Paul Wagner


For time:
1000m row/60 bike calories
40 push-ups, hand-release
1000m row/60 bike calories
20 renegade rows
1000m row/60 bike calories
10 wall climbs
Training notes:
•25 minute cap.
•Adjust movements or reps as necessary. Each set of gymnastics movements should be “tough.”
For time:
1000m row/60 bike calories
30 strict handstand push-ups
1000m row/60 bike calories
20 ring muscle-ups
1000m row/60 bike calories
10 wall climbs
Training notes:
•25 minute cap.
•Adjust movements or reps as necessary. Each set of gymnastics movements should be “tough.”


A. E90s for 6 sets:
4 high hang power snatches – pause briefly in receiving position
Training notes:
•Torso stays upright on high hang power snatches.
B. 10 min AMRAP:
10 double KB deadlifts (moderate)
10 lateral burpees over the KBs
10 box jumps, step down
Training notes:
•Choose KBs that allow you to move at a steady rate throughout.
Record reps completed.
A. E90s for 6 sets:
2 tall power snatches + 2 tall snatches – pause briefly in receiving position
Training notes:
•Receive in the power position for the first two reps, then receive in a full squat for the second two reps.
•Start moderate and build in weight throughout as able.
B. 10 min AMRAP:
5 deadlifts (225/155)
10 lateral barbell burpees
15 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
Training notes:
•Deadlift weight should be tough – not “heavy.”
Record reps completed.


A. E3min for 3 rounds:
4-6 unbroken ring push-ups
6-8 DB floor press
30-45s plank
Training notes:
•Elevate rings as necessary to keep ring push-ups unbroken.
•Sets should be tough but unbroken.
•Short rest between movements.
B. EMOM 16:
1st: 2 Turkish get-ups, right
2nd: 3-6 vertical ring rows
3rd: 2 Turkish get-ups, left
4th: 3-6 strict hanging leg raises
Training notes:
•Choose a rep count that you can keep unbroken throughout.
•KB weight should be tough but doable for the Turkish get-ups.
A. E3min for 3 rounds:
2-4 unbroken strict handstand push-ups to deficit
6-8 unbroken kipping handstand push-ups
8-10 unbroken double DB push presses
Training notes:
•Sets should be tough but unbroken.
•Short rest between movements.
B. EMOM 16:
1st: 5-10 unbroken chest-to-bar pull-ups
2nd: 2 Turkish get-ups, right (tough)
3rd: 5-10 unbroken toes-to-bar
4th: 2 Turkish get-ups, left (tough)
Training notes:
•Choose a rep count that you can keep unbroken throughout.
•KB weight should be tough but doable for the Turkish get-ups.


A. 10 minutes kipping skill work
Training notes:
•If you struggle on the kip, probably best to practice with toes-to-bar.
•If you are comfortable with kipping, practice really dialing in your kip. Different variations for toes-to-bar, pull-ups, muscle-ups, etc.
B. 24 min:
1 min double KB cleans + double KB front squat
1 min air squats
-Rest 2 min
1 min assault bike/row
1 min air squats
-Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Shoot for consistent splits per round.
Record reps completed on each interval.


In teams of two with one person working at a time–
For time:
100 bike/row calories
80 box jumps, step down
60 double DB deadlifts 
40 DB shoulder-to-overhead
20 renegaded rows
Training notes:
•Partners split reps anyhow.
•One head of DBs touches ground on DB deadlifts.
•May need to have two different DB weights for different movements – that’s ok.
•30 minute cap.

In teams of two with one person working at a time–
For time:
100 bike/row calories
80 box jumps, step down (24”/20’)
60 deadlifts (155/105)
40 shoulder-to-overhead (155/105)
20 burpee bar muscle-ups
Training notes:
•Partners split reps anyhow.
•Optional Rx+: 185/125 for barbell if you think this will take you less than 20 minutes.
•30 minute cap.


@ 0:00–
American KB swings
Wall balls
•8 minute cap.
@ 10:00–
12 min AMRAP:
12 assault bike/row calories
10 DB snatches, alternating
8 push-ups
Training notes:
•Turkish get-ups should be moderately challenging but not super heavy.
•Use the same weight for DB cleans and Turkish get-ups
•Everyone starts the second piece together at 10 minutes on the clock.
Record time on the first part and reps completed on the second part.
@ 0:00–
American KB swings (53/35)
Wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
•8 minute cap.
@ 10:00–
12 min AMRAP:
12 assault bike/row calories
10 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
8 kipping handstand push-ups
Training notes:
•First piece should be quick and high turnover.
Record time on the first part and reps completed on the second part.

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