Todd Nief


7 min jog @ 50%
5 sets:
1 min run @ 80%
1 min run @ 85%
-Rest/walk 1 min
7 min jog @ 50%

E90s for 12 min:
2 strict chest-to-bar pull-ups + 4-6 kipping chest-to-bar pull-ups
*Assault bike @ 50-75% during rest periods
E90s for 12 min:
2 strict handstand push-ups to deficit + 4-6 kipping handstand push-ups to deficit
*Assault bike @ 50-75% during rest periods
(Rest 10 min)
For time:
50 toes-to-bar
(Rest 10 min)
50 burpee box jumps (24/20)
(Rest 5-10 min)
30 min @ 75%:
1 min assault bike
2 supinated strict chin-ups
1 min row
1 min shuttle run, 50’ increments
2 pistols/leg
1 min row


Partner “Whitten”
One Person working at a time
30 Minute AMRAP-
22 KB Swings, Tough
22 Box Jumps
400M Run
22 Burpees
22 Wall Balls, Tough

Partner “Whitten”
One Person working at a time
30 Minute AMRAP-
22 KB Swings (70/53)
22 Box Jumps (24/20)
400M Run
22 Burpees
22 Wall Balls (20/14)


30 min @ 80%:
2 strict toes-to-bar
1 mile assault bike
15 burpees, no push-ups
100’/hand suitcase carry
20 crossover step-ups onto 20″
1000m row

A. Snatch pull
Build to a tough touch-and-go set of 3, then do 3×3 @ 90% of today’s tough set
*Use straps.

B. Clean pull
Build to a tough touch-and-go set of 3, then do 3×3 @ 90% of today’s tough set

C. 5 sets:
30s AMRAP handstand walk
-Rest 30-60s

D. 20 min:
2:30 reverse sled drag – grinder effort
2:30 AMRAP 10s unbroken hollow holds
2:30 reverse sled drag
2:30 assault bike – moderate effort


A. Every 3 minutes x 5 sets
Power clean & Split jerk- 1.1.1, Increase each set

B. Push press-
3×5, R90s
*Increase weight over last week

C. 4 rounds for time:
4 DB hang clean & Jerk, tough
6 DB front rack Alt Box Step ups
8 Pull Ups W/ bar in rack
*10 minute cap

A. Every 3 minutes x 5 sets
Clean & Split jerk- 1.1.1, Increase each set

B. Push Press-
3×5, R90s
*Increase weight over last week

C. 4 rounds for time:
4 Ground to Overhead (155/115)
6 Pistols
8 Pull Ups
*10 minute cap


3 Drop snatch
*light weight

B. Tuck Hollow Hold w/ both legs extending-
3×6, R60-90s

C. 30 Minute AMRAP- 45s on/15s off @ 70%
Farmers walks
Russian KB swings
Alt lunges
Side to side ball slams, light
Alt DB Snatch, light


A. Deadlift-
3×6-8, R90s
*Same weight as last week

B. Every 2 minutes x 10 sets-
10s Assault bike calories @ 100%

C. Band Pull-apart series- 3 sets

A. Deadlift-
3×5 @81%, R90s
*Reset each rep, be patient between reps

B. Every 2 minutes x 10 sets-
10s Assault bike calories @ 100%

C. Band Pull-apart super series- 3 sets


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