Todd Nief


A. Every 2 minutes for 6 Sets, build each set:
Snatch High Pull+ Power Snatch + Hang power Snatch
1st 2 sets: 50%
2nd 2 sets: 60%
3rd 2 sets: 70%

B. Front Squat-
2×7, Across, R 2min
*RPE 7

C. Tabata Box jumps
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Jump Rope
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Assault bike calories

A. Every 2 minutes for 6 Sets, build each set:
Snatch High Pull+ Power Snatch + Hang power Snatch
1st 2 sets: 50%
2nd 2 sets: 60%
3rd 2 sets: 70%

B. Front Squat-
2×7, Across, Rest 2min
*RPE 7

C. Tabata Box Jumps (24/20)
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Double Unders
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Assault bike calories


A. Back squat
Build to a moderate set of 7 @ 20×1 tempo in 12 minutes

B. 5 sets @ 85%:
30s jumping switch lungs
30s assault bike
30s jumping switch lunges
-Rest 1 min
*Keep lunge reps per 30s and rpm on bike consistent.

C. 5 sets:
10 DB bench press – moderate
30s ring push-ups
-Rest 1 min
10 double DB bent over row – moderate
30s ring rows
-Rest 1 min
*Shoot for consistency on ring push-ups and ring rows. Fraction early if you have to.

D. 5 sets:
30-50’ handstand walk
50’ double KB overhead carry, tough weight – elbows locked out
50’ standing hand-over-hand sled pull, grinder weight
30-50’ handstand walk
-Rest 90-120s


A. Back-to-Wall Hand stand Holds-
4x ALAP or 20s

B1. Alt lunge w/ DBs
3×10-12/leg, 2010 tempo, R90s
B2. Russian KB swing
3×10-12, Heavy, R90s

C. 3 rounds:
21 Wall balls
15 Burpees
9 Ball slams
*10 min cap

A. Back-to-Wall Hand stand Holds-
4x 20-30s

B1. Rear-foot elevated split squat
3×10-12/leg, 2010, R90s
B2. Clean grip RDL
3×8-10, 2010 , R90s

C. 3 rounds:
21 Wall balls (20/14)
15 Burpees, 6″ jump
9 Toes-to-bar
*10 min cap


Partner “Whitten”
One Person working at a time
30 Minute AMRAP-
22 KB Swings, Tough
22 Box Jumps
400M Run
22 Burpees
22 Wall Balls, Tough

Partner “Whitten”
One Person working at a time
30 Minute AMRAP-
22 KB Swings (70/53)
22 Box Jumps (24/20)
400M Run
22 Burpees
22 Wall Balls (20/14)


A. Front squat
Build to a moderate set of 6 @ 20×1 tempo in 12 minutes

B. EMOTM 10:
1st: 2 strict weighted chest-to-bar pull-ups
2nd: 2 strict weighted ring dips

C1. Waiter’s walk
3×100’/arm; Tough weight; Rest 60s
C2. Pendlay row
3×10; 20×0 tempo; Tough; Rest 60s

D. 5 sets @ 95%:
100m sprint
-Rest 90s


A. Power snatch-
Build to a tough triple in 20 minutes

B. “285″
50 Russian KB swings, Tough
50 Walking lunges
50 Ball Slams
50 DB shoulder-to-overhead, Tough
40 DB snatch, alternating
50 Wall balls
30 burpees
*30 Min Cap

A. Snatch-
Build to 1RM in 20 minutes

B. “285″
50 KB swings (70/55)
50 Walking lunges
50 Toes-2-Bar
50 Shoulder-to-overhead (95/65)
40 DB snatch, alternating (70/45)
50 Wall balls (20/14)
30 Burpees
* 30 Min Cap


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