Paul Wagner


A. E3min for 3 rounds:
5 strict bar dips w/ assistance
10 DB Z press
15 ring push-ups
Training notes:
•All unbroken sets.
•Short rest between exercises – adjust reps and movements such that you can keep this unbroken.
•Elevate rings to keep push-up sets unbroken.
B. 6 min AMRAP:
2-4-6-8…burpee pull-ups
5-10-15…bike/row calories
(Rest 3 min)
6 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…vertical ring rows
5-10-15…bike/row calories
Record reps completed on each AMRAP.
Training notes:
•Can do some form of burpee jumping pull-ups for the first AMRAP.
A. E3min for 3 rounds:
5 strict weighted ring dips
10 DB Z press
15 ring push-ups
Training notes:
•All unbroken sets.
•Short rest between exercises – adjust reps and movements such that you can keep this unbroken.
B. 6 min AMRAP:
2-4-6-8…burpee bar muscle-ups
5-10-15…bike/row calories
(Rest 3 min)
6 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…strict pull-ups
5-10-15…bike/row calories
Record reps completed on each AMRAP.
Training notes:
•Should be two challenging upper body pulling movements. Adjust movements accordingly.


@ 0:00–
Double KB front squat (moderately tough)
Lateral burpees over the KBs
•8 minute cap.
@ 10:00–
12 min AMRAP:
10 Russian KB swings (70/53)
15 air squats
10 lateral hurdle hops
Training notes:
•First piece should be quick and high turnover.
•Second piece should have consistent splits per round.
Record time on the first part and reps completed on the second part.
@ 0:00–
Thrusters (115/75)
•5 minute cap.
@ 10:00–
12 min AMRAP:
10 double DB power cleans
20 double DB front rack reverse lunges, alternating (35/hand – 25/hand)
10 assault bike/row calories
Training notes:
•First piece was part of a South Loop Games event.
•Second piece should have consistent splits per round.
•One head of DBs touches the ground on DB power cleans.
Record time on the first part and reps completed on the second part.


A. 10 minutes kipping skill work
Training notes:
•If you struggle on the kip, probably best to practice with toes-to-bar.
•If you are comfortable with kipping, practice really dialing in your kip. Different variations for toes-to-bar, pull-ups, muscle-ups, etc.
B. 3 rounds:
1 min ring muscle-ups/DB humanmakers
1 min rowing
-Rest 2 min
1 min sandbag over-shoulder (150/100)/double KB cleans
1 min assault bike
-Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Shoot for consistent splits per round.
•Sandbag weight should be tough but sustainable.
Record reps completed on each interval.


1 wall climb
2 vertical ring rows
3 hang power snatches
4 burpee box jumps
5 box jumps, step down
6 thrusters
7 Russian KB swings
8 hanging leg raises
9 DB snatches, alternating
10 assault bike calories
11 shoulder-to-overhead
12 squat cleans
Training notes:
•The rep scheme follows the song: 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1…12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.
•Use the same barbell weight for all movements.
Record time.
“12 Days of Christmas”
1 wall climb
2 strict pull-ups
3 hang power snatches (115/75)
4 burpee box jumps (24”/20”)
5 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
6 thrusters (115/75)
7 Russian KB swings (70/53)
8 toes-to-bar
9 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
10 assault bike calories
11 shoulder-to-overhead (115/75)
12 squat cleans (115/75)
Training notes:
•The rep scheme follows the song: 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1…12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.
Record time.


30 min AMRAP:
10 DB hang power cleans
10 push-ups
10 box jumps, step down
10 bike/row calories
30 min AMRAP:
5 power cleans (155/105)
13 push-ups
9 box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
Training notes:
•This is a modified version of the hero workout “McGhee”
•Power clean weight should be moderate

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