Laura Nitowski


A. Pause deadlift-
3×3, 1s pause 3 inches off floor, Build, Rest 90s

B. 2 sets:
7 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8…. Ball slams
2,4,6,8…. Bike calories
Rest 2 minutes
7 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8…. Ring rows
2,4,6,8…. Alt DB snatches, tough
Rest 2 minutes
7 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8…. KB swings, tough
2,4,6,8…. HR Push ups

A. Pause deadlift-
3×3, 1s pause 3 inches off floor, Build, Rest 90s-2 min

B. 2 sets:
7 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8…. Ball slams (25+,15+)
2,4,6,8…. Bike calories
Rest 2 minutes
7 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8…. Pull ups
2,4,6,8…. Alt DB snatches (55/35)
Rest 2 minutes
7 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8…. KB swings (53/35)
2,4,6,8…. HR Push ups


30 min @ 50-75%:
1 min burpees, no push-up
1 min waiter’s walk, right (light)
1 min waiter’s walk, left (light)
1 min jump squats – 1 rep every 3-4s
1 min assault bike

@ 0:00 complete for time:
500m row
30 burpee box jump overs (24″/20”)
(Rest until 6:00 on the clock)
For time:
30 double-unders
10 hang squat cleans (225/145)
*Complete by 8:00 on the clock
30 double-unders
8 hang squat cleans (245/165)
*Complete by 10:00 on the clock
30 double-unders
6 hang squat cleans (265/185)
*Complete by 12:00 on the clock.
30 double-unders
4 hang squat cleans (285/195)
*Complete by 14:00 on the clock
30 double-unders
2 hang squat cleans (305/205)
*Complete by 16:00 on the clock
(Rest as needed)
For time:
30 cals assault bike
20/arm KB snatch (55/35)
30 cals ski erg
30 strict handstand push-ups, Regionals standard
30 cals ski erg
20/arm KB snatch (55/35)
30 cals assault bike
*Bottom of KB snatch is the hang position.


1 min sled push @ high effort (light/high turnover)
1 min assault bike @ 90+%
30s sled push @ high effort (light/high turnover)
(Rest 10 min)
1 min sled push @ high effort (light/high turnover)
1 min ski erg @ 90+%
30s sled push @ high effort (light/high turnover)
(Rest 10 min)
1 min sled push @ high effort (light/high turnover)
1 min row @ 90+%
30s sled push @ high effort (light/high turnover)

A. Tall snatch
5×3; Rest 60s
*Keep load moderate and nail positions.
**Keep lats active.

B. Tall clean
5×3; Rest 60s
*Keep load moderate and nails positions.
**Keep lats active.

C. Box jump from standing
5×1; Rest as needed
*No step-in.

D. For time:
3 peg board ascents
24 row calories
16 assault bike calories
8 DB squat snatches (100/70)
*6 min cap.
(Rest 5 min)
20 min @ 50-75%:
5 min jog
5 min assault bike
5 min ski erg
5 min jog


Teams of 2, alternating rounds
20 minute AMRAP:
1 rope climb or 3 rope prone-to-standing
5 burpees
200M run

Teams of 2, Alternating rounds wearing weight vest
20 minute AMRAP:
1 rope climb
5 burpees
200M Run


30s run @ 80%
30s jog @ 50%
45s run @ 80%
45s jog @ 50%
1 min run @ 80%
1 min jog @ 50%
1:15 run @ 80%
1:15 jog @ 50%
-Rest 3-5 min
*Roll on and off paces.
**TrueForm if possible.

A. Back squat
4×1; 40×1 tempo; Rest 2-3 min
*Build as able per set.

B. 10 min AMRAP:
10 toes-to-bar
20 pistols, alternating
30 row calories
40 double-unders w/ Zeus rope

C. For time:
8 power snatches (115/75)
7 overhead squats (115/75)
6 squat snatches (115/75)
3 rope climbs (15’)
3 legless rope climbs (15’)
6 power snatches (115/75)
5 overhead squats (115/75)
4 squat snatches (115/75)
2 rope climbs (15’)
2 legless rope climbs (15’)
4 power snatches (115/75)
3 overhead squats (115/75)
2 squat snatches (115/75)
1 rope climbs (15’)
1 legless rope climb (15’)

D. EMOTM 10:
Mins 1-5: 50’ prowler push (grinder)
Mins 6-10: 50’ reverse sled drag (grinder)


A. Standing Slam ball Shot toss-
2×5/side,10-20lb, Rest as needed

B. Seated Broad jump-
10 jumps, Rest as needed
*use end of bench

C. 20 minute AMRAP
200M Run
10 Russian KB swings, tough
200M Row
20 Burpees
Bike Calories (20/15)
30 Air squats

A. Standing Slam ball Shot toss-
2×5/side,10-20lb, Rest as needed

B. Seated Broad jump-
10 jumps, Rest as needed
*use end of bench

C. 20 minute AMRAP
200M Run
10/side Single arm Russian KB swings (70/53)
200M Row
20 Burpees to 6” target
Bike calories (20/15)
30 Air squats


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