Todd Nief


30 min AMRAP:
400m run
10 double DB front squats
8 double DB shoulder-to-overhead
6 burpees, 6” target
Training notes:
•DB weight should be challenging but should allow you to keep moving.
Record reps completed.
30 min AMRAP:
400m run
10 double DB front squats (50/hand – 35/hand)
8 double DB shoulder-to-overhead (50/hand – 35/hand)
6 burpees, 6” target
Training notes:
•DB weight should be challenging but should allow you to keep moving.
Record reps completed.


A. E2min for 5 sets:
2 front squats
Training notes:
•Build throughout. All sets tough but no misses.
Record weights used.
B. 3 rounds:
1 min devil presses
1 min DB box step-ups, alterenating
-Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Moderately tough weight for DBs.
Record weights used.
C. 5 rounds:
20 Russian KB swings
20 reverse goblet lunges, alternating
Training notes:
•7 minute cap.
•Same weight for KB swings and goblet lunges. Moderately tough weight.
Record time.
A. E2min for 5 sets:
1st: 3 front squats
2nd: 2 front squats
3rd: 1 front squat
4th: 2 front squats
5th: 1 front squat
Training notes:
•Waveload. Top single tough but not maximal. No misses.
Record weights used.
B. 3 rounds:
8 devil presses (tough)
16 DB box step-overs to 24”/20” (same weight)
-Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Weights should be moderately challenging, but not compromise technique at all.
•Make sure sets are sustainable throughout.
Record weights used.
C. For time:
50 Russian KB swings (70/53)
100 jumping switch lunges
50 Russian KB swings (70/53)
Training notes:
•7 minute cap.
•This should be a fast workout. Adjust weights and reps accordingly.
Record time.


A. 10 min practice kicking up into a handstand
Training notes:
•Get comfortable getting up against the wall. If that’s easy, work on wall-facing handstand holds. Then, progress to free-standing.
B. 2:30 bike/row @ 85%
2:30 AMRAP @ 85%:
Wall balls
2:30 bike/row @ 85%
2:30 AMRAP @ 85%:
DB snatches, alternating
(Rest 5 min)
2:30 bike/row @ 85%
2:30 AMRAP @ 85%:
Wall balls
2:30 bike/row @ 85%
2:30 AMRAP @ 85%:
DB snatches, alternating
Training notes:
•Find a challenging but sustainable pace for the bike/row. Bike/row is shorter than last week, so this may alter pace.
Record reps completed.
A. 10 min handstand walking practice
Training notes:
•Work on maintaining good positions while walking, speeding up your walk, quickly kicking up and down for different increments, etc.
B. 2:30 bike/row @ 85%
2:30 AMRAP @ 85%:
Wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
2:30 bike/row @ 85%
2:30 AMRAP @ 85%:
DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
(Rest 5 min)
2:30 bike/row @ 85%
2:30 AMRAP @ 85%:
Wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
2:30 bike/row @ 85%
2:30 AMRAP @ 85%:
DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
Training notes:
•Find a challenging but sustainable pace for the bike/row. Bike/row is shorter than last week, so this may alter pace.
Record reps completed.


Scaled Open 20.2
Open 20.2


A. E2min for 6 sets:
2 segmented clean pulls
4 box jumps, no step-in (tough)
Training notes:
•Start moderate and build every 2 sets.
•Pause below-the-knee and above-the-knee for segmented pulls.
•Make box jumps tough, but don’t risk missing.
Record weights used.
B. 4 rounds:
20s assault bike/row @ 97%
-Rest 40s
2 min AMRAP:
8 double KB deadlifts (moderately tough)
20 double DB front rack reverse lunges, alternating (moderately tough)
-Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•Each round will take 4 minutes.
•Goal is to move quickly on each of these pieces, but there should not be too much attrition from round to round.
Record splits.
A. E2min for 6 sets:
2 segmented clean high pulls
4 box jumps, no step-in (tough)
Training notes:
•Start moderate and build every 2 sets.
•Pause below-the-knee and above-the-knee for segmented pulls.
•High pull will be lighter than standard pull last week.
•Make box jumps tough, but don’t risk missing.
Record weights used.
B. 4 rounds:
20s assault bike/row @ 97%
-Rest 40s
2 min AMRAP:
8 touch-and-go deadlifts (tough but unbroken)
10/side DB overhead reverse lunges, alternating (tough but unbroken)
-Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•Each round will take 4 minutes.
•Goal is to move quickly on each of these pieces, but there should not be too much attrition from round to round. Choose weights based upon this parameter.
Record time.


8 min AMRAP:
400m run
21 push-ups, hand-release
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
500m row
15 vertical ring rows
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
1 mile assault bike
9 DB (hu)manmakers
Training notes:
•Can rotate through bike, run and row in any order based upon logistics.
•Shoot for consistent splits on rounds.
Record reps completed per set
8 min AMRAP:
400m run
21 chest-to-bar pull-ups
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
500m row
21 handstand push-ups
(Rest 4 min)
8 min AMRAP:
1 mile assault bike
9 DB (hu)manmakers (50/hand – 35/hand)
Training notes:
•Can rotate through bike, run and row in any order based upon logistics.
•Shoot for consistent splits on rounds.
Record reps completed per set

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