Todd Nief


A. Squat snatch
Build to a tough 3 for today in 12 min – drop each rep – then do 3×3 @ 85-90% of today’s tough set.

B. Front squat x2 + Split jerk
Build to a tough complex for today in 10 min

C. Back squat
5×3; Building; Rest 2 min

D. E30s for 5 min:
2 touch-and-go deadlifts
*Tough but fast.

E. 5 sets:
30s AMRAP ring muscle-ups
30s AMRAP jump squats
60s AMRAP manmakers (35/hand – 25/hand)
-Rest 2-3 min


5 sets:
500m row @ 85%
-Rest 90s
1 min burpees over-the-erg
-Rest 60s

A. One and a quarter front squat
Build to a tough single for today in 8 min

B. Front squat
Build to a tough single for today in 8 min

C. Strict weighted ring pull-ups
3×5; 20×0 tempo; Rest 90-120s

D. Strict weighted ring dips
3×5; 20×0 tempo; Rest 90-120s

E. 10 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…strict pull-ups
3-6-9-12…strict handstand push-ups
*250m row b/w sets.


A. Every 3 minutes x 5 sets
Power Snatch- 1.1.1, Increasing weight each set

B. Back squat-
3×6-8, R90s

C. 5 sets @95%:
20s Burpees
40s rest
20s Row Calories
40s rest

A. Every 3 minutes x 5 sets
Snatch- 1.1.1, Increasing weight each set

B. Back squat-
3×5, @ 79%, R90s

C. 5 sets:
20s Burpees
40s rest
20s Row Calories
40s rest


A. EMOTM 10:
3 touch-and-go power snatches
*Start moderate and add 5-10#/set

B. Single-arm DB press
5×10/arm; 20×1 tempo; Building; Rest 60s b/w arms

C. Accumulate 50 glute-ham raises @ 40×0 tempo – not for time

D. 15 min AMRAP @ 85%:
400m run
300’ sled push – moderate load


A. Pull-Up progression- 10 minutes
Pull up w/ spotter

B. DB Bench press-
3×8-10, R60s

C. 2 minute AMRAP-
Russian KB swings, tough

Rest 2 Minutes

10 minute AMRAP-
5 Push Ups
5 Goblet Squats, tough
5 Ball Slams

A. Pull-Up progression- 10 minutes
Pull up w/ spotter

B. DB Bench press-
3×8-10, R60s

C. 2 minute AMRAP-
KB swings (53/35)

Rest 2 Minutes

10 minute AMRAP-
5 Push Ups
5 Goblet Squats (70/53)
5 Toes to bar


4 sets:
30s run @ 80%
30s run @ 85%
30s run @ 90%
-Rest/walk 90s
(Rest as needed)
Jog 10 min @ 50%

E90s for 12 min:
5 strict chest-to-bar pull-ups
*Assault bike @ 50-75% during rest periods
E90s for 12 min:
5 kipping handstand push-ups to tough deficit
*Assault bike @ 50-75% during rest periods
(Rest 10 min)
21-15-9 stone-over-shoulder – moderate load
*200’ prowler push @ moderate load b/w sets
(Rest 5-10 min)
30 min @ 75%:
1 min assault bike
1 strict ring muscle-up
1 min row
1 wall climb – control eccentric
1 min single-unders
25’ crab walk, forwards
25’ crab walk, backwards
1 min burpees, no push-up


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