Paul Wagner


A. Every 2 minutes x 6 sets:
2.2 TNG deadlifts, add weight every 2 sets

B. 5 minute AMRAP @ 100%
Kipping knee raises
Wall balls, tough

Rest 5 minutes

8 minute AMRAP @ 90%
40 DU or singles
10 Push ups
30 DU or singles
20 False grip ring rows
20 DU or singles
30 Barbell front rack Alt lunges, tough
10 DU or singles
40 Burpees

A.Every 2 minutes x 6 sets:
2.2.2 TNG deadlifts, add weight every 2 sets

B. 5 minute AMRAP @ 100%
Wall Balls (20/14)

Rest 5 minutes

8 minute AMRAP @ 90%
40 DU
30 DU
20 Pull ups
20 DU
30 Barbell front rack Alt lunges (75/55)
10 DU
40 Burpees


3 rounds:
400m row @ 80%
100m roll-off/roll-on
300m row @ 80%
100m roll-off/roll-on
200m row @ 80%
100m roll-off/roll-on
100m row @ 80%
100m roll-off
-Rest 3 min

PM: Oly, int + BSq, pause + Lower muscle endurance + Grinder
A. 2 min AMRAP:
Power cleans (225/145)
2 min AMRAP:
Power cleans (245/165)
2 min AMRAP:
Power cleans (275/185)
2 min to find max power clean

B. EMOTM 20:
1st: 30s double-unders w/ Zeus rope
2nd: 30s assault bike @ high effort

C. 5 rounds:
5 deadlifts (275/185)
10 bar-facing burpees
5 rounds:
4 deadlifts (315/205)
10 bar-facing burpees
5 rounds:
3 deadlifts (365/225)
10 bar-facing burpees
*10 min cap.
(Rest as needed – 1 min easy bike intervals during rest)
5 min AMRAP:
Sled drag at consistent effort/moderate weight


A. Back squat-
3×5, Across, 20X1, R90s
*5-10lb increase from last week

B. Bench Press-
3×5, Across, 20X1, R90s
*5-10lb increase from last week

C. Bar in rack strict pull-ups-
3×6-8, R90s

D1. Powell raise
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s
D2. Seated external rotation
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s

A. Back squat-
2,2,1,1, wave load, 20X1, R90s
*start slightly heavier last week

B. Bench Press-
2,2,1,1, wave load, 20X1, R90s
*start slightly heavier last week

C. Weighted strict chin-up-
3×5-7, across, R90s
*adjust weight as needed to fit rep range

D1. Powell raise
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s
D2. Seated external rotation
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s


3 sets:
2:30 row @ gradually escalating pace
2:30 row @ gradually decreasing pace
-Rest/walk 1 min
*Start at moderate pace and increase to “hard row” effort – faster than 2k pace
2:30 assault bike @ gradually escalating pace
2:30 assault bike @ gradually decreasing pace
-Rest/walk 1 min

PM: MAP, high %, mixed
Mins 1-3: 3 tall snatches
Mins 4-6: 3 high hang squat snatches
Mins 7-9: 3 mid-thigh squat snatches
*Increase weight every 3 minutes. Prioritize speed and position over load lifted.

Mins 1-3: 3 tall jerks
Mins 4-6: 3 jerk balances
Mins 7-9: 3 touch-and-go split jerks
*Increase weight every 3 minutes. Prioritize speed and position over load lifted.

C1. Rack pull lock-outs from above-the-knee
5×3; Tough but fast; Rest 30s
C2. Glute-ham raises
5×30-45s AMRAP; Rest 2-3 min

D1. Double KB overhead walking lunges
4×50’; Tough; Rest 30s
D2. Jumping switch lunges
4×45-60s AMRAP; Rest 30s
D3. Jump squats
4×45-60s AMRAP; Rest 2-3 min

E. 5 min AMRAP:
Prowler push (shoot for tough weight and as much steady movement as possible)


A. Teams of two, one person working at a time:
20 minute AMRAP:
30 wall balls, tough
30 deadlifts, tough
30 burpee box jumps or step ups, tough
50 double-unders or 100 singles
50 Assault bike calories
50 walking lunges w/ medicine ball, tough

B1. GHD hip extensions
3×10-12, R45s
B2. Stir-the-pot
3x 30s, R45s
B3. Half TGU w/ shoe
3×3-5/side, R45s

A. Teams of two, one person working at a time:
20 minute AMRAP:
30 Wall balls (20/14)
30 Deadlifts (225/155)
30 Burpee box jumps (30/24)
50 Double-unders
50 Assault bike calories
50 Walking lunges w/ medicine ball (20/14)

B1. GHD hip extensions
3×10-12, R45s
B2. Stir-the-pot
3x 30s, R45s
B3. Half TGU w/ shoe
3×3-5/side, R45s


10 attempts:
NFL cone drill
(Rest 5-10 min)
5 rounds:
3 min assault bike @ 80%
2 min assault bike @ 75%
1 min assault bike @ 50% – roll into next set

PM: Oly, complex + DOHDL + Gym complex or Push/Pull muscle endurance + Grinder
18 min AMRAP:
15 box jumps (24″/20”)
12 shoulder-to-overhead (115/75)
9 toes-to-bar
(Rest 10-15 min – do 1 min assault bike intervals @ 50% during rest)
Power snatches (75/55)
Row calories
10 min assault bike @ Z1


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