Laura Nitowski


For time w/ weight vest (20/14):
1200m run on Assault Air Runner
12 rounds:
4 strict handstand push-ups
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
12 air squats
DB snatch (80/55)
Ring dips


A. DB Split Squat- 4×6-8/Leg, Rest 90s

B. 3 rounds for time:
1 minute: Wall Balls, tough
1 minute: Russian KB swings, tough
1 minute: Box jumps, tough
1 minute: DB Push press, tough
1 minute: Row calories
1 minute Rest

A. Barbell Split Squat- 4×6-8Leg, Rest 90s

B. 3 rounds for time:
1 minute: Wall Balls (20/14)
1 minute: KB swings (53/35)
1 minute: Box jobs (24/20)
1 minute: Push Press (75/ 55)
1 minute: Row calories
1 minute Rest


20 min @ 75%:
75 cals assault bike
50 box jump overs, step down (20″/16”)
AMRAP assault bike cals in remaining time
15 min:
45s assault bike @ 85%
45s assault bike @ 50%
20 min @ 75%:
75 cals assault bike
50 DB snatches, alternating (30/20)
AMRAP assault bike cals in remaining time


A. EMOTM 8- Tough w/ no misses
Clean Deadlift + Power Clean + Hang Power Clean

B. Power Clean & Jerk-
5×1.1, Tough w/ no misses

C. KB Half Turkish Get-Ups-3×3/side, Rest 45s

A. EMOTM 8- 60% of Max
Clean Deadlift + Power Clean + Hang Power Clean

B. Squat Clean & Jerk-
3×1.1 @ 65%
2×1.1 @ 70%

C. KB Half Turkish Get-Ups-3×3/side, Rest 45s


3 sets:
5 min assault bike @ gradually escalating pace
5 min rowing @ gradually decreasing pace
-Rest 3-5 min

A. 5 min practicing variations on muscle-ups and kipping dips – work on different techniques for different levels of fatigue

B1. Single-arm DB overhead squat, right
3×15; Rest 30s
B2. Single-arm DB waiter’s walk, right
3×100’; Rest 30s
B3. Single-arm DB overhead squat, left
3×15; Rest 30s
B4. Single-arm DB waiter’s walk, left
3×100’; Rest 90s

C. For time:
10 burpee box jump overs (30″/24”) – use hands on box
8 D-ball over shoulder (150/100)
5 burpee box jump overs (30″/24”)
4 D-ball over shoulder
*Move box every 5 reps, move D-ball every 2.

D1. Kneeling banded hip extensions
3x45s AMRAP; Rest 30s
D2. KB or DB deadlifts
3×10; Tough; Rest 30s
D3. Kneeling banded hip extensions
3x45s AMRAP; Rest 2 min


A. DB press-
4×6-8, Rest 60-90s

B. 5 sets @ 85-90%-
200M Run
Rest 3:00 Minutes

C. DB overhead Kneeling to Stand- 3×12-16, Rest 45s
*alternate leading step leg each rep.

A. Press-
4×5 @ 75%, Rest 90s

B. 5 sets @ 85-90%-
200M Run
Rest 3:00 Minutes

C. DB overhead Kneeling to Stand- 3×12-16, Rest 45s
*alternate leading step leg each rep.


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