Paul Wagner


A. Front squat-
3×5, 20X1, Across, R90-120s
*5-10lb increase from last week

B. Push Press-
3×5, 10X0, Across, R90-120s
*5-10lb increase from last week

C. For time:
3 rounds:
10 Russian KB swings, tough
8 Row calories
6 burpees
5 minute cap

A. Front squat-
3,2,2,1, Wave-load, 10X1, R90s

B. Push Press-
3,2,2,1, Wave-load, 11X0, R90s

C. For time: @ 100%
3 rounds:
10 Russian KB swings (70/53)
10 Burpees
Assault bike calories (15 men/ 10 women)
5 minute cap


3 rounds:
30s thrusters (75/55) @ 90%
30s thrusters (75/55) @ 80%
1 min squat clean thrusters (75/55) – drop each rep
1 min assault bike @ 50%
(Rest 3-5 min)
3 rounds:
30s bar-facing burpees @ 90%
30s bar-facing burpees @ 80%
1 min bar-facing burpees, no push-up @ 50%
1 min assault bike @ 50%
(Rest 3-5 min)
3 rounds:
30s clean & jerks (115/75) @ 90%/unbroken
30s clean & jerks (115/75) @ 80% – fast singles
1 min clean & jerks (115/75) @ 50% – slow singles
1 min assault bike @ 50%
-Take additional rest b/w rounds if you need to in order to maintain first 30s unbroken
(Rest 10-15 min – 1 min assault bike intervals @ 50% during rest)
10 min AMRAP:
1 legless rope climb
50’ yoke carry (tough)
2 kipping handstand push-ups to tough deficit (8-10’)
50’ yoke carry (tough)
3 burpee bar muscle-ups
250m row


Fitness & Performance
3 Pause split jerk
*start light and build every 2 minutes

B. 25 min AMRAP @ SERIOUSLY 50-70%:
400’ jog (down and back 4 times)
10/side single arm Russian kb swings
45s Straight legs lowering
10 Top-to-top DB press (5/side)
5/side hip airplanes
45’s Plank on low rings


A. Power Clean + Push Jerk
5×2 TNG, R90-120s, Build each set

B. 4 rounds:
5 DB renegade rows, tough
7 Unbroken power cleans, tough
Rest 1 minute

A. Clean and Jerk:
Build to a heavy TNG 3 in 15 minutes

B. 4 rounds:
3 Strict chest-to-bar pull ups
5 Strict ring dips
7 Unbroken power cleans @ 50-60% of 1RM
Rest 1 minute


1st: 10s assault bike @ 100%
2nd: 1 standing triple jump
1st: 10s assault bike @ 100%
2nd: 3 rotational med ball toss, right foot forward (explosive)
3rd: 3 rotational med ball toss, left foot forward (explosive)
(Rest 3-5 min)
E30s for 10 min:
3s assault bike @ 100%

PM: Push/Pull, int + Push/Pull, vol + Gym battery + Core
A. Push press
Build to a max for today in 7 min

B. Strict supinated weighted chin-up
Build to a max for today in 7 min

C. Strict ring muscle-ups
3xAMRAP (-1); Rest 2 min

D. 13 min AMRAP:
25 deadlifts (315/205)
25 wall balls (30 to 10’/20 to 10’)
25 row calories
25 strict handstand push-ups
(Rest 5-10 min – 1 min assault bike intervals @ 50% during rest)
7 min AMRAP:
25’-50’-75’…overhead walking lunges (95/65)
5-10-15…chest-to-bar pull-ups


A. Every 2 minutes x 6 sets:
5 TNG deadlifts, add weight every 2 sets

B. 5 minute AMRAP @ 100%
KB swings, tough

Rest 5 minutes

10 minute AMRAP @ 90%
10 False grip ring rows
10 Goblet squats, tough
30’s Jump rope work
10 HR Push ups
10 Alt lunges
30s Jump rope work

A.Every 2 minutes x 6 sets:
15s AMRAP TNG deadlifts @65% of 1RM

B. 5 minute AMRAP @ 100%
Burpees to 6” target
KB swings (70/53)

Rest 5 minutes

10 minute AMRAP @ 90%
10 Pull ups
10 Goblet squats (70/53)
30 DU
10 HR Push ups
10 KB Goblet hold Alt Lunges (70/53)
30 DU


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