Paul Wagner


3 rounds:
1000m row @ 75%
100m roll-off
200m row @ 50%
50m row @ 95%
200m roll-off/roll-on
50m row @ 95%
200m roll-off
-Rest 2 min

PM: Oly, int + BSq, pause + Lower muscle endurance + Grinder
A. 5 min AMRAP:
Power snatches (185/135)
5 min to find max power snatch

B. Squat clean + Front squat x3 + Split jerk
Build to a tough complex for today in 10 min

C. 17 min AMRAP:
50 double-unders
20 bar-facing burpees
20 squat clean thrusters (115/85)
50 double-unders
15 bar-facing burpees
15 squat clean thrusters (155/105)
50 double-unders
10 bar-facing burpees
10 squat clean thrusters (185/125)
50 double-unders
5 bar-facing burpees
AMRAP squat clean thrusters (225/145)
*Can squat clean & jerk thruster.
(Rest as needed – 1 min easy bike intervals during rest)
5 min AMRAP:
Zercher sandbag carry (tough)


A. Back squat-
3×5, Across, 20X1, R90s
*5-10lb increase from last week

B. Bench Press-
3×5, Across, 20X1, R90s
*5-10lb increase from last week

C. Bar in rack strict pull-ups-
3×6-8, R90s

D1. Powell raise
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s
D2. Seated external rotation
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s

A. Back squat-
3,2,2,1, wave load, 20X1, R90s
*start slightly heavier last week

B. Bench Press-
3,2,2,1, wave load, 20X1, R90s
*start slightly heavier last week

C. Weighted strict pull-up-
3×5-7, across, R90s
*adjust weight as needed to fit rep range

D1. Powell raise
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s
D2. Seated external rotation
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s


5 min assault bike @ slowly escalating pace
5 min run @ slowly escalating pace
*Start moderate.
(Rest 3 min)
5 min assault bike @ slowly escalating pace
5 min row @ slowly escalating pace
(Rest 3 min)
5 min assault bike @ slowly escalating pace
5 min run @ slowly escalating pace

PM: MAP, high %, mixed
3 touch-and-go high hang squat cleans
*Moderate load.

B. Jerk balance
5×3; Rest 60s

C. E30s for 5 min:
1 double overhand deadlift, no hook grip (tough but fast)
(Rest 3-5 min)
E30s for 5 min:
1 sumo deadlift (tough but fast)

D. E45s for 3 sets:
1st: 30s glute-ham raises
2nd: 30s Swiss ball hamstring curls
3rd: 30s jumping switch lunges w/ DBs
4th: 30s jump squats
5th: 30s plank

E. 5 min sled drag (grinder weight – steady movement all 5 min)


A. Teams of two alternate rounds.
15 min AMRAP:
30 double-unders or 50 singles
15 Russian KB swings, tough
10 burpees

Rest 5 minutes

15 min AMRAP:
5 DB thrusters, tough
10 Box jumps, step down
15 Assault bike calories

B1. Side-to-side ball slams
3×10-12, R45s
B2.Plank hold on low rings
3x 30-60s, R45s
B3. KB bottoms up Half TGU
3×3-5/side, R45s

A. Teams of two alternate rounds.
15 min AMRAP:
30 double-unders
15 power snatches (75/55)

Rest 5 minutes

15 min AMRAP:
5 thrusters (75/55)
10 power cleans (75/55)
15 Assault bike calories

B1. Side-to-side ball slams
3×10-12, R45s
B2. Plank hold on low rings
3x 45-60s, R45s
B3. KB bottoms up Half TGU
3×3-5/side, R45s


10 sets:
50’ shuttle run, 10’ increments
-Rest as needed b/w attempts
*Focus on quick change of direction.
(Rest 5-10 min)
10 sets:
1 min assault bike @ 70%
30s assault bike @ 80%
45s assault bike @ 70%
15s assault bike @ 85%
30s assault bike @ 50%

PM: Oly, complex + DOHDL + Gym complex or Push/Pull muscle endurance + Grinder
20 min AMRAP:
5 handstand push-ups
10 pistols, alternating
15 pull-ups
(Rest 10-15 min)
6 rounds for time:
5 power snatches (135/95)
10 box jumps (30″/24″)
15 row calories
10 min assault bike @ Z1


A. Front squat-
3×5, 20X1, Across, R90-120s
*5-10lb increase from last week

B. Push Press-
3×5, 10X0, Across, R90-120s
*5-10lb increase from last week

C. For time:
DB Thrusters, tough

A. Front squat-
3,2,3,2, Wave-load, 10X1, R90s

B. Push Press-
3,2,3,2, Wave-load, 11X0, R90s

C. For time:
Bar facing burpees
Thrusters (95/65)


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