Laura Nitowski


5 sets:
400m row @ 75%
200m row @ 85%
400m row @ 50%
-Rest 2 min
*Roll on and off between paces.

A. E10s for 5 min:
1 depth drop from 30″/24”
**Stick landing as if you were going to jump again, then step back onto box.

B. E20s for 5 min:
1 step-in box jump (tough)

C. Deadlift
3×8; Across; Rest 2 min
*Reset each rep. Tough, but keep good positions.

D. EMOTM 12:
2 back squats @ 65%
*Move fast.

E. 4 rounds:
10 glute-ham raises @ 31×0 tempo
-Rest 30s
10 body saws on rings
-Rest 30s
1 min wall sit w/ KBs in front rack
-Rest 2 min


20 minute AMRAP
8 Push ups
8 Jump assisted pull ups
8 KB swings, tough

20 Minute AMRAP
2 MU
8 KB swings (70/53)


A. DB Split squat –
4×6-8, 20X1, Rest 60-90s
*Build if needed

B. 5 rounds for time:
10 Box jumps, Tough
200M run

A. Barbell Split squat –
4×6-8, 20X1, Rest 60-90s
*Build if needed.

B. 5 rounds for time:
10 Box jumps (36/30)
200M run


4 sets:
10s assault bike @ 90+%
1:50 assault bike @ 50%
*Increase pace per round on assault bike.
(Rest 5 min)
4 sets:
12s assault bike @ 90+%
1:48 assault bike @ 50%
*Increase pace per round on assault bike.
(Rest 5 min)
4 sets:
14s assault bike @ 90+%
1:46 assault bike @ 50%
*Increase pace per round on assault bike.

A. Split jerk
5×3; Rest 90s
*Reset each rep. No heavier than 80%.

B1. Pendlay rows
3×5; 40×0 tempo; Rest 60s
B2. Close-grip bench press
3×5; 40×0 tempo; Rest 60s

C1. Strict weighted ring dips – lockout into external rotation up top
3×6; 20×0 tempo; Rest 15s
C2. DB bench press
3×12; 20×0 tempo; Rest 15s
C3. Banded tricep push-downs
3×25; 1010 tempo; Rest 2-3 min

D1. Double DB bent over rows
3×6; 20×0 tempo; Rest 15s
D2. DB upright rows
3×12; 20×0 tempo; Rest 15s
D3. Banded face pulls
3×25; 1010 tempo; Rest 2-3 min

E. E20s for 10 min:
1 power clean (moderately tough – no misses)


100′ single-arm DB overhead walking lunges (80/55)
100 double-unders
50 wall balls (30 to 10’/20 to 9′)
10 rope climbs on short rope
50 wall balls (30 to 10’/20 to 9′)
100 double-unders
100′ single-arm DB overhead walking lunges (80/55)
60′ handstand walk
10 toes-to-bar
10 KB deadlifts (150/hand – 106/hand)
60′ handstand walk
12 toes-to-bar
12 KB deadlifts (150/hand – 106/hand)
60′ handstand walk
14 toes-to-bar
14 KB deadlifts (150/hand – 106/hand)
60′ handstand walk
16 toes-to-bar
16 KB deadlifts (150/hand – 106/hand)


Teams of 2:
50 Wallballs, tough
50 Assault bike calories
50 Russian KB swings
50 Box Jumps, tough
40 Burpees
50 Box Jumps, tough
50 Russian KB swings, tough
50 Assault bike calories
50 Wallballs, tough

Teams of 2:
80 Wallballs (20/14)
70 Assault bike calories
60 Deadlifts (185/135)
50 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
40 Burpees
50 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
60 Deadlifts (185/135)
70 Assault bike calories
80 Wallballs (20/14)

Cash out
3 sets:
60s Hollow hold w/ Alt leg extensions
60s Side plank (30s/side)


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