Laura Nitowski


In teams of two—
150 wall balls
150 box jumps
100 KB swings
100 ball slams
50 double KB deadlifts
50 synchro burpees
Training notes:
•One partner works at a time with the exception of synchro burpees.
Record time.
In teams of two—
150 wall balls (20/14)
150 box jumps (24″/20″)
100 power snatches (95/65)
100 toes-to-bar
50 deadlifts (275/185)
50 synchro burpees
Training notes:
•One partner works at a time with the exception of synchro burpees.
Record time.


A. E90s for 6 sets:
Muscle snatch + Hang muscle snatch
Training notes:
•Build per set. Go for it if it feels good.
B. For time:
1000m row/1.5 mile bike
50 KB swings (moderate)
20 lateral burpees over-the-KB
•12 min cap.
Training notes:
•Clean and jerk weight should be moderate.
Record time.
A. E90s for 6 sets:
Muscle snatch + Hang muscle snatch
Training notes:
•Build per set. Go for it if it feels good.
B. For time:
1000m row/1.5 mile bike
30 clean and jerks (135/95)
20 lateral barbell burpees
•12 min cap.
Training notes:
•Clean and jerk weight should be moderate.
Record time.


A. Back squat
Build to a 5RM for today
Training notes:
•Go for it if it feels good.
Record weight.
B. “Death by…
1st: 2-4-6-8…wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 9’)
2nd: 2-4-6-8…DB power cleans (50/hand – 35/hand)
•Continue until failure – keep going with the other movement even if you fail one.

Training notes:
•One head of DBs touches the ground on DB power cleans.
Record reps completed.


40 double DB front squats (50/hand – 35/hand)
3 miles assault bike/1500m row
40 double DB box step-overs (50/hand to 24” – 35/hand to 20”)
2 miles assault bike/1000m row
20 double DB front squats (50/hand – 35/hand)
1 mile assault bike/500m row
20 double DB box step-overs (50/hand to 24” – 35/hand to 20”)

Training notes:
•35 minute cap.
•Compare to week of 19.07.01

Record time.


A. 10 minutes kipping skill work

Training notes:
•Keep progressing from where you were last week.

B. 20 min AMRAP:
15 bike/row calories
12 DB hang squat cleans (tough)
9 burpee pull-ups

Training notes:
•Can set up burpee pull-ups to be able to do jumping pull-ups.

Record reps completed.

A. 10 minutes kipping skill work

Training notes:
•Practice muscle-up kipping.

B. 20 min AMRAP:
15 bike/row calories
12 sandbag-over-shoulder (150/100)
9 bar muscle-ups

Training notes:
•Reduce reps as necessary so that you can keep moving – but this should be tough.

Record reps completed.


A. E90s for 6 sets:
3 above-the-knee muscle snatches
B. For time:
1000m row/1.5 mile bike
33 deadlifts (light)
27 DB shoulder-to-overhead
21 deadlifts
15 DB shoulder-to-overhead
9 deadlifts
•12 min cap.
Training notes:
•Deadlift weight should be relatively light.
Record time.
A. E90s for 6 sets:
Above-the-knee muscle snatch + Above-the-knee power snatch + Above-the-knee squat snatch
Training notes:
•Prioritize speed and position under the barbell.
B. For time:
1000m row/1.5 mile bike
33 deadlifts (155/105)
27 DB shoulder-to-overhead (50/hand – 35/hand)
21 deadlifts
15 DB shoulder-to-overhead (50/hand – 35/hand)
9 deadlifts
•12 min cap.
Training notes:
•Deadlift weight should be moderate.
Record time.

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