Paul Wagner


60 min @ 75%:
20 cross-over step-ups, alternating (24/20)
10 assault bike calories
20 alternating side lunges
10 assault bike calories – light
20 side-to-side ball slams
10 ski erg calories
400m run


“The Seven”
7 Rounds for time:
7 Push Ups
7 DB Thrusters, tough
7 Ball Slams
7 Deadlifts, tough
7 burpees
7 KB Swings, tough
7 False grip ring rows

“The Seven”
7 Rounds for time:
7 Thrusters (135/95)
7 Knees-to-elbows
7 Deadlifts (245/175)
7 burpees
7 KB Swings (70/53)
7 Pull-ups


A. Power snatch
Build to a tough touch-and-go 3 for today in 7 min

B. Power snatch
Build to a tough touch-and-go 2 for today in 7 min
*Drop back down and rebuild back up.

C. E30s for 5 min:
1 tough box jump from seated on 12” box

D. 10 min assault bike @ 85%
(Rest 5 min)
10 min AMRAP @ 85%:
5 strict pull-ups
7 strict handstand push-ups, 2” deficit
9 box jumps, no rebound (30/24)
12 row calories
(Rest 5 min)
10 min assault bike calories @ 85%


A. Chin-ups-
AMRAP in one set

B. 13.3
12 min AMRAP:
150 wall balls, tough
90 double-unders
30 muscle-ups

A. Weighted Chin-ups-
AMRAP with ¼ of body weight

B. 13.3
12 min AMRAP:
150 wall balls (20/14)
90 double-unders
30 muscle-ups


4 sets:
5 min run @ 50%
-Rest 2 min
1 mile assault bike @ 75%
-Rest 2 min

A. Front squat to box just below parallel
8×1; 22×1 tempo; Rest 60s
*2s pause on box. Focus on speed driving up over weight.

B. Sumo deadlift
6,5,4,5,4,3; Waveload; Rest 2 min
*Reset each rep – not touch-and-go.

C1. Single-leg DB RDLs
3×10/leg; 20×0 tempo; Short rest b/w legs; Rest 60s
C2. Double KB front rack step-ups
3×10/leg; Short rest b/w legs; Rest 60s

D1. Banded good mornings
3x60s; 1111 tempo; Rest 30s
D2. Double KB split squats, right – light load
3x60s; 1111 tempo; Rest 30s
D3. Double KB split squats, left
3x60s; 1111 tempo; Rest 1-2 min

E. E2 min for 4 sets:
25 Russian KB swings – moderately tough


Rest/Recovery/Make-up day
*use this day to do a missed day from earlier in the week.


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