Paul Wagner


A. Bar in rack pull-ups-
3×6-8, R90s

B. Seated DB Press-
4×6-8, 2010, R90s

C. 4 sets:
250m Row @85-90%
Rest 3 minutes

A. Strict weighted Chin ups-
3×8, R90s

B. Seated DB Press-
4×6-8, 2010, R90s

C. 4 sets:
250M Row @85-90%
Rest 3 minutes


60 minutes @ 75%:
5 min row, damper @ 1
4 min assault bike
3 min step-ups, alternating (24/20)
2 min single-unders
1 min farmer’s walk (70/hand – 55/hand)


A. Ring Ball ups- 3×3-5

B. 25 min AMRAP @ 70%:
.5 mile assault bike
60s Plank on medball (Break up as needed)
50′ Bear crawl
50’ Crab Walk
2 Wall climbs, hold top for 10s


A. 3 rounds not for time:
1 legless rope climb
1 peg board ascent
2-4 skin-the-cats on rings

B. DB front of body carry
5×100’; Heavy; Rest 60s
*Hold DB by metal part between waist and shoulders.

C. 5 sets:
30s static handstand hold – no wall
-Rest 15s
30s bottoms-up waiter’s walk, right
-Rest 15s
30s bottoms-up waiter’s walk, left
-Rest 15s
30s support on rings in external rotation, shoulders off of straps
-Rest 2 min

D. 10 sets:
1 min assault bike @ 90%
2 min shuttle run, 50’ increments @ 50%
*Push it on bike and recover on run.


A. Close grip bench press-
3×7, tough, R 2min
*RPE 7

B. 5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 Front squats, tough

A. Close grip bench press-
3×7, 60%, R 2min
*RPE 6-7

B. 5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 Overhead squats (135/95)


A1. Clean-grip RDL
5×5; 40×0 tempo; Rest 60s
A2. Good mornings
5×10; 30×0 tempo; Moderate load; Rest 2 min

B1. Barbell front rack step-ups
5×10, alternating; Rest 60s
B2. DB walking lunges
5×20, alternating; Moderate load; Rest 2 min

C. 21-15-9 @ 85%:
Row calories
Assault bike calories
(Rest 5 min)
6 min @ 85%:
1 min box jumps, step down (24/20)
1 min yoke carry – moderate load
(Rest 5 min)
Row calories
Assault bike calories

D. EMOTM 12:
1st: 20-30s anti-rotational front plank, right
2nd: 45s suitcase carry, right – tough weight
3rd: 20-30s anti-rotational front plank, left
4th: 45s suitcase carry, left – tough weight


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