Laura Nitowski


A. Half kneeling to standing Slam ball Shot toss-
2×5/side,10-20lb, Rest as needed

B. Seated Broad jump-
3×5, Rest 60s
*use end of bench

C. 20 minute AMRAP
400M Run
20 Air squats
15 Push ups
10 KB swings (70/53)

A. Half kneeling to standing Slam ball Shot toss-
2×5/side,10-20lb, Rest as needed

B. Seated Broad jump-
3×5, Rest 60s
*use end of bench

C. 20 minute AMRAP
400M Run
20 Air squats
15 Push ups
10 KB swings (70/53)


10 min jog @ 50%
(Rest 3-5 min)
20 min jog @ 50%
*Every 2 min, push the pace for 15-30s. Play with it and go based upon feel.
(Rest 3-5 min)
10 min jog @ 50%
*Do middle part on Trueform if possible – warm-up jogs preferably not on Trueform.

A1. Strict weighted chest-to-bar pull-up
Build quickly to a tough single for today
A2. Strict weighted ring dip @ 22×1 tempo
Build quickly to a tough single for today

B. Increasing on the minute until failure
1st: 1 ring muscle-up + 1 strict ring dip
2nd: 1 ring muscle-up + 2 strict ring dips
3rd: 1 ring muscle-up + 3 strict ring dips

C. 30 min assault bike @ 75%:
*E2min get off and do:
Sets 1-5: 1-2 legless rope climbs
Sets 6-10: 3-6 strict handstand push-ups (3” deficit)
Sets 11-15: 50’ D-ball Zercher carry (heavy)

D. 3 rounds:
400m run
30 GHD sit-ups
20 wall balls (30 to 10’/20 to 10’)
10 burpee box jump overs (24″/20”)


A. Mid-shin snatch high pull + hang snatch high pull + hang power snatch + overhead squat

B. Power snatch
5×1.1, Build,
*Drop weight by 5-10lbs if you miss

C1. Half Kneeling Single Arm KB Press- 3×8-10/Side, 20×0, R30-45s
C2. Suitcase carry- 3×100’/side, R30-45s
C3. Renegade rows-
3×8-10, R30-45s

A. Mid-shin satch high pull + hang snatch high pull + hang power snatch + overhead squat

B. Snatch
5×1.1, Build,
*Drop weight by 5-10lbs if you miss

C1. Half Kneeling Single Arm KB Press- 3×8-10/Side, 20×0, R30-45s
C2. Suitcase carry- 3×100’/side, R30-45s
C3. Renegade rows-
3×8-10, R30-45s


1:45 assault bike @ 75%
45s assault bike @ 85-90%
*Roll on and off b/w paces.
(Rest 5 min)
2 min assault bike @ 75%
30s assault bike @ 90+%
*Roll on and off b/w paces.

A. Squat clean + Split jerk
Build to a max in 10 min

B. EMOTM 5-7:
1 squat clean + split jerk @ ~80% of A

C. Snatch balance + Overhead squat
5x(1+1); Building; Rest 60s

D. Clean pull w/ pause just off the floor + above-the-knee – 2” deficit
5×2; Building; Rest 90s

E. For time:
21 cleans (185/135)
125 Zeus rope double-unders
15 cleans (225/155)
125 Zeus rope double-unders
9 cleans (265/175)
*Power or squat is fine for cleans.
(Rest as needed)
For time:
30 DB squat snatch, alternating (55/35)
1000m assault bike
20 DB squat snatch, alternating (70/50)
1000m assault bike
10 DB squat snatch, alternating (90/65)


A. Back squat-
3×4, 20X1, Build, Rest 90s

B. Assisted Pull Up-
3×5, R90

C. EMOTM 16:
1st min: 3 Wall climbs
2nd min: 5 Box Jumps, tough
3rd min: 10 Russian KB swings, tough
4th min: 3/side Turkish get-ups, tough

A. Back squat-
3×4, 20X1, Build, Rest 90s

B. Weighted Pull Up-
3×3-5, 20×1, Build, R90

C. EMOTM 16:
1st min: 3 Wall climbs
2nd min: 5 Box Jumps (30+/24+)
3rd min: 10 Russian KB swings, AHAP
4th min: 3/side Turkish get-ups (53/35)


A. Pause deadlift-
3×5, 1s pause 3 inches off floor, Build, Rest 90s

B. 2 sets:
4 minute AMRAP:
5 DB Push press, tough
10 Burpees to 45lb plate
Rest 2 minutes
4 minute AMRAP:
200m Row
10 DB front squat, tough
Rest 2 minutes

A. Pause deadlift-
3×5, 1s pause 3 inches off floor, Build, Rest 90s

B. 2 sets:
4 minute AMRAP:
5 Push press (95/65)
10 Bar over burpees
Rest 2 minutes
4 minute AMRAP:
200m Row
10 Front Squats (95/65)
Rest 2 minutes


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