Paul Wagner


Fitness- Team of 2
3 rounds for time:
30 Power cleans, tough
30 Ring Rows
800M Run (200m at a time, rotate)

Performance- Team of 2
3 rounds for time:
30 Squat cleans (95/65)
30 Pull ups
800M Run (200m at a time, rotate)


3 sets:
300m run @ 85%
-Rest 1 min
250m run @ 90%
-Rest 90s
200m run @ 95%
-Rest 2 min
*Do on Trueform if possible.

A. Back squat
3×4; 40×1 tempo; Rest 2-3 min
*Build as able per set.

B. 5 rounds:
25 row calories
16 chest-to-bar pull-ups
9 strict handstand push-ups (4.5″/3” deficit)

C. 3 rounds:
10 squat snatches (185/135)
75’ handstand walk

D. EMOTM 10:
1st: 30-45s stir-the-pot
2nd: 45s back extensions @ 3030 tempo


A. Pause deadlift-
3×7, 1s pause 3 inches off floor, Build, Rest 90s
*start slightly heavier

B. 2 sets:
4 minute AMRAP:
5 DB Push press, tough
10 Bar over burpees
Rest 2 minutes
4 minute AMRAP:
200m Row
10 Goblet Squats, tough
Rest 2 minutes

A. Pause deadlift-
3×7, 1s pause b2-3 inches off floor, Build, Rest 2 minutes
*start slightly heavier

B. 2 sets:
4 minute AMRAP:
5 Push press (95/65)
10 Bar over burpees
Rest 2 minutes
4 minute AMRAP:
200m Row
10 Front Squats (95/65)
Rest 2 minutes


60 min @ 50-70%:
7 min row, damper @ 1
1 min step-ups, alternating (20”)
1 min burpees, no push-up
1 min step-ups, alternating (20”)
7 min row, damper @ 1
1 min farmer’s walk (55/hand)
1 min burpees, no push-up
1 min farmer’s walk (55/hand)


A. 5 Rounds:
9 Jumping pull ups
9 DB Thrusters, tough
9 HR Push ups
9 KB swings, tough
*20 minute cap

B1. Barbell Curl-
3×12-15, Rest 45s
B2. DB Front raises
3×12-15, Rest 45s
B3. Rack dips-
3×10-15, Rest 45s

A. 5 Rounds:
3 Bar Muscle ups
5 squat clean Thrusters (115/75)
7 HR Push ups
9 KB swings (70/53)
*20 minute cap

B1. Barbell Curl-
3×12-15, Rest 45s
B2. Alt DB Front raises
3×12-15/Side, Rest 45s
B3. Rack dips-
3×10-15, Rest 45s


Run 1 mile @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
Run 1200m @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
Run 800m @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
Run 800m @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
Run 1200m @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
Run 1 mile @ 75%
*Use Trueform if possible

A1. Strict weighted supinated chin-up
Build quickly to a max for today
A2. Strict weighted ring dip
Build quickly to a max for today

B1. Push press
4×1; Building; Rest 30s
B2. Press
4×1; Building; Rest 3 min

C. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3:
Assault bike calories
Strict handstand push-ups
(Rest 5-10 min)
Assault bike calories
GHD sit-ups


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