Todd Nief


8 min AMRAP:
600m run
2 min AMRAP: box jumps, step down
AMRAP in remaining time: push-ups, hand-release
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
600m row
2 min AMRAP: box jumps, step down
AMRAP in remaining time: strict hanging leg raises
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
1 mile assault bike
2 min AMRAP: box jumps, step down
AMRAP in remaining time: renegade rows, no push-up
Training notes:
•Can rotate through bike, run and row in any order based upon logistics.
Bodyweight and DB movements should be “challenging but doable.”
Record reps completed per set
8 min AMRAP:
600m run
40 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
AMRAP chest-to-bar pull-ups in remaining time
•Done in unbroken sets of 4.
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
600m row
40 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
AMRAP strict ring dips in remaining time
•Done in unbroken sets of 3.
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
1 mile assault bike
40 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
AMRAP ring muscle-ups in remaining time
•Done in unbroken sets of 2.
Training notes:
•Can rotate through bike, run and row in any order based upon logistics.
•Gymnastics pieces must remain in unbroken sets throughout. Don’t do more per set, and wait until you’re ready before starting another set.
•If unbroken targets are not realistic for you, reduce the number of reps or change the movement.
Record reps completed per set.


A. E2min for 5 sets:
1.1.1 power cleans w/ 1s pause in receiving position
E20s for 5 min:
1 power clean w/ 1s pause in receiving position
•Tough but fast.
Training notes:
•Prioritize good positions and nailing your receiving position on every set on the power cleans.
Record weights used for each part.
B. EMOM 12:
1st: 30s single-arm DB thrusters, right
2nd: 30s single-arm DB thrusters, left
3rd: 30s reverse lunges, alternating
Training notes:
•Find a challenging but sustainable weight for the DB thrusters
Record splits per round.
A. E2min for 5 sets:
1.1.1 power cleans
•Start moderate and build per set. Shoot for no misses.
E20s for 5 min:
1 power clean
•Tough but fast.
Training notes:
•Build to something challenging on the E2min power cleans
•Quickly drop the weight for something sustainable on the E20s power cleans
Record weights used for each part.

B. EMOM 12:
1st: 20s thrusters (95/65)
2nd: 20s hang power cleans (95/65)
3rd: 30s jumping switch lunges
Training notes:
•Move fast on thrusters and hang power cleans.
•Move more quickly than you’re comfortable with but see if you can find a pace that doesn’t cause attrition round-to-round
Record splits per round.


A. 10 min practice kicking up into a handstand
Training notes:
•Get comfortable getting up against the wall. If that’s easy, work on wall-facing handstand holds. Then, progress to free-standing.
B. 5 min bike/row @ 85%:
5 min @ 85%:
5 hanging leg raises
10 DB hang clean & jerks
15 air squats
(Rest 5 min)
5 min bike/row @ 85%:
5 min @ 85%:
5 hanging leg raises
10 DB hang clean & jerks
15 air squats
Training notes:
•Find a challenging but sustainable pace for the bike/row.
•If you go too fast, you will blow up on the second five minute AMRAP. Figure out what pace is sustainable for you.
Record reps completed.
A. 10 min handstand walking practice
Training notes:
•Work on maintaining good positions while walking, speeding up your walk, quickly kicking up and down for different increments, etc.
B. 5 min bike/row @ 85%:
5 min @ 85%:
5 toes-to-bar
10 DB hang clean & jerks (50/35)
15 air squats
(Rest 5 min)
5 min bike/row @ 85%:
5 min @ 85%:
5 toes-to-bar
10 DB hang clean & jerks (50/35)
15 air squats
Training notes:
•Find a challenging but sustainable pace for the bike/row.
•If you go too fast, you will blow up on the second five minute AMRAP. Figure out what pace is sustainable for you.
Record reps completed.


In teams of two, with partners alternating rounds—
30 min AMRAP:
12 DB hang power cleans (50/hand – 35/hand)
12 DB front rack reverse lunges (50/hand – 35/hand)
250m row
Training notes:
•DB weight should be moderate.
•Compare to week of 19.08.19
Record total reps completed.


A. Back squat
Build to a tough set of 3 for today in 12 minutes
Training notes:
•No misses. Top set heavy, but not necessarily maximal.
Record weight used.
B. For time:
20 burpees
10 wall climbs
30 DB box step-overs
10 wall climbs
20 burpees
Training notes:
•Pick a height for wall climbs and stick to it.
•DB box step overs should be a grind.
Record time.

A. Back squat
Build to a tough set of 3 for today in 12 min
Training notes:
•No mises. Top set heavy but not necessarily maximal – go for it if it feels good, though.
Record weight used.
B. For time:
20 DB burpees (50/hand – 35/hand)
10 wall climbs
30 DB box step-overs (50/hand to 24” – 35/hand to 20”)
10 wall climbs
20 DB burpees (50/hand – 35/hand)
Training notes:
•Nose touches wall on wall climbs. Control the eccentric.
Record time.


40 double DB front squats (50/hand – 35/hand)
3 miles assault bike/1500m row
40 double DB box step-overs (50/hand to 24” – 35/hand to 20”)
2 miles assault bike/1000m row
20 double DB front squats (50/hand – 35/hand)
1 mile assault bike/500m row
20 double DB box step-overs (50/hand to 24” – 35/hand to 20”)
Training notes:
•35 minute cap.
•Comparte to week of 19.07.01
Record time.

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