Todd Nief


4 rounds:
20 Russian KB swings
10 burpee box jumps
400m run
Training notes:
•KB weight should be moderately tough.
•30 minute cap.
Record time.
For time:
40-30-20-10 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
20-15-10-5 burpee box jumps (24”/20”)
•400m run b/w sets. End with 400m run.
Training notes:
•30 minute cap.
Record time.


A. Ring push-ups
3xAMRAP (-2); Rest as needed
Training notes:
•Leave two reps in the tank.
•No tempo this time.
B. 7 min handstand practice
Training notes:
•Kick up against the wall, wall climbs, shoulder taps, etc.
C. 10 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…ball slams
3-6-9-12…DB hang power cleans
3-6-9-12…DB shoulder-to-overhead
Training notes:
•DB weight should be moderate.
Record reps completed.
A. Strict ring dips
3xAMRAP – 1 rep every 5s; Rest as needed
Training notes:
•Hold support on the rings between reps. Do a rep every 5s until you cannot hold support or complete the rep.
B. 7 min handstand walk practice
Training notes:
•Kicking up, pirouettes, controlling pace, keeping feet together, etc.
C. 10 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…power cleans (135/95)
3-6-9-12…shoulder-to-overhead (135/95)
Training notes:
•Barbell should be “moderately tough”
Record reps completed.


8 min AMRAP—
19 bike calories
19 wall balls
8 lateral hurdle hops
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP—
200m run
19 wall balls
8 lateral hurdle hops
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
19 row calories
19 wall balls
8 lateral hurdle hops
Training notes:
•Pace this so that there is not huge drop-off throughout.
•Can rotate through biking/rowing/running in any order.
Record reps completed on each AMRAP.
8 min AMRAP—
19 bike calories
19 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
19 unbroken double-unders
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP—
200m run
19 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
19 unbroken double-unders
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
19 row calories
19 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
19 unbroken double-unders
Training notes:
•Pace this so that there is not huge drop-off throughout.
•Can rotate through biking/rowing/running in any order.
•Double-unders must be completed unbroken. Reduce reps if 19 unbroken is unreasonable, but still shoot for unbroken sets.
Record reps completed on each AMRAP.


In teams of 2 with partners alternating movements—
10 rounds:
10 DB hang squat clean thrusters (40/hand – 25/hand)
10 lateral burpees over-the-DBs
300m row
Training notes:
•Partners alternate movements with one partner working at a time for 10 total rounds of work.
Record time.


A. E90s for 8 sets:
Snatch pull + Snatch high pull + Power snatch x2
Training notes:
•Reset each rep.
•Start moderate and build in weight every 2 sets.
Record weights lifted.
B. EMOM 12:
1st: 30s burpees
2nd: 30s box jumps, step down
3rd: 30-45s wall sit at parallel
Training notes:
•Consistent splits per round.
Record reps completed per interval.
A. E90s for 8 sets:
Snatch pull + Snatch high pull + Squat snatch x2
Training notes:
•Reset each rep.
•Start moderate and build in weight every 2 sets.
Record weights lifted.
B. EMOM 12:
1st: 20s burpee box jumps (24”/20”)
2nd: 20s burpee box jumps (24”/20”)
3rd: 30-45s wall sit at parallel
Training notes:
•Move fast on burpee box jumps.
Record reps completed per interval.


A. Power clean + Push jerk
2,2,1,1; Rest 90-120s
Training notes:
•Reset each rep.
•Pick a moderately challenging weight at which you can maintain excellent technique.
•Same weight for 2s, same weight for 1s.
Record weight lifted.
B. 5 rounds:
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
1 min AMRAP Russian KB swings
-Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Swing weight should be “tough” but not “heavy.”
Record reps completed in each AMRAP.
A. Squat clean x2 + Split jerk
Build to a tough complex for today in 12 minutes
Training notes:
•Do two cleans then one split jerk.
•Reset between cleans.
•No misses.
Record weight lifted.
B. 5 rounds:
1 min assault bike/row @ 80%
1 min AMRAP “DT” (135/95)
-Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•DT: 12 deadlifts + 9 hang power cleans + 6 shoulder-to-overhead
•Start where you left off on DT complex each round.
•Weight should be “tough” but not “heavy.”
Record reps completed in each AMRAP.

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