Todd Nief


3 rounds:
200m row @ 85%
-Rest 1 min
(Rest 3 min)
3 rounds:
600m row @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
(Rest 3 min)
3 rounds:
200m row @ 85%
-Rest 1 min
(Rest 3 min)
3 rounds:
500m row @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
(Rest 3 min)
3 rounds:
200m row @ 85%
-Rest 1 min

PM: Push/Pull, int + Push/Pull, vol + Gym battery + Core
A. Strict press
Build to a 2RM for today in 7 min

B. E30s for 10 min:
1 strict handstand push-up to deficit
*Choose deficit that keeps you moving fast the whole time. No fails.

C. EMOTM 10:
1st: 3 touch-and-go push jerks – start moderate and build per set
2nd: 10 jump squats – jump high

D. 12 min:
1 min Turkish get-ups, right (55/35)
1 min Turkish get-ups, left (55/35)
2 min row @ 75%


Fitness & Performance
A. 5 sets:
60s Bike @50%
30s ” @75%
20s “ @85%
10s ” @95%
Rest 5 minutes
A2. 4 Sets:
30s Burpees @90%
60s Step-back burpees @80%
60s Front plank
30s Alt DB snatch, tough @90%
60s Alt DB snatch, tough @ 80%
60s Alt Box Step-ups @ 60%
Rest 5 minutes
A3. 5 sets:
60s Row @50%
30s ” @75%
20s ” @85%
10s ” @95%


4 rounds:
400m row @ 75%
2 standing long jumps for distance
200m row @ 95%
2 standing long jumps for distance
-Rest 2 min

PM: Oly, int + BSq, pause + Lower muscle endurance + Grinder
10 min AMRAP:
10 DB squat snatches, alternating (50/35)
30 double-unders
(Rest as needed)
27 thrusters (95/65) @ 90%
27 assault bike calories @ 50%
21 thrusters (95/65) @ 90%
21 assault bike calories @ 50%
15 thrusters (95/65) @ 90%
15 assault bike calories @ 50%
9 thrusters (95/65) @ 90%
9 assault bike calories @ 50%
(Rest 5-10 min)
27 jump squats @ 50%
27 assault bike calories @ 90%
21 jump squats @ 50%
21 assault bike calories @ 90%
15 jump squats @ 50%
15 assault bike calories @ 90%
9 jump squats @ 90%
9 row calories @ 50%


A. Close grip bench-
4×3-5, 10×1, Rest 2 minutes

B. 5 Sets @ 90%:
4 Minute AMRAP:
8 Ball slams
8 Box jumps, tough
8 DB Push Press, tough
30 DU or 60 singles
Rest 1 minute
*switch order every set

A. Close grip bench-
4×3-5, 10×1, Rest 2 minutes

B. 5 Sets @ 90%:
4 Minute AMRAP:
8 Toes-to-bar
8 Box jumps (24/20)
8 Push Press (95/65)
30 DU
Rest 1 minute
*switch order every set


6 sets:
.5 mile assault bike roll-off/roll-on
.3 mile assault bike @ 85%
.2 mile assault bike @ 90%

PM: MAP, high %, mixed
1st: 3 touch-and-go high hang muscle snatches
2nd: 3 touch-and-go high hang power snatches
3rd: 3 touch-and-go high hang squat snatches
*Change weight per minute

B. Push jerk x2 + Split jerk x2
Build to a tough touch-and-go complex for today in 10 min

C1. Swiss ball hamstring curls
3×45-60s; 1111 tempo; Rest 30s
C2. Glute-ham raises
3×45-60s; 1111 tempo; Rest 30s
C3. Swiss ball hamstring curls
3×45-60s; 1111 tempo; Rest 3-4 min

D. Bottom-to-bottom tabata air squats
*8 rounds of 20s on, 10s rest in bottom of squat
(Rest 5 min)
Tabata jumping switch lunges
*8 rounds of 20s on, 10s off


A. Teams of two, one person working at a time:
25 min AMRAP-
Assault bike calories (40/20)
20 KB swings, tough
100 DU or 150 singles
8 Wall climbs

B. Hollow hold-

A. Teams of two, one person working at a time:
25 min AMRAP-
Assault bike calories (60/40)
20 KB swings (70/53)
100 DU
8 Rope climbs

B. Hollow hold-


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