Paul Wagner


A. Every 2 minutes for 6 Sets, build each set:
High Hang power snatch + Hang above knee Power Snatch + Hang below knee power Snatch
*Increase weight every 2 sets

B. Front Squat-
3×7, Across, R90s
*RPE 8, increased weight from last week

C. Tabata Renegade rows (body weight)
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Russian KB swings, tough

A. Every 2 minutes for 6 Sets, build each set:
High Hang power snatch + Hang above knee Power Snatch + Hang below knee power Snatch
*Increase weight every 2 sets

B. Front Squat-
3×7, Across, Rest 90s
*RPE 8, increase with from last week

C. Tabata Renegade rows (body weight)
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata KB swings (53/35)


A. Back squat
Build to a moderate set of 6 @ 20×1 tempo in 12 minutes

B. 5 sets @ high effort:
50’ DB walking lunges – tough but not grindy
10 assault bike calories
100’ walking lunges – unloaded
-Rest 90s

C. 10 min AMRAP:
Rope climbs
*Use legs.

D. 20 min AMRAP:
2-4-6-8… strict ring dips
400m run
50’-100’-150’…farmer’s walk (100/hand – 70/hand)
400m row
20’-40’-60’-100’…handstand walk
.4 miles assault bike


A. Pike handstand on box-
4x ALAP or 20s

B1. Alt lunge w/ DBs
8-10/leg, 2010 tempo, R90s
B2. Russian KB swing
8-10, Heavy, R90s

C. For time:
Row Calories
*10 minute cap

A. Box handstand walk around box-
4 rotations/2 per direction

B1. Rear-foot elevated split squat
3×8-10/leg, 2010, R90s
B2. Clean grip RDL
3×8-10, 2010 , R90s
*Slight increase if possible

C. For time:
Burpees to 6” target
Assault bike calories
*10 minute cap


A. Muscle snatch
Build to a 3RM touch-and-go in 10 min

B. Squat jerk
Build to a tough double in 10 min

C. DB overhead squat
10/arm, 8/arm, 6/arm, 4/arm; Rest 60s b/w arms

D. 3-5 sets:
7s assault bike @ 100%
-45s rest
60s sled push, light weight – walk with sled and just keep it moving
-Rest 60s
*Terminate if assault bike pace drops off too much.
(Rest 10 min)
15 min AMRAP:
5 strict press (75/55)
10 Pendlay rows (105/85)
15 goblet squats (70/55)


Teams of two complete the following-
30 min AMRAP:
5 Power Cleans, tough
10 Bar-Facing burpees
15 Goblet squats, tough

Teams of two complete the following
30 min AMRAP:
5 power cleans (115/75)
10 Bar-facing burpees
15 Goblet squats (53/35)
*Partners alternate rounds


A. Front squat
Build to a moderate set of 5 @ 20×1 tempo in 12 minutes

B. EMOTM 10:
Clean deadlift + Clean pull + Clean high pull + Clean panda pull
*Reset between reps.

C. Snatch grip RDL
5×5; 40×0 tempo; Rest 90s

D. Accumulate the following, switching as necessary:
90s L-sit hanging from pull-up bar with consistent fractioning
50 glute-ham raises @ 40×0 tempo

E. 5 sets @ 95%:
100m sprint
-Rest 90s
(Rest 5-10 min)
5 sets @ 95%:
100m sprint
-Rest 90s


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