Laura Nitowski


20 min @ 70%:
500m row w/damper @ 1
15 wall balls (14 to 10’/10 to 9’)
10 increments of 50’ shuttle run
15 wall balls (14 to 10’/10 to 9’)
30 min:
2 min assault bike @ 85%
1 min assault bike @ 50%
20 min @ 70%:
500m row w/damper @ 1
15 Russian KB swings (35/26)
10 increments of 50’ shuttle run
15 Russian KB swings (35/26)


A. KB bottoms up TGU-
4×3/side, Rest 60s

B. 3 sets:
Every 90s-
1st- 8-10 Band assisted pull ups
2nd- 3 Clean & Jerk (Tough)
3rd- 15.15.15 Single unders or 45s DU work
4th- 30s handstand hold

A. KB bottoms up TGU-
4×3/side, Rest 60s

B. 3 sets:
Every 90s-
1st- 8-12 Ring pull ups
2nd- 2-4 Clean & Jerk (Build each round)
3rd- 15.15.15 Double unders
4th- 30s Freestanding handstand hold


3 sets:
300m row @ 80%
200m row @ 50%
300m row @ 85%
200m row @ 50%
300m row @ 85%
200m row @ 75%
-Rest 3-4 min
*Roll on and off between paces.

A. E20s for 5 min:
1 step-in box jump (tough)
E20s for 5 min:
1 depth drop from 36″/30”
E20s for 5 min:
1 depth jump from 30″/24″

B. Deadlift
3×5; Across; Rest 2 min
*Reset each rep. Tough. Don’t lose position.

2 back squats @ 75%
*Move fast.

D. 4 rounds:
6-8 banded glute-ham raises @ 30×0 tempo
-Rest 15s
30-60s double KB front rack wall sit at parallel
-Rest 15s
6-8 banded glute-ham raises @ 30×0 tempo
-Rest 15s
30-60s body saw on rings
-Rest 2 min


A. Push press-
4×3-5, 20×0 tempo, build each set, Rest 2 minutes

B. 22 Minute AMRAP:
Teams of 2, alternating rounds:
5 Ball slams, tough
10 Burpees
15 Wall balls, tough
200M Run

A. Push press-
4×3-5, 20×0 tempo, build each set, Rest 2 minutes

B. 22 Minute AMRAP:
Teams of 2, alternating rounds:
5 Toes-to-bar
10 Burpees
15 Wall balls (20/14)
200M Run


3 sets:
10s assault bike @ 90+%
2:20 assault bike @ 50%
12s assault bike @ 90+%
2:18 assault bike @ 50%
14s assault bike @ 90+%
2:16 assault bike @ 50%
-Rest 3-5 min

A. Split jerk
2,1,2,1,2,1; Waveload; Rest 90s
*Top single not maximal.

B1. Pendlay rows
3,2,1; 40×0 tempo; Rest 60s
B2. Close-grip bench press
3,2,1; 40×0 tempo; Rest 60s
*Top single not maximal.

C1. Strict weighted ring dips – external rotation on lock out
3×4; 20×0 tempo; Rest 15s
C2. Support on rings in external rotation
3xAMSAP (-5); Rest 30s
C3. FLR on rings in external rotation
3×30-60s; Rest 2-3 min

D1. Ring rows w/ weight vest and feet elevated
3×6-8; 40×0 tempo; Rest 15s
D2. Renegade rows, no push-up
3×10/arm; 20×0 tempo; Rest 15s
D3. Banded bicep curls
3x60s; 2020 tempo; Rest 2-3 min

E. 3 sets:
500m row @ 80%
5 squat cleans (tough)
-Rest 2-3 min
*Reset each rep on squat clean.


A. DB Split squat –
4×6-8/side, 20X1 tempo, Rest 60-90s
*increase in weight

B. 3 rounds:
7 Ring rows, tough
14 HR Push-Ups
21 Russian Kettlebell Swings, tough

A. Split squat –
4×2-4/side, 20X1 tempo, Rest 60-90s
*increase in weight

B. 3 rounds:
7 Strict Pull-Ups
14 HR Push-Ups
21 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)


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