Paul Wagner


A. Back squat
10,8,6; Building; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•All working sets should be somewhat challenging, and last few reps of last set should be “tough”
•If you were here last time when we did 3×8, use that as a guideline for what weights to shoot for.
Record weight used.
B. 2 rounds:
1 min AMRAP DB burpee box step-overs
-Rest 30s
1 min stir-the-pot
-Rest 30s
1 min AMRAP DB burpee box step-overs
-Rest 30s
30s/side hip helicopters
-Rest 30s
Training notes:
•Shoot for consistency between rounds on DB burpee box step-overs.
•Each round will take 6 minutes.
Record reps completed.


@ 0:00–
5 min AMRAP:
4 DB Turkish get-ups, alternating
10 lateral hurdle hops
@ 10:00–
12 min AMRAP:
5 DB hang squat cleans
10 box jumps, step down
Training notes:
•Turkish get-ups should be moderately challenging but not super heavy.
•Use the same weight for DB cleans and Turkish get-ups
•Everyone starts the second piece together at 10 minutes on the clock.
Record time on the first part and reps completed on the second part.

@ 0:00–
For time:
20 DB Turkish get-ups, alternating (50/35)
150 double-unders
•8 minute cap.
@ 10:00–
12 min AMRAP:
5 DB hang squat cleans (50/hand – 35/hand)
10 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
Training notes:
•Turkish get-ups should be moderately challenging but not super heavy.
•Use the same weight for DB cleans and Turkish get-ups
•Everyone starts the second piece together at 10 minutes on the clock.
Record time on the first part and reps completed on the second part.


A. 10 minutes kipping skill work
Training notes:
•If you struggle on the kip, probably best to practice with toes-to-bar.
•If you are comfortable with kipping, practice really dialing in your kip. Different variations for toes-to-bar, pull-ups, muscle-ups, etc.
B. EMOM 20:
1st: 30s DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
2nd: 30s KB swings (53/35)
3rd: 30s burpees, no jump
4th: 30s assault bike/row
Training notes:
•This will be a lot of work on the same muscle groups. Pace such that your sets on the wall balls do not drop off throughout.
Record reps completed on each interval.


A. 10 minutes kipping skill work
Training notes:
•If you struggle on the kip, probably best to practice with toes-to-bar.
•If you are comfortable with kipping, practice really dialing in your kip. Different variations for toes-to-bar, pull-ups, muscle-ups, etc.
B. EMOM 20:
1st: 30s DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
2nd: 30s KB swings (53/35)
3rd: 30s burpees, no jump
4th: 30s assault bike/row
Training notes:
•This will be a lot of work on the same muscle groups. Pace such that your sets on the wall balls do not drop off throughout.
Record reps completed on each interval.


A. E90s for 6 sets:
Power snatch + Hang power snatch
Training notes:
•Pause briefly in receiving position.
•Start moderate and build in weight throughout as able.
B. 3 rounds:
25 Russian KB swings
15 push-ups, hand-release
Training notes:
•KB weight should be moderately tough.
•Choose a total volume for push-ups at which you can maintain good positions throughout.
Record time.
A. E90s for 6 sets:
Muscle snatch + Hang muscle snatch + Overhead squat x2
Training notes:
•Prioritize speed on the turnover and good positions over load lifted.
•Start moderate and build in weight throughout as able.
B. For time:
40 Russian KB swings (70/53)
9 wall climbs
30 Russian KB swings (70/53)
7 wall climbs
20 Russian KB swings (70/53)
5 wall climbs
Training notes:
•Nose touches wall on wall climbs & control the eccentric.
Record time.


A. E3min for 3 rounds:
3-5 vertical ring rows
8-10 ring rows
15 double DB bent over rows
Training notes:
•Sets should be tough but unbroken. Choose weights accordingly.
B. EMOM 16:
1st: 8-10 DB floor press (tough)
2nd: 30-45s farmer’s hold (tough)
3rd: 8-10 DB push presses (tough)
4th: 30-45s farmer’s hold (tough)
Training notes:
•Use KBs or DBs for farmer’s hold. Should be tough to maintain unbroken by the end.
•Ideally use the same weight for floor press and push press.
A. E3min for 3 rounds:
5 strict weighted pull-ups
6-10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 double DB bent over rows
Training notes:
•Sets should be tough but unbroken. Choose weights accordingly.
•Short rest between movements.
B. EMOM 16:
1st: 3-5 unbroken strict handstand push-ups to deficit if possible
2nd: 30-45s farmer’s hold (tough)
3rd: 10 DB push presses (tough)
4th: 30-45s farmer’s hold (tough)
Training notes:
•Use KBs or DBs for farmer’s hold. Should be tough to maintain unbroken by the end.
•Push presses should be challenging but unbroken.

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