Todd Nief


A. Push-ups
1 AMRAP set
Training notes:
•Warm-up, but you will only get one chance at a true AMRAP set.
Record reps completed.
B. 5 rounds—
3 min AMRAP:
3 push-ups
6 ring rows
9 DB hang power cleans
-Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•Variation of “The Chief”
Record reps completed.
A. Strict ring dips
1 AMRAP set
Training notes:
•Warm-up, but you will only get one chance at a true AMRAP set.
Record reps completed.
B. 5 rounds—
3 min AMRAP:
3 kipping handstand push-ups
6 pull-ups
9 hang power cleans (115/75)
-Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•Variation of “The Chief”
Record reps completed.


A. E90s for 8 sets:
Sets 1-2: 4 squat snatches
Sets 3-4: 3 squat snatches
Sets 5-6: 2 squat snatches
Sets 7-8: 1 squat snatch
Training notes:
•Reset each rep.
•Start moderate and build in weight throughout as able.
Record weights lifted.
B. On a 15 minute running clock—
@ 0:00:
3 min AMRAP:
Burpee box jumps
@ 5:00:
3 min AMRAP:
14 Russian KB swings
14 lateral hurdle hops
@ 10:00:
3 min AMRAP:
Burpee box jumps
Training notes:
•Shoot for challenging but sustainable paces.
Record time on each interval.
A. E90s for 8 sets:
Sets 1-2: 4 squat snatches
Sets 3-4: 3 squat snatches
Sets 5-6: 2 squat snatches
Sets 7-8: 1 squat snatch
Training notes:
•Reset each rep.
•Start moderate and build in weight throughout as able.
Record weights lifted.
B. On a 15 minute running clock—
@ 0:00:
30 burpee box jump overs (24”/20”)
•Lateral is ok.
@ 5:00:
For time:
15-12-9 Deadlifts (225/155)
75-50-25 double-unders
•Reduce reps on double-unders as necessary to make this realistic to complete in 5 minutes.
@ 10:00:
30 burpee box jump overs (24”/20”)
Training notes:
•Move fast on this, but ideally there isn’t a huge drop-off on second set of burpee box jump overs.
Record time on each interval.


20 min AMRAP:
8 ball slams
10 DB hang clean and jerks
12 assault bike calories
Training notes:
•DB weight should be moderately light.
Record reps completed.
20 min AMRAP:
8 toes-to-bar
10 DB hang clean and jerks (50/35)
14/12* row calories
Training notes:
•Men row 14 calories, women row 12 calories.
Record reps completed.


In teams of two—
3 rounds:
P1: 500m row
•P2 holds double KB front rack hold (53/hand – 35/hand) while P1 rows.
P2: 500m row
•P1 holds double KB front rack hold (53/hand – 35/hand) while P1 rows.
P1 & P2: 800m run
•Partners run together and cannot start the next round until both are back.
Training notes:
•Each partner will have completed 1500m rowing and 2400m running at the end of the workout.
Record time.


A. Power clean + Push jerk
Build to a tough triple for today in 12 minutes
Training notes:
•Reset each rep.
Record weight lifted.
B. 5 rounds:
15 bike/row calories
12 DB hang power cleans
9 DB front squats
6 DB shoulder-to-overhead
Training notes:
•18 minute cap
•DBs should be “moderately tough”
Record time.

A. Squat clean + Split jerk
Build to a tough single for today in 12 minutes
Training notes:
•No more than two misses.
Record weight lifted.
B. 5 rounds:
15 bike/row calories
12 deadlifts (155/105)
9 hang power cleans (155/105)
6 shoulder-to-overhead (155/105)
Training notes:
•18 minute cap
•Barbell weight should be “challenging” but not overly heavy.
Record time.


A. Back squat
Build to a tough set of 3 for today in 12 minutes
Training notes:
•No misses. Top set heavy, but not necessarily maximal.
Record weight used.
B. EMOM 8:
1st: 30-45s banded good mornings
2nd: 30s reverse lunges, alternating
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
10 double KB deadlifts
5 strict hanging leg raises
Training notes:
•KBs should be “moderate”
Record reps completed in AMRAP.
A. Back squat
Build to a tough set of 3 for today in 12 min
Training notes:
•No mises. Top set heavy but not necessarily maximal – go for it if it feels good, though.
Record weight used.
B. EMOM 8:
1st: 30-45s banded good mornings
2nd: 30s jumping switch lunges
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
20 double KB deadlifts (53/hand – 35/hand)
10 strict toes-to-bar
Training notes:
•It’s preferred that you keep the toes-to-bar strict and reduce the range of motion – rather than doing a sketchy not actually strict version of toes-to-bar.
Record reps completed in AMRAP.

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