Paul Wagner


“Partner Kalsu”
For time with partners alternating minutes:
120 thrusters (135/95)
•At the top of each minute, do 5 burpees.
Training notes:
•30 minute cap
•Reduce the weight as necessary so this is realistic. The barbell should be “challenging” but not “heavy.”
Record time.


A1. Standing long jump
4×1; Rest 30s
A2. Deadlift
4×2; Building; Rest 2-3 min
Training notes:
•Reset each rep on deadlifts.
•Jump far on standing long jumps.
Record weight.
B. For time:
40-30-20-10 double KB deadlifts
•50’ double KB front rack carry b/w rounds
Training notes:
•10 min cap
Record time.
A1. Standing long jump
4×1; Rest 30s
A2. Deadlift
4×2; Building; Rest 2-3 min
Training notes:
•Reset each rep on deadlifts.
•Jump far on standing long jumps.
Record weight.
B. For time:
50 deadlifts (135/95)
400’ double KB front rack carry (53/hand – 35/hand)
50 deadlifts (135/95)
Training notes:
•10 min cap
•Set up barbells on one side of the gym and carries on the other.
Record time.


For time:
1000m row/1.5 mile bike
25 walking lunges
20 renegade rows, alternating (no push-up)
30 lateral hurdle hops
20 DB floor press
30 KB swings
20 ball slams
30 DB hang squat cleans
15 vertical ring rows
1000m row/1.5 mile bike
Training notes:
•30 minute cap.
•Use the same DB weight for all DB movements.
Record time.
For time:
1000m row/1.5 mile bike
25 walking lunges
20 pull-ups
50 double-unders
20 ring dips
30 KB swings (70/53)
20 toes-to-bar
30 DB hang squat cleans (35/hand – 25/hand)
3 rope climbs
1000m row/1.5 mile bike
Training notes:
•30 minute cap.
Record time.


A. Bench press
4×3; Across; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Weight should be tough but sustainable.
Record weight used.
B. 12 min AMRAP:
10 box jumps, step down
8 push-ups
6 DB shoulder-to-overhead
Training notes:
•Elevate hands as necessary on push-ups.
•Shoulder-to-overhead weight should be moderate.
Record reps completed.
A. Bench press
4,2,4,2; Waveload; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•First wave moderate, second wave tough.
Record weight used.
B. 12 min AMRAP:
12 box jumps, step down (24″/20″)
10 push-ups, hand-release
8 shoulder-to-overhead (155/105)
Training notes:
•Barbell weight should be “moderately tough” – expect interference on push-ups and shoulder-to-overhead.
Record reps completed.


A1. Staggered stance DB RDLs
3×10/leg; Rest 30s b/w legs; Rest 30s
A2. DB box step-ups
3×10/leg; Rest 30s b/w legs; Rest 30s
Training notes:
•Staggered stance RDL (except with KBs):
•30s rest is relatively short so this may get tough on grip.
Record weight used.
B. 5 rounds:
20 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
20 assault bike/row calories
Training notes:
•18 minute cap.
Record time.


A. 3 sets:
60s double-unders in unbroken sets of 5
-Rest 60s
60s strict knees-to-elbows in unbroken sets of 2
-Rest 60s
Training notes:
•Modify so that you can do either double-unders or knees-to-elbows in unbroken sets.
•Don’t do single-unders – pick a number of double-under attempts.
B. In teams of two with partners alternating rounds—
10 min AMRAP:
7 single-arm DB thrusters, right (35/25)
7 single-arm DB thrusters, left (35/25)
7 lateral burpees over the DB
(Rest 5 min)
10 min AMRAP:
7 single-arm DB thrusters, right (35/25)
7 single-arm DB thrusters, left (35/25)
7 lateral burpees over the DB
Training notes:
•Shoot for consistent splits per round across both 10 min AMRAPs. Even though it’s a partner workout, don’t go out too hot.
Record reps completed.

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