Paul Wagner


A. Bar in rack pull-ups-
4×8-10, R90s

B. Seated DB Press-
3×6-8, 2010, R90s
*Increase weight

C. 6 sets:
250m Row @85-90%
Rest 2:30 minutes

A. Strict weighted Pull ups-
3×6-8, R90s

B. Seated DB Press-
3×6-8, 2010, R90s
*Increase weight

C. 6 sets:
250M Row @85-90%
Rest 2:30 minutes


60 minutes @ 75%:
3 min assault bike
1 min single-leg DB RDLs, alternating
1 min walking lunges
3 min row
1 min Turkish get-ups, right – light
1 min Turkish get-ups, left – light
3 min shuttle run, 50’ increments
1 min bird dogs – focus on creating tension at the end
1 min hip airplanes, alternating


A. 40 min AMRAP @ 70%:
4/side TGU w/ KB
500M Row
6/side OH plate ALT lunges, tough
20 Assault bike calories
8/side half kneeling DB press
60s Jump rope work
10 Hanging knee raises


8 sets:
15s assault bike @ 100%
400m jog @ 50% – recovery

3 skin-the-cats on rings

B. Peg board – accumulate 3-5 reps

C. Accumulate 90s free-standing handstand hold

D. Accumulate 2 min support on rings in external rotation with consistent fractioning
-Rest as needed
Accumulate 40 alternating hip touches hanging from pull-up bar

E. 3-9-12-15 @ 85%:
Box jumps, step down (24/20)
Row calories
(Rest 5 min)
9-12-15-18 @ 85%:
Russian KB swings (70/55)
Assault bike calories
(Rest 5 min)
12-15-18-21 @ 85%:
Jump squats
Assault bike calories


A. Close grip bench press-
3×5, tough, R120s
*RPE 8

B. 20 min AMRAP:
5 Broad jumps (4’-6’)
6 DB Renegade rows (no push up)
7 KB goblet squats, tough
8 DB Push press (same db weight as above)

A. Close grip bench press-
3×5, 78%, R120s
*RPE 8

B. 20 min AMRAP:
3 Box Jumps (35/30)
5 Strict Chest-to-bar pull ups
7 Single DB goblet squats (1/4 of body weight)
9 Hand-release push-ups


A. Power snatch + Below-the-knee power snatch + Above-the-knee power snatch
Build to a tough complex for today in no more than 5 sets, then do 3x(1+1+1) @ 85% of today’s tough set

B. Muscle snatch + Below-the-knee muscle snatch + Above-the-knee muscle snatch
Build to a tough complex for today in no more than 5 sets, then do 3x(1+1+1) @ 85% of today’s tough set

C. Snatch-grip RDL
6×7; 3030 tempo; Rest 90s

D. 5 sets for quality:
6 glute-ham raises
10 good mornings – light
6 glute-ham raises
-Rest as needed

E. E30s for 5 min:
1 squat clean – tough
-Rest 3 min
E45s for 3 min:
1 squat clean – tough
-Rest 3 min
1 squat clean – tough


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