Paul Wagner


10 sets @ 85%:
400m run
20 burpees
-Rest 3 min

A. Front squat
Build to a tough single for today with 15s hold in front rack after the rep, then do 3x(1+15s) @ 85% of today’s tough set

B. EMOTM 10:
1st: 2 strict weighted ring pull-ups – tough
2nd: 2 Pendlay rows – tough

C. EMOTM 10:
1st: 2 strict weighted ring dips – tough
2nd: 2 close-grip bench presses – tough

D. 21-15-9:
Strict pull-ups
Front squats (135/95)


A. Every 3 minutes x 5 sets
Power clean & Split Jerk- 1.1.1, Increasing weight each set

B. Back squat-
3×6-8, R90s

C. 5 sets:
30s Jump rope work
30s rest
30s AMRAP DB renegade rows (DBs total half of body weight)
30s rest

A. Every 3 minutes x 5 sets
Clean & Split Jerk- 1.1.1, Increasing weight each set

B. Back squat-
3×7, @ 77%, R90s

C. 5 sets:
30s AMRAP Double unders
30s rest
30s AMRAP Renegade Rows (DBs total half of body weight)
30s rest


For time:
100-200-300 double-unders
1000m-2000m-3000m row

“Granite Games #3 2015″
For time:
50m Sand Bag Run (50,30 lb.)
25m Run
1 Legless Rope Climb 15 ft.
25m Run
50m Sand Bag Run (50,30 lb.)
25m Run
1 Legless Rope Climb 15 ft.
25m Run
50m Sand Bag Run (70,50 lb.)
25m Run
1 Legless Rope Climb 15 ft.
25m Run
50m Sand Bag Run (70,50 lb.)
25m Run
1 Legless Rope Climb 15 ft.
25m Run
50m Sand Bag Run (100,70 lb.)
25m Run
1 Legless Rope Climb 15 ft.
25m Run
50m Sand Bag Run (100,70 lb.)
*If you don’t have sandbags do either d-ball carry or double KB front rack carry at slightly heavier weight.
(Rest as needed)
3 rounds:
400m run
100’ handstand walk
7 deadlifts (275)

4k run @ 75%
*”Jogging” pace
-Rest 5 min
4k run @ 75%


Partners working one at a time-
For Time:
40 Box Jumps, tough
40 Ring rows
40 Russian KB Swings, tough
40 Alternating Lunges
40 Ball Slams
40 DB Push Press, tough
40 KB Romanian Dead Lift
40 Wall Balls
40 Burpees
40 Assault bike calories

Partners working one at a time-
For Time:
40 Box Jumps (24/20)
40 Pull Ups
40 KB Swings (70/53)
40 Alternating Lunges w/ KB (70/53)
40 Ball Slams (30/20)
40 KB Push Press (35/26/Hand)
40 KB Romanian Dead Lift (35/26/Hand)
40 Wall Balls (20/14)
40 Burpees
200 Double Unders


PM: Sn DL + Clean DL + Power clean, battery + Loaded carry + Core/Unilateral

30 min @ 75-80%:
1 mile-2 miles-3 miles…assault bike

A. Snatch pull w/ 1s pause below-the-knee and 1s pause above-the-knee
5×1.1; Building; Rest 90-120s

B. Clean pull w/ 1s pause below-the-knee and 1s pause above-the-knee
5×1.1; Building; Rest 90-120s

C. EMOTM 12:
1st: 30-45s suitcase carry, right – tough
2nd: 30-45s suitcase carry, left – tough
3rd: 30-45s wall-facing handstand hold – nose and toes on wall
(Rest 5 min)
1st: 30-45s Sorensen hold
2nd: 20-30s hollow hold
3rd: 30s double KB front rack hold in bottom of squat, tough weight – elbows off of knees


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