Paul Wagner


Fitness + Performance


20 min AMRAP

2 Muscle Ups
8 US KB Swings @ 70/53lbs


A. Squat snatch + Hang squat snatch + Snatch balance
Build to a max of the complex for today in 10 min, then do 2x(1+1+1) @ 80-85% of today’s tough set

B. Squat clean + Split jerk x2
Build to a max of the complex for today in 10 min, then do 2x(1+2) @ 80-85% of today’s tough set

C. Double overhand deadlift, no hook grip
5,4,3,4,3,2; 11×1 tempo; Rest 90s

D. 2 sets:
5 strict weighted pull-ups, unbroken
10 vertical ring rows
15 Pendlay rows, unbroken
-Rest 2 min

E. 2 sets:
5 wall climbs – control eccentric
10 standing DB press
15 deficit push-ups, hand-release
-Rest 2 min

F. 10 min AMRAP:
1 strict ring muscle-up
2 Turkish get-ups, alternating (88/70)
400m run


4x15m A skips –
-Walk back to start
4x10m from push-up start –
-Walk back to start
4x10m falling start –
-Walk back to start
(Rest as needed)
1 min run @ 90%
6 min jog @ 50%
-Rest 1 min
1 min run @ 90%
5 min jog @ 50%
-Rest 1 min
1 min run @ 90%
4 min jog @ 50%
-Rest 1 min
1 min run @ 90%
3 min jog @ 50%
-Rest 1 min
1 min run @ 90%
2 min jog @ 50%

PM: MAP, high %, high turnover
30 min of 30s on/30s off:
DB thrusters (35/hand – 25/hand)
Box jumps, step down (24/20)
Assault bike
Russian KB swings (88/70)
Assault bike
(Rest 5-10 min)
10 min @ 85%:
20 row calories
15 burpees over-the-erg
10 ball slams (40/30)
(Rest 5-10 min)
10 min @ 85%:
50 double-unders
20 jumping switch lunges
100’ prowler push, light
(Rest 5-10 min)
1st: 30s glute-bridge, right + 30s glute bridge, left
2nd: 45s Sorensen hold


A. Back Squat-
4×5, 20X1, Across, R90-120s

B. Rope Climb skill work- 5 minutes
3×2-3 Prone to standing rope climbs

C. 20 minutes- 30s on/ 30s off @ 90%
Wall Balls, tough
Burpees over med ball
Russian KB swings, tough
Row Calories

A. Back Squat-
4×5, 20X1, build, R90-120s

B. Rope climb skill work- 5 minutes
3×2-3 Legless rope climbs
*start from seated on floor, stop half way if needed

C. 20 minutes- 30s on/ 30s off @ 90%
Wall Balls (20/14)
Burpees over med ball
KB swings (53/35)
Row Calories


A1. Pendlay row
5,3,4,3; 20×0 tempo; Waveload; Rest 60s
A2. Strict press
5,3,4,3; 2020x tempo; Waveload; Rest 60s

B1. Double DB bent over row
3×15-20; 10×0 tempo; Rest 30s
B2. Double DB incline bench press
3×15-20; 10×0 tempo; Rest 30s

C. E90s until failure
1st: 1 legless rope climb
2nd: 1 legless rope climb + 1 rope climb w/ feet
3rd: 1 legless rope climb + 2 rope climbs w/ feet
4th: 1 legless rope climb + 3 rope climbs w/ feet

(Rest 5 min)
5 min AMRAP:
Strict wall-facing handstand push-ups

D. EMOTM 20:
1st: 20-30s single-arm FLR on rings, right
2nd: 30-45s suitcase carry, right – tough
3rd: 20-30s single-arm FLR on rings, left
4th: 30-45s suitcase carry, left – tough


A. DB Press-
4×8-10, 2010, R60s

B. DB single arm row-
4×8-10/Side, 20×1, R60s

C. 5 sets:
1 minute alternating DB snatches, tough
1 minute assault bike @ 90%
1 minute rest

A. Press-
4×5, 10X1, Build, R60s

B. Pendlay Row-
4×8, 10X0, Build, R60s

C. 5 sets:
1 minute Power Snatch (135/95)- Drop each rep
1 minute Assault bike @ 90%
1 minute rest


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