sets if this is very challenging.
•Hold in bottom position then press up to lockout. Should be one unbroken set for holds.
B. 7 min butterfly pull-up practice
Training notes:
•Box drills, standard butterfly, chest-to-bar, double touches…
C. 2 rounds:
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
2 min AMRAP:
1-2-3-4…unbroken ring muscle-ups
(Rest 2 min)
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
2 min AMRAP:
1-2-3-4…unbroken strict handstand push-ups
-Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•Adjust movements or reps as necessary so that you can get a chunk of reps in on each AMRAP. Each set must be done unbroken to move onto the next set.
Record reps completed in each AMRAP.

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