Todd Nief


“The SLSC Total”
Build to back squat max in 15 minutes
Build to close grip bench press max in 15 minutes
Max time flexed arm hang
Max assault bike calories in 1 minute

“The SLSC Total”
Build to back squat max in 15 minutes
Build to close grip bench press max in 15 minutes
Max set of strict pull ups in 5 minutes
Max assault bike calories in 1 minute


5 sets:
120’ suicide sprint, 30’ increments (30’ out, 30’ back, 60’ out, 60’ back…)
-Rest as needed
5 rounds:
1 standing long jump for distance
20 jumping switch lunges
20 jump squats
1 standing long jump for distance
-Rest as needed

PM: Push/Pull, int + Push/Pull, vol + Gym battery + Core
A. For time:
30 ring muscle-ups
*First set AMRAP set.

B. 3 min AMRAP:
Double-unders w/ Zeus rope
-Rest 1 min
3 min AMRAP:
DB burpee over box (55/hand – 24″ box – 35/hand – 20” box)
-Rest 1 min
3 min AMRAP:
-Rest 1 min
3 min AMRAP:
Burpee box jumps (30″/24”)

C. 5 min AMRAP:
5 unbroken kipping handstand push-ups
2 unbroken power cleans (225/155)
-Rest 5 min
10 min AMRAP:
50’ double DB overhead walking lunges (50/hand – 35/hand)
100’ double-unders
10 DB squat snatch, alternating (50/35)
20 pistols, alternating
-Rest 5 min
5 min AMRAP:
5 unbroken kipping ring dips
2 unbroken power cleans (225/155)

D. Accumulate 3 min FLR on rings w/ consistent fractioning
Accumulate 90s/side single-arm FLR on rings w/ consistent fractioning


2 rounds:
1200m row @ 75%
400m row @ 85%
800m row @ 80%
-Rest 3 min

PM: Oly, int + BSq, pause + Lower muscle endurance + Grinder
A. 2 min AMRAP:
Power cleans (245/165)
-Rest 1 min
2 min to build to a max power clean
-Rest 1 min
2 min AMRAP:
Power cleans (245/165)
-Rest 1 min
2 min to build to a max power clean

B. EMOTM 10:
1st: 30s Russian KB swings (102/88)
2nd: 30s prowler push (grinder)

C. For time:
30 box jumps (24″/20”)
24 shoulder-to-overhead (115/75)
18 toes-to-bar
30 box jumps (24″/20”)
18 shoulder-to-overhead (185/125)
18 toes-to-bar
30 box jumps (24″/20”)
12 shoulder-to-overhead (225/155)
18 toes-to-bar
30 box jumps (20”)
6 shoulder-to-overhead (275/185)
18 toes-to-bar
*Cap at 12 min.
(Rest as needed – 1 min easy bike intervals during rest)
5 min AMRAP:
Reverse sled drag at consistent effort/moderate weight


A. Deadlift-
Build to a 3RM in 20 minutes

B. “The consult”
For time:
500m Row
2 rounds:
20 Goblet squats
15 Ring rows
10 HR Push ups
5 burpees

A. Deadlift-
Build to a 1RM in 20 minutes

B. “The Consult”
For time:
500M Row
2 rounds:
20 Front Squats (115/75)
15 Pull ups
10 HR push ups
5 Burpees to 6” target


3 sets:
100m row @ 90%
400m roll-off/roll-on
100m row @ 90%
300m roll-off/roll-on
100m row @ 90%
200m roll-off/roll-on
100m row @ 90%
100m roll-off
-Rest 3 min

PM: MAP, high %, mixed
A. Hang muscle snatch
5×3 touch-and-go; Rest 60s

B. Hang power snatch
5×3 touch-and-go; Rest 60s

C. EMOTM 10:
1st: 3 jerk dips (heavy)
2nd: 3 jerk balances
*Use different weights for each.

D1. Double overhand deadlift, no hook grip
3×10; Touch-and-go; Rest 30s
D2. Rack pulls from above-the-knee
3×5; Reset each rep; Rest 30s
D3. Swiss ball hamstring curls
3x60s AMRAP; Rest 2-3 min

E1. Double KB front squats
3×10; Tough; Rest 30s
E2. Double KB reverse lunges
3×10/leg; Tough; Rest 30s
E3. Reverse sled drag
3x60s AMRAP; Grinder weight; Rest 2-3 min

Sunday – MAP, low %
60 min @ 50-70%:
2:30 min AirBike
2:30 row
2:30 shuttle run, 50’ increments
30s plank
30s suitcase carry, left (70)
30s plank
30s suitcase carry, right (70)
30s plank


A. Teams of two, one person working at a time:
Dumbbell Snatch, tough
*After each round:
60’s Jump Rope work
20 Walking Lunge

B1. Hollow rocks
3×10-12, R45s
B2. Low ring plank hold
3x 30s, R45s
B3. banded pallof press
3×5-7/side, R45s

A. Teams of two, one person working at a time:
Dumbbell Snatch (70/55#)
*After each round both athletes complete:
50 Double-unders
20 walking lunges

B1. Hollow rocks
3×10-12, R45s
B2. Low ring plank hold
3x 30s, R45s
B3. banded pallof press
3×5-7/side, R45s


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