Laura Nitowski


A. E2min for 5 sets:
4 push presses

Training notes:
•Start moderate and build as able. No misses.

Record weight.

B. 5 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…assault bike/row calories
3-6-9-12…vertical ring rows
(Rest 3 min)
5 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…assault bike/row calories
3-6-9-12…push-ups, hand-release

Training notes:
•Modify movements so that you are able to get through at least a few rounds. Pick something that will be challenging, but don’t sacrifice positions or standards as the reps get hard.

Record time.

A. E2min for 5 sets:
Push jerk x2 + Split jerk x2

Training notes:
•Start moderate and build as able. No misses.
•Take from the rack.

Record weight.

B. 5 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…assault bike/row calories
3-6-9-12…strict handstand push-ups
(Rest 3 min)
5 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…assault bike/row calories
3-6-9-12…strict chest-to-bar pull-ups

Training notes:
•Modify movements so that you are able to get through at least a few rounds. Pick something that will be challenging, but don’t sacrifice positions or standards as the reps get hard.

Record reps completed in each AMRAP.


A. Sumo deadlift
5×1; Building; Rest 2 min

Record weights lifted.

B. E3min for 5 sets:
3 DB Curtis Ps (50/hand – 35/hand)
8 lateral burpees over-the-DBs
3 DB Curtis Ps

Training notes:
•Curtis P:
•Should have at least 1 minute of rest. Reduce the reps as necessary if not.

Record time.


A. E2:30 for 4 sets:
Set 1: 4 back squats @ 21×1 tempo
Set 2: 3 back squats @ 21×1 tempo
Set 3: 2 back squats @ 21×1 tempo
Set 4: 1 back squat @ 21×1 tempo

Training notes:
•Honest on the pause!
•Change load per set based upon reps.
•Top single should be challenging but not maximal.
•You may be able to lift more based upon the longer rest.

Record weight lifted.

B. For time:
400m run
DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
Box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
400m run
Ball slams (30/20)
Box jumps, step down (24”/20”)
400m run

Training notes:
•DB weight should be moderately tough.
•15 min cap.

Record reps completed.


In teams of three—
3 rounds:
Station 1: 350m row
Station 2: Rest
Station 3: 30 Russian KB swings
Station 4: Rest
Station 5: 8-12 vertical ring rows
Station 6: Rest

Training notes:
•Move through in waterfall fashion. P1 rows, then moves to the rest station. Then, P1 rests while P2 rows. Then, P1 does KB swings, P2 rests, and P3 rows. Continue until 3 full rounds are completed by each athlete.

Record time.

In teams of three—
3 rounds:
Station 1: 350m row
Station 2: Rest
Station 3: 30 Russian KB swings (70/53)
Station 4: Rest
Station 5: 5-8 bar muscle-ups
Station 6: Rest

Training notes:
•Move through in waterfall fashion. P1 rows, then moves to the rest station. Then, P1 rests while P2 rows. Then, P1 does KB swings, P2 rests, and P3 rows. Continue until 3 full rounds are completed by each athlete.

Record time.


A. E90s for 6 sets:
2x(Power snatch + Below-the-knee power snatch + Above-the-knee power snatch)

Training notes:
•Prioritize good positions over load lifted.
•Start moderate and build per set.

B. E3min for 6 rounds:
8 DB snatches, alternating
15 air squats

Training notes:
*Pace this so there’s minimal attrition between rounds.

Record reps completed.

A. E90s for 6 sets:
2x(Muscle snatch + Hang muscle snatch + Overhead squat)

Training notes:
•Prioritize good positions over load lifted.
•Do 2 sets of the complex every 90 seconds.
•Start moderate and build per set.
•Goal of muscle snatches and overhead squats is to feel the “pull under” the bar

B. E3min for 6 rounds:
5 squat snatches
8 jumping squats

Training notes:
•Drop each rep on squat snatches.
•Start at moderate weight on squat snatches and build throughout as able.
•You should have at least 1 minute rest on each set.

Record weights used.


A1. Vertical ring rows
3xAMRAP (-2); 21×1 tempo; Rest 1 min
A2. Supinated bent over barbell rows
3×4; 21×1 tempo; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•Be honest on tempo – pause in finished pulling position.
•AMRAP(-2) means leave two reps in the tank.

B. 3 rounds:
400m run
21 KB swings
20 goblet reverse lunges, alternating

Training notes:
•(hu)manmakers should be tough

Record reps completed.

A1. Strict supinated chest-to-bar pull-ups
3xAMRAP (-2); 21×0 tempo; Rest 1 min
A2. Supinated bent over barbell rows
3×4; 21×1 tempo; Rest 90s

Training notes:
•AMRAP(-2) means leave two reps in the tank.

B. 3 rounds:
400m run
21 KB swings (53/35)
8 Turkish get-ups, alternating (53/35)

Training notes:
•KB weight should be moderately challenging for Turkish get-ups.
•15 minute cap.

Record time.


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