Paul Wagner


A. 30 minute AMRAP- SERIOUSLY, 50-70%
1 mile bike
100’ Bear crawl
10 Ring rows
10 Push ups
1 minute Plank


400m run @ 80%
1 min roll-off/roll-on
300m run @ 80%
30s roll-off/roll-on
300m run @ 85%
(Rest 3 min)
400m run @ 80%
1 min roll-off/roll-on
200m run @ 80%
30s roll-off/roll-on
200m run @ 80%
30s roll-off/roll-on
200m run @ 85%
(Rest 3 min)
400m run @ 80%
1 min roll-off/roll-on
100m run @ 80%
30s roll-off/roll-on
100m run @ 80%
30s roll-off/roll-on
100m run @ 80%
30s roll-off/roll-on
100m run @ 85%

A1. Strict weighted supinated chin-up
Build quickly to a tough 3 for today
A2. Strict weighted ring dip
Build quickly to a tough 3 for today

B1. Strict weighted pronated pull-up
Build quickly to a tough 3 for today
B2. Strict weighted bar dip
Build quickly to a tough 3 for today

C. 15 min assault bike @ 75%
*E2:30 get off and do 1-3 strict ring muscle-ups
(Rest 5 min)
15 min row @ 75%
*E2:30 get off and do 3-5 kipping handstand push-ups to tough deficit on parallettes

D. 3 sets:
4 strict toes-through-rings
8 kipping toes-to-bar
12 GHD sit-ups
30s/side side plank
-Rest 1-2 min


A. Power Snatch-
Build to a heavy triple
*15 minute clock

B. Clean & jerk:
Build to a heavy triple
*15 minute clock

C. 10 Minute AMRAP-
Alt KB Turkish get-ups, tough

A. Snatch-
Build to a heavy single
*15 minute clock

B. Clean & Jerk:
Build to a heavy single
*15 minute clock

C. 10 Minute AMRAP-
Alt KB Turkish get-ups (53/35)


10 min assault bike @ 50%
-Rest 1 min
5 min row @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
5 min assault bike @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
8 min row @ 50%
-Rest 1 min
4 min assault bike @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
4 min row @ 50%

A. E2min for 4 attempts:
1 squat clean & jerk

B. E90s for 6 sets:
Behind-the-neck split jerk
*Start moderate and build per set.

C. Clean pull
4×3; Building; Rest 90s
*Use straps. Reset each rep.

D1. Deadlift
3×10; Touch-and-go; Tough; Rest 30s
D2. Farmer’s walk
3x45s; Tough; Rest 30s
D3. Snatch grip RDL – no hook grip
3x60s AMRAP; Light load; Rest 2-4 min

E. EMOTM 15:
1st: 30s yoke walk (heavy)
2nd: 30s ski erg @ high effort
3rd: 30s double-unders w/ Zeus rope


A. Dealift-
Build to a heavy triple in 20 minutes

B. 10 rounds:
4 Burpees
6 Russian KB swings, tough
8 Wall Balls

A. Deadlift-
Build to a 1RM in 20 minutes

B. 10 rounds:
4 Burpees to 6″ target
6 KB Swings (53/35)
8 Wall Balls (20/14)
*Rig targets only


A. Back squat-
Build to heavy triple
*20 minute cap

B. 1000M Row
Rest 10 Minutes
1000M Row

A. Back squat-
Build to heavy single
*20 minute cap

B. 1000M Row
Rest 10 Minutes
1000M Row


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