Paul Wagner


1st: 10s right leg bounding
2nd: 10s left leg bounding
E30s for 10 min:
1st: 2 single-leg box jumps, right
2nd: 2 single-leg box jumps, left
(Rest 5 min)
2 rounds:
5 min assault bike @ 80%
-Rest 30s
1 min assault bike @ 80%
-Rest 30s
4 min assault bike @ 80%
-Rest 30s
2 min assault bike @ 80%
-Rest 30s
3 min assault bike @ 80%
-Rest 3 min

PM: Oly, complex + DOHDL + Gym complex or Push/Pull muscle endurance + Grinder
10 min AMRAP:
3 bar muscle-ups
5 shoulder-to-overhead (115/75)
7 deadlifts (115/75)
9 box jumps (24″/20”)
(Rest 10-15 min – do 1 min assault bike intervals @ 50% during rest)
5 rounds:
10 toes-to-bar
20 row calories
30 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 10’)
10 min assault bike @ Z1


3 rounds:
30s bar-facing burpees @ 85-90%
30s thrusters (45/35) @ 50%
30s bar-facing burpees @ 80-85%
30s thrusters (45/35) @ 50%
1 min assault bike @ 50%
(Rest 3-5 min)
3 rounds:
30s power snatches (75/55) @ 85-90%
30s single-unders @ 50%
30s power snatches (75/55) @ 80-85%
30s single-unders @ 50%
1 min assault bike @ 50%
(Rest 3-5 min)
3 rounds:
30s power cleans (115/75) @ 85-90%
30s step-ups, alternating (24″/20”) @ 50%
30s power cleans (115/75) @ 80-85%
30s step-ups, alternating (24″/20”) @ 50%
1 min assault bike @ 50%
(Rest 10-15 min – 1 min assault bike intervals @ 50% during rest)
10 min AMRAP:
1 legless rope climb
2 wall climbs
3/arm single-arm Russian KB swings (88/70)


Fitness & Performance
3 Behind the neck split jerk
*start light and build every 2 minutes

B. 25 min AMRAP @ SERIOUSLY 50-70%:
500m row (S/M under 20)
10 Rack Dips/ HR push ups
30s hanging knee tuck
10 Band pull aparts (light band)
10 KB Deadlifts


A. Hang power snatch
5×3 TNG, R90-120s, Build each set

B. For time:
9 DB Man makers, tough
3 Wall climbs
6 DB man makers, tough
6 Wall climbs
3 DB man makers, tough
9 Wall climbs
*20 minute cap

A. Power snatch + Hang power snatch + Hang power snatch
Build to a heavy TNG complex in 15 minutes

B. For time:
9 Squat cleans @ 60% 1RM
3 Burpee bar muscle ups
6 Squat cleans @ 60% 1RM
6 Burpee bar muscle ups
3 Squat cleans @ 60% 1RM
9 Burpee bar muscle ups
*20 minute cap


3 rounds:
10 jumping switch lunges
500’ shuttle run, 50’ increments
8 jumping switch lunges
400’ shuttle run, 50’ increments
6 jumping switch lunges
300’ shuttle run, 50’ increments
4 jumping switch lunges
-Rest 4 min

PM: Push/Pull, int + Push/Pull, vol + Gym battery + Core
A. 5 min AMRAP:
Strict ring muscle-ups

B. 5 min AMRAP:
Push presses (225/155)

C. For time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
*50’ overhead walking lunges (95/65) b/w sets
(Rest 10 min – 1 min assault bike intervals @ 50% during rest)
For time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 kipping handstand push-ups
*6 power cleans (225/155) b/w sets.

D. EMOTM 10:
1st: 45s plank
2nd: 45s Sorensen hold


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