Paul Wagner


In teams of two with one partner working at a time—
25 min AMRAP:
5 wall climbs
15 double KB deadlifts
45 wall balls
Training notes:
•Partners can split up reps anyhow.
•Modify wall climbs to any “tough” bodyweight movement and adjust reps as necessary.
Record reps completed.
In teams of two with one partner working at a time—
25 min AMRAP:
5 rope climbs
15 double KB deadlifts (70/hand – 53/hand)
45 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 10’)
Training notes:
•Partners can split up reps anyhow.
Record reps completed.


A. EMOM 10:
2 push presses + 2 push jerks w/ 1s pause in receiving position
Training notes:
•Start moderate and build throughout.
•Take from the rack.
•Priority is technique and understanding hip mechanics on push press and push jerk – not load lifted.
•By transitioning from push press into push jerk we can focus on dialing in hip mechanics in shoulder-to-overhead movements.
Record weight used.
B. 27-21-15-9:
Bike/row calories
Training notes:
•12 min cap.
Record time.
A. EMOM 10:
2 push presses + 2 push jerks w/ 1s pause in receiving position
Training notes:
•Start moderate and build throughout.
•Take from the rack.
•Priority is technique and understanding hip mechanics on push press and push jerk – not load lifted.
•By transitioning from push press into push jerk we can focus on dialing in hip mechanics in shoulder-to-overhead movements.
Record weight used.
B. For time—
Shoulder-to-overhead (95/65)
Bike/row calories
Shoulder-to-overhead (145/95)
Bike/row calories
Training notes:
•12 min cap.
•Add a 25# plate to each side to go from 95 to 145 and a 15# plate (or 10/5) to go from 65 to 95.
Record time.


A. E2min for 5 sets:
2 front squats
Training notes:
•Start moderate and build per set.
•Top set tough but not maximal.
Record weight used.
B. 3 rounds:
1 min assault bike/row @ escalating pace
1 min DB burpees
1 min assault bike/row @ escalating pace
1 min KB swings
-Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Start moderate on bike and row each round and escalate to a challenging pace by the end of the 1 min interval.
•Bike/row should be challenging, but prioritize mixed work over pace on cyclical pieces.
•Note that this is 4 minutes straight through rather than 2 minutes of work at a time like last week.
•KB swing are overhead.
Record reps completed.
A. E2min for 5 sets:
Sets 1-2: 3 front squats
Sets 3-5: 2 front squats
Training notes:
•Start moderate and build per set.
•Top set tough but not maximal.
Record weight used.
B. 3 rounds:
1 min assault bike/row @ escalating pace
1 min DB burpees (35/hand – 25/hand)
1 min assault bike/row @ escalating pace
1 min KB swings (53/35)
-Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Start moderate on bike and row each round and escalate to a challenging pace by the end of the 1 min interval.
•Bike/row should be challenging, but prioritize mixed work over pace on cyclical pieces.
•Note that this is 4 minutes straight through rather than 2 minutes of work at a time like last week.
•KB swing are overhead.
Record reps completed.


A. Strict pronated pull-ups
3xAMRAP (-2); Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Leave two reps in the tank.
•Use assistance so you start with at least 5-8 reps.
Record reps per round.
B. 5 rounds—
3 min AMRAP:
3 strict hanging leg raises
6 push-ups
9 hang DB snatches, alternating
-Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•Variation of the benchmark “The Chief.”
Record reps completed.
A. Strict pronated pull-ups
3xAMRAP (-2); Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Leave two reps in the tank.
•Use assistance so you start with at least 5-8 reps.
Record reps per round.
B. 5 rounds—
3 min AMRAP:
3 strict toes-to-bar
6 push-ups
9 hang power snatches (75/55)
-Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•Variation of the benchmark “The Chief.”
•Hang power snatch weight should be light and unbroken.
Record reps completed.


A1. Box jump from seated on 12″ box
4×2; Rest 30s
A2. Clean pull + Power clean
4x(1+1); Building; Rest 2-3 min
Training notes:
•Choose a challenging but safe height on box jumps.
•Reset between reach rep on clean pulls and squat cleans.
Record weight.
B. E2min for 4 rounds:
1st: 6 double KB cleans + 5 double KB front squats + 4 double KB shoulder-to-overhead
2nd: 20 lateral hurdle hops + 20 reverse lunges, alternating
Training notes:
•16 total minutes of work. Think of this like an EMOM.
•Use DBs if KBs are going to smash your forearms up too much.
•Keep KB complex tough but unbroken.
•Adjust work so that you have at least 30s of rest on each round.
Record weight used for KB complex and split times..
A1. Box jump from seated on 12″ box
4×2; Rest 30s
A2. Clean pull + Squat clean
4x(1+1); Building; Rest 2-3 min
Training notes:
•Choose a challenging but safe height on box jumps.
•Reset between reach rep on clean pulls and squat cleans.
Record weight.
B. E2min for 4 rounds:
1st: 6 double KB cleans + 5 double KB front squats + 4 double KB shoulder-to-overhead
2nd: 25 double-unders + 12 jumping switch lunges + 25 double-unders
Training notes:
•16 total minutes of work. Think of this like an EMOM.
•Keep KB complex tough but unbroken.
•Adjust work so that you have at least 30s of rest on each round.
Record weight used for KB complex and split times..


A. EMOM 10:
1st: 30s plank shoulder taps
2nd: 30-45s dead bugs, alternating
B. 3 rounds:
50 air squats
7 DB renegade rows
10 DB hang power cleans
Training notes:
•12 min cap.
Record time.
A. EMOM 10:
1st: 30s wall-facing shoulder taps
2nd: 30-45s dead bugs, alternating
Training notes:
•Do back to wall shoulder taps if they feel sketchy wall-facing.
B. “Nasty Girls”
3 rounds:
50 air squats
7 ring muscle-ups
10 hang power cleans (135/95)
Training notes:
•12 min cap.
Record time.

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