Laura Nitowski


60 min @ 50-70%:
5 min assault bike
4 min row
3 min shuttle run, 50’ increments
2 min farmer’s walk (moderate load)
1 min bear crawl


Same as performance

A. Hang muscle clean + Hang power clean + Press + Push press

B. Power clean + Push press
5×1.1, Build,
*Drop weight by 5-10lbs if you miss

C1. Seated DB Press- 3×8-10/Side, 20×0, R30-45s
C2. KB Suitcase carry- 3×100’/side, R30-45s
C3. Ring rows-
3×8-10, R30-45s


4 sets:
300m run @ 80%
200m run @ 50%
500m run @ 80%
-Rest 1 min
300m row @ 80%
200m row @ 50%
500m row @ 80%
-Rest 1 min

A. Accumulate 10-15 strict weighted muscle-ups w/ weight vest + 10-15 strict weighted handstand push-ups w/ weight vest

B. EMOTM for 10 min:
1st: 1 peg board ascent
2nd: 50’ handstand walk
1st: 10-15 ring push-ups
2nd: 10-15 vertical ring rows

C. 3 rounds:
400m TrueForm run
40 GHD sit-ups, Regionals standard
7 deadlifts (405/275)
(Rest as needed)
5 rounds:
30 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 10’)
12 deadlifts (155/105)
9 hang power cleans (155/105)
6 shoulder-to-overhead (155/105)
*Move barbell between rounds – run to finish.


A. 12-9-7-5-3
DB Hang clean & Jerk, tough
HR Push ups

B1. DB Arnold press
3×10-12, Rest 45s
B2. Hollow hold
3×30-45s, Rest 45s
B3. Lateral Raise
3×8-10, Rest 45s

A. 9-7-5-3
Barbell Ground-to-overhead (155/115)
Bar muscle-ups
*20 minute cap

B1. DB Arnold press
3×10-12, Rest 45s
B2. Hollow hold
3×30-45s, Rest 45s
B3. Lateral Raise
3×8-10, Rest 45s


2 min assault bike @ 50%
1 min assault bike @ 75%
30s assault bike @ 85%
30s assault bike @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
90s assault bike @ 50%
1 min assault bike @ 75%
30s assault bike @ 85%
30s assault bike @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
1 min assault bike @ 50%
1 min assault bike @ 75%
30s assault bike @ 85%
30s assault bike @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
30s assault bike @ 50%
1 min assault bike @ 75%
30s assault bike @ 85%
30s assault bike @ 75%
-Rest 5 min
*Roll on and off between paces.

A. Split jerk
Build to a max in 10 min

B. E90s for 6 sets:
Squat clean + Below-the-knee squat clean + Above-the-knee squat clean
*Build to a max for today.

C1. Pressing snatch balance
5×1; Moderate load; Rest 60-90s
C2. Snatch balance
5×1; Building; Rest 2 min
*Start moderate and build per set. Keep pressing snatch balance light and change loads between movements.

D. Snatch pull w/ pause just off the floor + above-the-knee – 2” deficit
5×1; Building; Rest 90s

E. 9 squat snatches (185/135)
9 burpee box jumps (30″/24”)
7 squat snatches (205/145)
7 burpee box jumps (36″/30”)
5 squat snatches (225/155)
5 burpee box jumps (40″/36”)
(Rest as needed)
5 rounds:
10 DB power cleans (75/hand – 50/hand)
25’ DB front rack walking lunges (75/hand – 50/hand)
10 DB snatches, alternating (75/50)
25’ DB front rack walking lunges (75/hand – 50/hand)


A. Pause deadlift-
3×4, 1s pause 3 inches off floor, Build, Rest 90s

B. 2 sets:
5 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8…. Burpees
2,4,6,8…. DB snatches, tough
Rest 2 minutes
5 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8…. Goblet squats
2,4,6,8…. Bike calories
Rest 2 minutes

A. Pause deadlift-
3×4, 1s pause 3 inches off floor, Build, Rest 90s

B. 2 sets:
5 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8…. Burpees
2,4,6,8…. Alt DB snatches (53/35)
Rest 2 minutes
5 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8…. Goblet squats (70/53)
2,4,6,8…. Bike calories
Rest 2 minutes


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